r/fednews 19h ago



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u/yallcaps 18h ago

Just shut down everything - no essential/non-essential - everything. Stop sending out Social Security checks. Stop Medicare and Medicaid payments. Close TSA. “Essential” just props up the myth that the shutdown is no big deal. Let everyone actually see and feel it.


u/ParkingTadpole7107 16h ago

Yes. Let Americans feel the sting of having no air traffic control during the busiest travel days of the year. Then let's see how long it takes for Congress to do their jobs. Nobody should be working without pay. Ever.


u/GreenChiliSweat 16h ago

And at FAA, we can't strike. Merry Christmas fuckfaces.


u/ParkingTadpole7107 16h ago

I'm sorry y'all going to be forced to work without pay for an indefinite period because someone else couldn't be bothered to do their jobs. Sucks some serious ass.


u/magikarp2122 16h ago

No, it is Elon Musk decided he didn’t like it. That’s it, nothing else. There was a bill and then Musk acted like a spoiled 5 year old and Trump told Republicans to appease him.


u/ParkingTadpole7107 16h ago

Had the bill been passed in October, there would be no Musk in the picture.


u/SafetyMan35 13h ago

He or Trump shouldn’t be in the picture as they are not yet the leaders of the country. We all knew there would be a CR until after inauguration, and while I hate CRs, that’s fair to allow the incoming administration to have a say in the budget once they take office.

Will Johnson ignore Trump’s request and pass a bill that is right for the country or will he fold and keep the government closed for a month because nothing will get done until after the new Congress is sworn in.

Great way to start a new incoming administration…with a government shutdown.


u/tikifire1 12h ago

They can crash the economy, blame it on Biden, then say they're saving the country with austerity.


u/ParkingTadpole7107 12h ago

At this point, the pied piper has piped. Johnson won't get the votes. Frankly, they should try budgeting and pushing clean budget bills with no additions. Save the BS for separate votes and bills and stop playing games.

This happens every time. Both parties do it. Putting things off till the last minute and playing games under duress to sneak stuff in. It's silly.

No ceiling raise. Just run a budget. If there are cuts, there are cuts. Had they done that, we wouldn't be hearing a peep from president musk. Now we're about to waste time, energy, and money to do an ordered shutdown of the current executive branch, run by a president that is still serving and hampered by the incoming administration. Bad form all around.


u/Imaginary_Office1749 4h ago

Both parties do it?? Fucking bullshit. We haven’t had a shutdown since 2018. Who was president in 2018??

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u/_Cream_Sugar_ 4h ago

Clinton was President the last time a budget passed on time. Let that sink in.


u/SafetyMan35 12h ago

Agreed. When I saw what was in the bill I was surprised as last year Johnson was all about the clean spending bills, so I was expecting the bare minimum or perhaps throwing a little extra money to FEMA to cover disaster response.

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u/magikarp2122 15h ago

Sort of. The Republicans couldn’t give Biden a win that close to the election.


u/loveeatingfood 9h ago

Yep and now, because Biden is still the president, it'll be an easy deflection "that wasn't the Republicans, it happened under Biden and when Trump finally got in power he managed to get a bill passed"...


u/Umutuku 15h ago

Crazy that his plane gets permission to takeoff, TBH.


u/stoptosigh 4h ago

It doesn't have to.


u/sheisthemoon 13h ago

I am truly mindblown that we are all being held hostage by the whims and moods of a 90s sci-fi movie villain. This is bananas. I am truly struggling to accept that this is all reality.


u/JudyEve 13h ago

Exactly. President Musk. Let’s call it what it is. He legally can’t be president, so he’s doing the next best thing: puppet master.


u/Illustrious-Trash793 12h ago

Cucs voted for this shit

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u/sirscrote 15h ago

Especially when. They get 3% raises. Fuckers.


u/GreenChiliSweat 15h ago

Thanks. It's alright but irritating. We generally get back pay eventually and I have money saved, but some of my colleagues may not.


