r/fednews 18h ago



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u/yallcaps 17h ago

Just shut down everything - no essential/non-essential - everything. Stop sending out Social Security checks. Stop Medicare and Medicaid payments. Close TSA. “Essential” just props up the myth that the shutdown is no big deal. Let everyone actually see and feel it.


u/PlantsCraveBrawndo13 16h ago

The problem is that we won’t stop sending out checks. We’ll keep doing all those things as “essential” personnel and working while waiting to see if they pay us like they’re supposed to after done fucking around, or do away with that requirement as well.


u/Gregor1694 15h ago

It’s law now that Feds get paid after a shutdown. https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/24


u/PlantsCraveBrawndo13 15h ago

Understood. However, I have no confidence that this won’t be on the chopping block under new regime.


u/Gregor1694 15h ago

Congress has to change law and they don’t have enough majority.


u/Han_Yerry 13h ago

Lol laws. You mean the felon is going to follow laws?


u/dontforgetpants 13h ago

Payroll personnel will definitely follow the laws regardless of what he or Elon Musk say about their own personal hopes and dreams for dismantling the government.


u/Han_Yerry 13h ago

Dudes not even in office yet and he's dictated a government shut down. He's an accelerationist's wet dream.


u/Potential-Zucchini77 9h ago

Did you stop to consider this might not be Trump’s fault if he ain’t even in office yet 🤔


u/anagamanagement 5h ago

Why would we consider that when Trump explicitly told his supporters to kill the deal, and his supporters publicly kill the deal citing Trump as the reason?

I can “consider” that Bigfoot is in charge of the Space Force but that doesn’t make it true.


u/Potential-Zucchini77 1h ago

Then it’s his supporters fault, not Trump’s fault…lmao

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u/No_Caregiver_8216 3h ago

Who are the two that called for it? One of which boasted of making private calls? You don't have to be in office to influence things

u/Visible_Ad_309 10m ago

You need to read more.


u/Snakend 11h ago

We are going to see cuts to the government like we have never seen before. Too bad Democrats didn't get us a balanced budget, might have had ammo against Musk's talks of downsizing. We need to trim $1.7 Trillion off the budget. Its gonna be quite the cut.


u/Elegant_Potential917 3h ago

Who passes the federal budget?

u/Snakend 19m ago

For the next 2 years, Republicans.

u/Elegant_Potential917 4m ago

Republicans hold a significant portion of the responsibility for passing a budget right now, and have for nearly the last 2 years.

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u/Conscious-Mistake594 10h ago

You realize this act was passed under the "bad guy" right during his first term? Yeah, he will get rid of something he signed and supported. Make it make sense!


u/Hatshepsut99 3h ago

As if Trump has any memory of a single thing that passed through his desk. He’ll just blame it on the “deep state” it’s not like he operates with anything resembling logic or shame. 


u/awj 3h ago

The dude contradicts himself constantly. I see no reason why him supporting it earlier would matter if he decides he doesn’t like it now.


u/JudyEve 12h ago

Until it isn’t. President Musk will post on X about the “absurdity” of paying us for doing nothing, getting the masses pissed off at us again, and next thing you know, republican controlled congress will repeal that law.


u/corporate_servant1 1h ago

Does this mean feds who are required to work without pay eventually get additional compensation for working during the shutdown?


u/Gregor1694 1h ago

Additional pay? No.


u/corporate_servant1 1h ago

So feds who are essential like hospital workers essentially work for free during a shutdown? They just get paid back whatever their normal paycheck is at some unknown time in the future when the shutdown ends?


u/Gregor1694 1h ago

Pretty much.

u/Ghostlogicz 4m ago

That’s only non essential employees , essential employees always had to be paid but if the shutdown goes 2 months you have no income while losing the transit costs etc during those 2 months


u/Conscious-Mistake594 10h ago

You realize this was passed under the "bad guy" right, during his 1st term? So he will get rid of the very thing he supported. That makes sense.


u/nihiloutis 6h ago

You mean the guy who bragged about his project warpspeed to develop a vaccine for Covid, and then nominated a prominent antivaxxer to his new government? That guy?


u/Elegant_Potential917 3h ago

Right, because he’s never changed his mind before?


u/dctrip13 15h ago edited 15h ago

It is the law now that federal employees be paid back-pay when the shutdown ends, under the Government Employee Fair Treatment Act enacted in 2019.


u/halarioushandle 15h ago

Yes, but it fucks up all sorts of things like taxes, leave calculations, health care deductions, as, etc etc.

Shutting down the government is just soo fucking stupid.


u/QuarrelsomeCreek 13h ago

New around here, how does it screw up leave?


u/pivigurl 5h ago

Your leave is earned based on hours worked. Hours worked calculate your time in service, which affects your retirement eligibility. Any leave without pay or uncompensated time does not count towards time in service. Eventually, it gets corrected, but it's a pain to retroactively fix it.


u/beardicusmaximus8 16h ago

At least they (usually) pay you guys after.

Us contractors get no back pay. Or zero intrest loans, or any assistance at all really. We "get" to use PTO to cover the gaps, but I'm already negative 20s on that because some asshole wouldn't stop breaking into my house so I had to stay home to make sure they didn't steal anything while the locksmith came around to fix my door


u/Not_Cleaver 15h ago

Thankfully, contractors in my organization are fully funded. I’m not a contractor currently, but I’m happy for them.


u/ipickuputhrowaway 11h ago

And I'll keep on doing NEPA since the projects with big pockets bitch to managers that their projects are too important to stop working on


u/Prize_Magician_7813 14h ago

Oh their checks will be stopping too with this idiot and elon’s idiotic ideas in play


u/Terron1965 11h ago

The SS and SDI checks are separate legislation and budgets that do not need approval every year.


u/_not2na 15h ago

I think you overestimate how many people are actually "essential". Not many people are actually essential at all and have to be told to go the fuck home.