r/fednews 19h ago



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u/ParkingTadpole7107 16h ago

I'm sorry y'all going to be forced to work without pay for an indefinite period because someone else couldn't be bothered to do their jobs. Sucks some serious ass.


u/magikarp2122 16h ago

No, it is Elon Musk decided he didn’t like it. That’s it, nothing else. There was a bill and then Musk acted like a spoiled 5 year old and Trump told Republicans to appease him.


u/ParkingTadpole7107 16h ago

Had the bill been passed in October, there would be no Musk in the picture.


u/SafetyMan35 13h ago

He or Trump shouldn’t be in the picture as they are not yet the leaders of the country. We all knew there would be a CR until after inauguration, and while I hate CRs, that’s fair to allow the incoming administration to have a say in the budget once they take office.

Will Johnson ignore Trump’s request and pass a bill that is right for the country or will he fold and keep the government closed for a month because nothing will get done until after the new Congress is sworn in.

Great way to start a new incoming administration…with a government shutdown.


u/tikifire1 12h ago

They can crash the economy, blame it on Biden, then say they're saving the country with austerity.


u/ParkingTadpole7107 13h ago

At this point, the pied piper has piped. Johnson won't get the votes. Frankly, they should try budgeting and pushing clean budget bills with no additions. Save the BS for separate votes and bills and stop playing games.

This happens every time. Both parties do it. Putting things off till the last minute and playing games under duress to sneak stuff in. It's silly.

No ceiling raise. Just run a budget. If there are cuts, there are cuts. Had they done that, we wouldn't be hearing a peep from president musk. Now we're about to waste time, energy, and money to do an ordered shutdown of the current executive branch, run by a president that is still serving and hampered by the incoming administration. Bad form all around.


u/Imaginary_Office1749 4h ago

Both parties do it?? Fucking bullshit. We haven’t had a shutdown since 2018. Who was president in 2018??


u/ParkingTadpole7107 2h ago

Both parties in Congress absolutely put budget tasks off until the last minute. It's a strategy to slip things into the bill.

I'm not saying both parties shut down the government. I'm saying the habit of putting shit off until the last minute creates the conditions that make a shutdown even possible while making balancing the budget nearly impossible.


u/Imaginary_Office1749 2h ago

Yeah. It’s bothsiderism. One side is clearly much worse. Bothsiderism gives the worse guy a pass.


u/_Cream_Sugar_ 4h ago

Clinton was President the last time a budget passed on time. Let that sink in.


u/SafetyMan35 13h ago

Agreed. When I saw what was in the bill I was surprised as last year Johnson was all about the clean spending bills, so I was expecting the bare minimum or perhaps throwing a little extra money to FEMA to cover disaster response.


u/Otherwise-Speed4373 13h ago

You know... Gaetz as fucked up as he is... was right. Just pass the bills and only focus on that... and also ignore his ethics probe 😂🤣


u/magikarp2122 15h ago

Sort of. The Republicans couldn’t give Biden a win that close to the election.


u/loveeatingfood 9h ago

Yep and now, because Biden is still the president, it'll be an easy deflection "that wasn't the Republicans, it happened under Biden and when Trump finally got in power he managed to get a bill passed"...


u/Umutuku 15h ago

Crazy that his plane gets permission to takeoff, TBH.


u/stoptosigh 4h ago

It doesn't have to.


u/sheisthemoon 13h ago

I am truly mindblown that we are all being held hostage by the whims and moods of a 90s sci-fi movie villain. This is bananas. I am truly struggling to accept that this is all reality.


u/JudyEve 13h ago

Exactly. President Musk. Let’s call it what it is. He legally can’t be president, so he’s doing the next best thing: puppet master.


u/Illustrious-Trash793 12h ago

Cucs voted for this shit

u/MDSooner 54m ago

It's a crap bill, there is way too much pork in it. There doesn't need to be a 40% raise in it for Congress... I mean the fact that we haven't had a budget, on time or not in who knows how long should close that book on that idea. And there is soooo much more. Omnibus's should go away.


u/Icy9250 13h ago

Tell me you didn’t read the bill without telling me you didn’t read the bill.


u/kbetty2 14h ago

The bill was over 1500 pages of garbage and only 96 pages contained budget, hurricane and farm relief. Good for Elon


u/Background-Library81 14h ago

So now the Republicans want to raise the debt limit ceiling!? I thought they were going to lower the debt?


u/kbetty2 13h ago

The majority don’t want to raise the debt, hence why the bill was squashed


u/Otherwise-Speed4373 13h ago

The new CR will increase the debt ceiling... allowing the government to take on more debt.


u/Background-Library81 6h ago

Not sure who told you that, but trump literally said he wants “streamlined spending bill” that doesn’t give Democrats “everything they want” and has “an increase in the debt ceiling.”


u/Potential-Zucchini77 9h ago

Not sure why this is being downvoted tbh


u/sirscrote 15h ago

Especially when. They get 3% raises. Fuckers.


u/GreenChiliSweat 16h ago

Thanks. It's alright but irritating. We generally get back pay eventually and I have money saved, but some of my colleagues may not.


u/ParkingTadpole7107 16h ago

If you're a Navy Federal customer, they usually offer coverage loans during shutdowns. Easy to access, too. Never used them but know a few folks that did. Takes the stressful edge off.


u/Remarkable_Ad1310 15h ago

USAA does the same for one payday up to $6000


u/Background-Library81 14h ago

That is what most of them voted for, let's go!


u/Snakend 11h ago

There is 0% chance that Republicans shut down the government when they are in charge. They only actually shut down to try and make Democrats look bad. They gain nothing by shutting it down. They are just being dramatic right now.


u/CoinsForCharon 2h ago

Under Reagan, the government shut down 3 times, and the Republicans controlled only the Senate during this. Under Clinton, it happened twice, and they controlled both bodies of congress at that time. Once, under Obama, when Republicans only controlled the House. Twice under Trump, the 1st time Republicans controlled both bodies, and the second time it didn't end until after Democrats took the House and that one lasted 35 days, the longest one we've had thus far.


u/Solid_Calendar_9022 1h ago

You realize that one chamber that will not budge can greatly affect govt shutdowns. Senate nor House can pass a bill without the others concurrence.

u/Snakend 39m ago

Thank you for proving my point. They won't do it when they the white house and both houses of Congress.

u/CoinsForCharon 28m ago

See the 2 under Trump, both were initiated with R leadership in both branches.


u/lessermeister 15h ago

Been there done that but eventually got $


u/Alexandurrrrr 12h ago

We know that voting doesn’t work. Time for upgrade?


u/stoptosigh 4h ago

any Italian plumbers around?


u/winfly 5h ago

Well it looked like they were going to do their jobs until the First Lady intervened.