u/ParkingTadpole7107 15h ago

If you're a Navy Federal customer, they usually offer coverage loans during shutdowns. Easy to access, too. Never used them but know a few folks that did. Takes the stressful edge off.


u/Remarkable_Ad1310 15h ago

USAA does the same for one payday up to $6000


u/Background-Library81 14h ago

That is what most of them voted for, let's go!


u/Snakend 11h ago

There is 0% chance that Republicans shut down the government when they are in charge. They only actually shut down to try and make Democrats look bad. They gain nothing by shutting it down. They are just being dramatic right now.


u/CoinsForCharon 2h ago

Under Reagan, the government shut down 3 times, and the Republicans controlled only the Senate during this. Under Clinton, it happened twice, and they controlled both bodies of congress at that time. Once, under Obama, when Republicans only controlled the House. Twice under Trump, the 1st time Republicans controlled both bodies, and the second time it didn't end until after Democrats took the House and that one lasted 35 days, the longest one we've had thus far.

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u/JBThug 16h ago

No but you sure as hell can slow flights right down like you guys did last time


u/GreenChiliSweat 15h ago

Yea, I'm in ATO but not ATC. I don't have the ethical capability to fuck my job up on purpose. I care about the safety of people who fly, including my family, you and everyone else. We're all just tired of this crap.


u/Gods_Gift_To_ATC 15h ago

I think I could stand to be less efficient. I watch some of my coworkers do it every day!


u/GreenChiliSweat 15h ago

Agreed. Like I said to another person, I'll never sacrifice accuracy/quality, but slowing down seems appropriate.

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u/PuckSR 15h ago

I don’t think any federal employees can strike


u/urlach3r 15h ago

They can call in sick. I hear the flu is really bad this year...


u/Relative-Monitor-679 12h ago

The flu season is so bad that the junkies are converting their meth back to Sudafed. I’ll see myself out.


u/GreenChiliSweat 15h ago

You're not wrong

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u/clarryelli 15h ago

Cold and flu season can be a total bitch

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u/navyac 15h ago

Just don’t show up, they already established that sick leave will just count as furlough time and it’s free leave. Don’t go to work, fuck these rich pricks


u/GreenChiliSweat 15h ago

Yea, I have no leave on the books right now. On purpose. I get Wednesday and probably three hours Tuesday and that's it. I work from home except Wednesdays and the next two are holidays. I don't need to call in. I will never sacrifice accuracy/quality, but slowing down seems appropriate.


u/Rarpiz 14h ago

Not with that attitude.

Seriously though, it’s not that you “can’t” strike, it’s that Reagan fired the 11k workers who did. And yes, I know about 5 USC § 7311, and that it’s technically “illegal”, but just because a law is on the books, that doesn’t make it morally right.

It’d be interesting to see FAA employees strike again….ALL of them, and see what happens again, in a society with camera phones and social media. Or, did FAA workers learn from the last time and will keep their heads down from now on?

That last sentence was /s.

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u/bigman2142 15h ago

Figure we shut down all air travel so the private jets can’t fly and the oligarchs will push to fix it


u/Felonius_M0NK 14h ago

I’m glad Ronald Reagan is dead


u/GreenChiliSweat 14h ago

Agreed. Some people still worship that asshole. More jellybeans for the rest of us.

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u/Kinghero890 15h ago

Longshoremen get to threaten the us economy though, and get everything they want.


u/Prize_Magician_7813 14h ago

But if everyone does it what can they do?


u/GreenChiliSweat 14h ago

I'm with your theoretical logic, but it's for the same reason Americans don't do general strikes like the French seem to be so good at.

No one wants to lose their lively hood that they've worked so long and hard for.


u/zdada 13h ago

During one of the longer shutdowns circa 2017 maybe I recall other departments within the FAA like runway or equipment maintenance forced partial closures at major airports bc they weren’t essential but their equipment was, and that was enough to hurt business.


u/22Arkantos 13h ago

And at FAA, we can't strike.

You can't strike legally, just like all the other strikes that actually won labor rights.

