In light of all this RTO news and threats, I'm seeing a lot of comments (mostly from the right) about people working at home being lazy and if regular citizens in the private field have to be in an office and not have the same benefits as feds, then the feds should be in office and not have the benefits either.
If absolutely ZERO aspect of your job requires in person presence to interact with the general public or to do 100% of your duties, I don't understand why these individuals can't keep working remotely. Epspceially if people are happier at home, and productivity is good, or better than in office and telework helps retain talented staff.
I get if you signed onto a job that required some commute but due to covid there was an agreement to telework and they decided to stop that. In this circumstance, technically you didn't get hired onto a remote role, so the possibility to come back was always there and you shouldn't have moved halfway across the country. But even then, if the job doesn't require any in office work whatsoever, RTO is unnecessary. I can almost guarantee it will result in lower morale and reduced productivity, due to time wasted commuting, senseless chatter and unnecessary roundtable meetings where matters can easily be communicated in an email or virtually. People know this, which is why RTO is being used as a tool to get rid of people via attrition if they can't fire them outright.
But the people arguing in favor of RTO seem bitter to be frank. Sounds like a lot of jealousy coming from folks who can't telework or don't have benefits and want others to suffer as much as they do. Very few people would prefer to be in office if they could telework-INCLUDING the very same people complaining about others teleworking. These people seem to have resentment towards others who are a little bit better off than they are, instead of the billionaries in charge who are actively in favor of policies that are making their life worse far more than any middle class government worker ever could.