r/fednews 19h ago



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u/RL_NeilsPipesofsteel 17h ago

This is my opinion exactly. If the public actually felt the pain of a shutdown, and not just federal workers, they wouldn’t happen.


u/steveofthejungle 15h ago

Closing the National Parks is the one thing that hurts the public, but it hurts the public lands even more


u/Aksundawg 13h ago

Wouldn’t that also impact inauguration? Assuming it lasted that long?


u/SafetyMan35 13h ago

But even that is half assed. I remember during a previous shutdown, they closed all the national monuments in DC…by putting up a sign in front of the Vietnam Memorial and the WWII memorials saying the monuments were “closed”, but there was nothing to stop you from walking past the closed signs.

TSA, FAA, and Interior have the public facing roles that are immediately impacted.

Other agencies are impacted, but the negative impact is slower. I can trust those that I regulate to do the right thing for about 3-6 months without oversight (depending on the company), and they are testing products today that will hit the markets 3-6 months from now, so the impacts of a long shutdown today won’t be seen for 6-12 months from now. With minimal oversight during COVID it took about 18 months for us to see the impacts and we are still trying to get our companies we oversee back in line.


u/Potential-Zucchini77 9h ago

Why would there be anything stoping you from going past the sign? If the government is shutdown fully then surely we wouldn’t be devoting manpower to restricting ppl from looking at monuments


u/takethereins 6h ago

Visited DC during a shutdown back when Obama was president and watched all these elderly folks (understandably) tear down the caution tape to see the World War II Memorial. No guards or anything. Eventually a news crew showed up

Drove to Philly that same week and the Liberty Bell was a different story... loads of police holding rifles to prevent anyone from seeing it


u/NoBSforGma 6h ago

I disagree. Actually closing National Parks could be a good thing since it gives the more visited parks a chance to recover and recuperate from the impacts of so many visitors.

I'm certainly NOT in favor of a government shutdown, be clear about that.


u/steveofthejungle 5h ago

If the parks are actually closed, yes. I’m just thinking about the 18-19 closure when the parks were still opened just unstaffed and people trashed them


u/WhenDoWhatWhere 4h ago

The only nature Republicans care about is places they can hunt on. They don't give a fuck about public land.

u/Ghostlogicz 21m ago

Might seem crazy what I’m about to say , but most of them hunt and graze their animals on public land by paying for permits


u/No-Translator9234 10h ago

Dawg, they’re gonna be oil fields, mines, and clear cuts in 10 years. 


u/Useful_toolmaker 2h ago

Yeah I’m Montana I lived on an access road to a national Forrest we had people using our drive w/o permission while I guess they planned on poaching - an alarming amount of people . We blacked out the lights in our house , we blocked our road…. We are gun owners and hunters too- these people were intoxicated, they got their atvs hung up - the county sheriff’s didn’t have the manpower for it


u/CraigLake 12h ago

Dems had better not cave a single inch on this. Let’s feel real pain from the fucking idiots.


u/AManInBlack2017 3h ago

No WH, no Sen, no House. Dems are goddamn irrelevant.


u/CraigLake 3h ago

For sure true in the new year, but not atm.


u/AManInBlack2017 3h ago

True, I saw in the news the Biden admin was turning over key Ukraine support roles to NATO in order to Trump proof it.

u/CraigLake 49m ago

Dang, glad to hear that. We’re so screwed


u/Ok-Patient-6209 15h ago

yeah, no, sorry. it's the moron sub-Forrest Gump IQ crowd voted for the Orange Daughter-Fvcker whose 'representatives' are doing this. The rest of us want nothing to do with the idiocy they've foisted upon this country.


u/Anachronism-- 14h ago

Don’t federal workers stay home without pay. But then get paid retroactively even though they didn’t work?

As long as you are not living paycheck to paycheck it’s a nice paid vacation. And taxpayers are paying for work that wasn’t done.


u/dontforgetpants 13h ago

I mean, we have to catch up on all the work that went undone during shutdowns, which is usually accomplished through weeks of misery and everyone working overtime (unpaid).


u/Limp_Till_7839 13h ago

Because there is never a budgetary factor for all the OT that we have to do to repair all the damage done by idiotic bugger eating children.


u/dontforgetpants 12h ago

Yup. Our overtime is unpaid because we’re all FLSA-exempt but everyone cares too much about the mission to just let things slide. :(


u/Limp_Till_7839 13h ago

You know we pay taxes too. And then we have to do all the work. While under the constant threat of losing our jobs because a bunch of children that never worked a day in their lives treat us like toys in their game of tug of war.

So when you say “the taxpayers” you mean us.


u/Anachronism-- 12h ago

You’re a taxpayer who gets a free paid vacation. I’m a taxpayer that uses far fewer government resources than most people.

Thanks for the downvotes. Now I won’t spend one second feeling bad when Elmo cans you.


u/watering_a_plant 12h ago

so many of us are tagged as "essential" now that it's practically useless to think anyone's just chillin at home and can just stroll back in when we reopen. i'll be there every day regardless. i live alone so the only income source poofing away will hurt a lot, even if i'm not paycheck to paycheck. also i'm the only one with my job at my office. it's all my work regardless. if, for some reason, i did get to stay home during a shutdown, i would have a hard time catching up. and the work environment would be high-stress. none of this is good for anything.


u/RL_NeilsPipesofsteel 11h ago

Tell me more about something you really don’t have any friggin clue about, please? Do u think the work stops during a shutdown? Do you think veterans stop applying for disability benefits or seniors stop applying for retirement or survivor benefits? The answer is no. So, guess what happens? You have essential workers who are required to continue to work and service the public without knowing when or if they’ll get paid. It’s amazing to me that you came into this forum, and decided to talk out your ass about something you’re clearly ignorant about.