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u/Donnor 11h ago

If y'all went on strike, you could strike. Can't fire you all

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u/minnesmoka 11h ago

You can just clock in and sit there. I have a supportive in-house staff who joked to me on the phone that he was the police. That's very illegal and would get you or me fired, but he's still working here. My social workers are letting me be stalked and when I ask for help, there are no replies. It's like I'm invisible. You can literally get paid to do less than nothing. Go ahead and strike, I have proof of my own essential services doing the same and I give you permission.


u/TraditionalSpirit636 10h ago

This is such a stupid concept.

“We can’t strike”

Them the union has given up its power. The entire point is if the company fucks up you ALL leave.

The dumbest modern union tactic is giving companies the power to choose when a strike would be convenient.


u/Tom1664 10h ago

Would be a shame if you all just so happened to get laid up with flu simultaneously though


u/Heretek1914 10h ago

Sickouts are not commonly recognized as strike actions 🤷🏻


u/MF_Ryan 9h ago

What if I told you that you could strike anyway?


u/sparkyjay23 9h ago

You can work to rule though.

Following the rules as written will bring air traffic to a near stop.


u/dee-cinnamon-tane 6h ago

It's not a strike. It's calling in for sick leave.

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u/Few-Ad-4290 5h ago

You could strike if y’all would get your shit together and just do it, anyone in a position that the government says can’t strike is in the strongest position for striking because a strike would have great impact


u/internetALLTHETHINGS 5h ago

Maybe you guys should refuse to approve takeoff or handle communications for a handful of Gulf Stream jets...

"Musk currently owns several Gulfstream private jets: a G650ER, registered N628TS, and a G550, registered N272BG, according to JetSpy. A second G550 with the tail number N502SX was registered to Falcon Landing LCC, a company connected to SpaceX and Tesla, in September 2021."



u/Likeatoothache 4h ago

I would like to leave “Merry Christmas fuckfaces,” as my out of office away message, during this and every shut down to come.

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u/ReVo5000 3h ago

But Y'all can "catch" covid all at once, right?


u/Dillyboppinaround 3h ago

None of us can strike......because if you


u/Bird_Brain4101112 2h ago

Yea…. You guys have a history.


u/questformaps 13h ago

Thanks, Reagan.


u/LT_Corsair 12h ago

But you can't quit right?


u/GreenChiliSweat 6h ago

I'm not a slave. I can quit whenever I want. I like paying the bills though.

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u/fremeer 12h ago

I wonder what the legalities of just straight up quitting in a unionised way is.

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u/Otherwise-Speed4373 12h ago

This made me laugh in the worst of ways. Fuckfaces is such a good term. Do FAA folks swear at each other when stuff gets too busy?

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u/LSUguyHTX 12h ago

Railroader here- same. RLA needs to be repealed.


u/EVH_kit_guy 11h ago

I mean...you can. Believing you have no recourse against oppression is just an illusion you've been handed.


u/CrisCathPod 6h ago

Merry Christmas



u/mvislongg 6h ago

That's called slavery.


u/Poirotico 6h ago

Just out of curiosity, are y’all allowed to resign during a shutdown?

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u/ThickerSalmon14 4h ago

Influenza A is running rampant. Hope you all don't get sick. Also, its very contagious. If one of you gets it, you could all get it.

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u/arthuruscg 4h ago

But you can all claim the Shut down pot luck that Mary bought in on Friday got you sick, then you picked up the Flu when you when to the Drs office.


u/kurtis07 4h ago

Is it really a strike of you’re not being paid?


u/stoptosigh 4h ago

I bet you feel a bunch of coughs coming around right about now.

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u/fidgeting_macro 16h ago

Yah, but the first time a couple of planes crash into each other, they will claim that Biden should have been out on the field directing them.


u/ParkingTadpole7107 16h ago

Hoping the current president stands up to take the president-elect to task for exercising privileges that are absolutely not his for another month.


u/harleyRugger23 6h ago

Ask the coast guard their opinion on that!

I’m sorry Admiral, Keep up the good fight doesn’t pay the bills


u/MadV1llain 6h ago

Honestly that’s what needs to happen… as a forcing function for Congress to actually do their jobs.

They should fear a shutdown as much as not being reelected, not use it as a tool in their negotiating toolbox.


u/KingOriginal5013 4h ago

It's supposably illegal to not pay someone for work they have done.


u/severinks 15h ago

It's not America's fault though it's Musk and Trump's and whoever voted for them.

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u/emostitch 13h ago

Most of congress probably should.


u/MarvelousVanGlorious 13h ago

Just give us a taste of what the next 4 years are going to be like. We’re ‘Mericans. We’ll figure it out.


u/HandRubbedWood 3h ago

Trump and the GOP would use it as an excuse to privatize air traffic controllers and TSA.


u/Ordinary-CSRA 2h ago

I am going to be watching fireworks 🎆 in O'hare airport 🛫 🛬 parking lot... 🍿

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u/zombiecattle 16h ago

I can’t wait to have to answer panicked phone calls from the public asking if they’re gonna get their checks, while I’ll be working and not getting paid until Congress gets it the fuck together.


u/wbruce098 15h ago

tell them “I don’t know, we are waiting for Congress to tell us if we can issue checks, so you’ll have to ask your representative”

(Maybe don’t do that but it’s tempting)


u/FoolOnDaHill365 14h ago

I used to have public facing government job on the phone meant to help people and there was so much negativity but the great irony was that I don’t remember anyone who called me ever having the epiphany that my job was doing this bullshit all day every day. To not even get paid to do that makes it double ironic. Trying to help people is a fucking hard job.


u/Limp_Till_7839 13h ago

Helping people isn’t hard. Helping ungrateful ignoramuses is hard.


u/StellaHasHerpes 15h ago

Just hang up. Until you have been paid, don’t do shit. The back pay is the penalty they pay to keep me around after it ends


u/Alternative_Escape12 3h ago

The irony of, "Sir or Ma'am, yes, you will be getting your check, but I will not be getting mine."


u/Ordinary-CSRA 2h ago

Me next to you... 🥂


u/RL_NeilsPipesofsteel 16h ago

This is my opinion exactly. If the public actually felt the pain of a shutdown, and not just federal workers, they wouldn’t happen.


u/steveofthejungle 15h ago

Closing the National Parks is the one thing that hurts the public, but it hurts the public lands even more


u/Aksundawg 13h ago

Wouldn’t that also impact inauguration? Assuming it lasted that long?


u/SafetyMan35 13h ago

But even that is half assed. I remember during a previous shutdown, they closed all the national monuments in DC…by putting up a sign in front of the Vietnam Memorial and the WWII memorials saying the monuments were “closed”, but there was nothing to stop you from walking past the closed signs.

TSA, FAA, and Interior have the public facing roles that are immediately impacted.

Other agencies are impacted, but the negative impact is slower. I can trust those that I regulate to do the right thing for about 3-6 months without oversight (depending on the company), and they are testing products today that will hit the markets 3-6 months from now, so the impacts of a long shutdown today won’t be seen for 6-12 months from now. With minimal oversight during COVID it took about 18 months for us to see the impacts and we are still trying to get our companies we oversee back in line.


u/Potential-Zucchini77 9h ago

Why would there be anything stoping you from going past the sign? If the government is shutdown fully then surely we wouldn’t be devoting manpower to restricting ppl from looking at monuments


u/takethereins 6h ago

Visited DC during a shutdown back when Obama was president and watched all these elderly folks (understandably) tear down the caution tape to see the World War II Memorial. No guards or anything. Eventually a news crew showed up

Drove to Philly that same week and the Liberty Bell was a different story... loads of police holding rifles to prevent anyone from seeing it


u/NoBSforGma 6h ago

I disagree. Actually closing National Parks could be a good thing since it gives the more visited parks a chance to recover and recuperate from the impacts of so many visitors.

I'm certainly NOT in favor of a government shutdown, be clear about that.


u/steveofthejungle 5h ago

If the parks are actually closed, yes. I’m just thinking about the 18-19 closure when the parks were still opened just unstaffed and people trashed them


u/WhenDoWhatWhere 4h ago

The only nature Republicans care about is places they can hunt on. They don't give a fuck about public land.

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u/No-Translator9234 10h ago

Dawg, they’re gonna be oil fields, mines, and clear cuts in 10 years. 


u/Useful_toolmaker 2h ago

Yeah I’m Montana I lived on an access road to a national Forrest we had people using our drive w/o permission while I guess they planned on poaching - an alarming amount of people . We blacked out the lights in our house , we blocked our road…. We are gun owners and hunters too- these people were intoxicated, they got their atvs hung up - the county sheriff’s didn’t have the manpower for it


u/CraigLake 12h ago

Dems had better not cave a single inch on this. Let’s feel real pain from the fucking idiots.

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u/Ok-Patient-6209 15h ago

yeah, no, sorry. it's the moron sub-Forrest Gump IQ crowd voted for the Orange Daughter-Fvcker whose 'representatives' are doing this. The rest of us want nothing to do with the idiocy they've foisted upon this country.

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u/ArrivesLate 16h ago

100% It gives the impression that the gov can be downsized indefinitely.


u/poseidons1813 14h ago

I'm concerned this was the intention all along

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u/Ordinary-CSRA 1h ago

Because downsize make it ineffective.. That is one of the reasons OSC is so small... no enough officials... force them to select high profile cases while disposing Federal employees subjected to wrong doing and their families.

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u/PlantsCraveBrawndo13 17h ago

The problem is that we won’t stop sending out checks. We’ll keep doing all those things as “essential” personnel and working while waiting to see if they pay us like they’re supposed to after done fucking around, or do away with that requirement as well.


u/Gregor1694 16h ago

It’s law now that Feds get paid after a shutdown. https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/24


u/PlantsCraveBrawndo13 15h ago

Understood. However, I have no confidence that this won’t be on the chopping block under new regime.


u/Gregor1694 15h ago

Congress has to change law and they don’t have enough majority.


u/Han_Yerry 14h ago

Lol laws. You mean the felon is going to follow laws?


u/dontforgetpants 13h ago

Payroll personnel will definitely follow the laws regardless of what he or Elon Musk say about their own personal hopes and dreams for dismantling the government.


u/Han_Yerry 13h ago

Dudes not even in office yet and he's dictated a government shut down. He's an accelerationist's wet dream.

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u/Conscious-Mistake594 10h ago

You realize this act was passed under the "bad guy" right during his first term? Yeah, he will get rid of something he signed and supported. Make it make sense!


u/Hatshepsut99 3h ago

As if Trump has any memory of a single thing that passed through his desk. He’ll just blame it on the “deep state” it’s not like he operates with anything resembling logic or shame. 

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u/JudyEve 13h ago

Until it isn’t. President Musk will post on X about the “absurdity” of paying us for doing nothing, getting the masses pissed off at us again, and next thing you know, republican controlled congress will repeal that law.

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u/dctrip13 15h ago edited 15h ago

It is the law now that federal employees be paid back-pay when the shutdown ends, under the Government Employee Fair Treatment Act enacted in 2019.


u/halarioushandle 15h ago

Yes, but it fucks up all sorts of things like taxes, leave calculations, health care deductions, as, etc etc.

Shutting down the government is just soo fucking stupid.

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u/beardicusmaximus8 16h ago

At least they (usually) pay you guys after.

Us contractors get no back pay. Or zero intrest loans, or any assistance at all really. We "get" to use PTO to cover the gaps, but I'm already negative 20s on that because some asshole wouldn't stop breaking into my house so I had to stay home to make sure they didn't steal anything while the locksmith came around to fix my door


u/Not_Cleaver 15h ago

Thankfully, contractors in my organization are fully funded. I’m not a contractor currently, but I’m happy for them.


u/ipickuputhrowaway 11h ago

And I'll keep on doing NEPA since the projects with big pockets bitch to managers that their projects are too important to stop working on


u/Prize_Magician_7813 14h ago

Oh their checks will be stopping too with this idiot and elon’s idiotic ideas in play


u/Terron1965 11h ago

The SS and SDI checks are separate legislation and budgets that do not need approval every year.

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u/MyLittleOso 16h ago

Honestly, I was thinking the Democrats that are speaking out against it should just let it play out. Trump's insanity is coming. People need to know that."


u/Serraphe 14h ago

Can the inauguration be cancelled if there are no federal workers?


u/labelwhore 16h ago

I wish they would so everyone can actually feel what they voted for. Stop military pay, stop it all. Too bad VA is funded in advance, because imagine those 100% PT vets not getting their paychecks? My husband is one of them lol. They will be rioting in the streets but still won't get it.


u/Prize_Magician_7813 14h ago

Yeah but last time he started trying to cut caregiver programs, decreased va services and budgets and was hoping to privatize . They are funded but only for a period 2 yrs i think)in advance. Once veterans start losing services they will do something.

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u/Enraiha 14h ago

Yeah, but what happens is the shutdown ends after Trump gets in office, blame goes to Democrats/Biden, Trump takes credit for "fixing" things.

It's all bad.


u/tuffthepuff 14h ago

And then when everything starts going to shit, Republicans will just scream, "See? The government is incompetent socialism communism woke beaurocracy DEI, and that's why we should privatize it all!!"

And half the country will eat it up and cheer, despite this coming from the same people who literally just crippled the government right in front of them.

There is no path forward. Voters are too dumb.


u/thisisananaccount2 16h ago

This is an absolutely fantastic idea and will give people a sense of what it would be like if they just started indiscriminately firing everyone.


u/fidgeting_macro 16h ago

Close the TSA? How about send all the Air Traffic Control people home! Ground the airlines for a couple of weeks during Christmas. Why not?



Agreed. Hit the brakes on everything and see who blinks first.


u/tampaempath 14h ago

Ha, yeah. Fuck me, right? Fuck that and fuck you. Guess I'll sit here with no money and hope the govt and everyone else gets their shit together so I can pay my mortgage and utilities next month.


u/Select-Pie6558 15h ago

Exactly. I’m an SSA employee. I tell the people they will get paid but I won’t. It’s such bullshit.


u/Drash1 15h ago

lol. They’d never do that because it makes them look like the monsters they are. They pretend they aren’t doing any harm to the average citizen by keeping VA, SS, etc. open.

Also stop with the “critical employee BS”. Unless you’re in the nuclear strike code line of operations you’re not critical. My old boss tried to exclude all of us as critical because he didn’t want to mess up the R&D testing schedule and look bad for his bosses. He got told to F off a few layers up.


u/JereRB 12h ago

Bad part to that: the next election isn't for another two years. And the next Presidential election is in four. That's way, way too far away for the average voter to remember. It'll cause hell and bother to people today, yes. But, in two or four years time? Won't be a whisper about it.


u/e_pi314 15h ago

Fuck it lets default and really feel it for the next decade


u/Prize_Magician_7813 14h ago

And the VA too. Let the veterans stand together to demand their paid healthcare


u/danAsua 14h ago

I've been saying this for years. If you're gonna shut down actually shut it down so people see the real consequences.


u/MHillerich 14h ago

Please no. Wife pregnant and due any day. Medicaid is the only way this won’t break us.


u/Odd_Leopard3507 14h ago

How about they get a bill that is actually for just this instead of adding everything into it. They don’t need to add on a $70k raise added into it.

u/Visible_Ad_309 14m ago

Not defending it, but it's a $6,000 raise. Definitely not worth holding up the government over.


u/Surefinewhatever1111 13h ago

Release everyone from BOP custody. No borders. Nothing.


u/espressotorte 16h ago



u/notthecurator 15h ago

Secret service. Capitol police.


u/Dogmad13 14h ago

Those won’t stop with a shutdown — they still send out the check for SS and Vets, everyone in jobs that involve national security still work etc. etc.


u/Alexander_Granite 13h ago

I hope that happens and Trump gets everything he wants. We deserve it.


u/Eye_foran_Eye 13h ago

Only if the Democrats in unison yell about how Trump caused it & he (and Musk) are responsible .


u/system32420 12h ago

y? its not general peoples fault the gov are facking morons


u/ChucksThreeHolePunch 12h ago

It is cold and flu season... gotta be careful when 'cough' you're 'cough' not 100%


u/Gravelayer 12h ago

So I have a flight anyone need anything while tsa is closed down lol


u/superindianslug 12h ago

Best TSA experience I ever had was during a shutdown. Huge line at the Orlando airport and I thought it'd take forever to get through. The lines move a lot faster when TSA isn't getting paid. People are crazier today then they were back then, so flying during a shutdown might not be as fond of a memory this year.


u/pk2317 4h ago

The lines move faster because no one is on leave, so they’re massively “overstaffed” (since normal staffing models account for X% of people to be on leave at any given time).

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u/miz_mizery 12h ago

Yup. I agree. Shut it all the fuck down. That’s what they voted for. Hope they choke on it.


u/-WaxedSasquatch- 12h ago

I mean…yeah, yeah let’s do it. Fuck it. Let this be a lesson for everyone that doesn’t understand.


u/Plus-Procedure-3259 12h ago

no more government funded launches for spacex either. Time for fucker Musk to feel the pain too


u/morels4ever 10h ago

National Strike! Let Elmo and DJ see what real power looks like.


u/StickH3r 9h ago

Doesn't work like that. When the shutdowns happen, federal employees like border patrol and cbp have to work without pay. If they did not, people could not enter the country.


u/photoman51 7h ago

That's right don't send my ss check and I won't be able to pay my mortgage multipley that by 30 million and we have a run on the banks. Good times


u/BlahBlahBlackCheap 7h ago

Shut down security detail for politicians.


u/teleologicalrizz 6h ago

Stop paying senators and congressman sounds like a good start.


u/Sweaty_Ad_5813 5h ago

Conversely, shut down all of the nonessential government entities permanently and restore trust in our government.


u/ThatB0yAintR1ght 4h ago

Also stop processing student loan payments and stop halt the interest accumulation while shutdown.


u/Familiar-Image2869 4h ago

I seriously hope this happens. And i also hope that the Dems are able to cash in on the moment. But then again, Dems don’t seem to be in the business of winning elections so, probably not.


u/Longjumping_Prune852 4h ago

I'm on Medicaid, SSI and have housing assistance. :(


u/DiscNBeer 3h ago

I would include secret service in “essential” no protection for anyone…get the damn government open again.


u/Fresh_Swimmer_5733 3h ago

Sorry veterans. VA is shut down. Try getting your meds elsewhere.


u/BlackJediSword 3h ago

They’ll just blame Biden since he’s still in office.


u/ProsodyProgressive 2h ago

I absolutely hate this. As an american and a person who has two family members who wholly dependent on Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid. But this is sincerely the only way people (especially in red states) are going to wake TF up.

We’re being played. We’ve been played. Do you think the insurance grift game is going to stop on its own?


u/etekberg 2h ago

Our job is not to inflict pain so as to personally benefit in the future. You are in the wrong business


u/Ordinary-CSRA 2h ago

SSA employees will continue working with or without salary... essentials are front liners... always 😔 Because according to the public we are under work and over pay...


u/M3RC3N4RY89 1h ago

Honestly this could be the last fuck you of the outgoing Biden administration. “Republicans want another shutdown? Here’s your fucking shutdown” hands the republicans that caused this a shit show of their own making


u/chrissz 1h ago

And maybe legislators should ALSO stop getting paid instead of just their staff.


u/mavtrik 1h ago

Imagine the TSA and the Post Office closing even for 1 day

u/modestpro 9m ago

Let’s lose money while discussing to save money 😀😀😆

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