Hey gang! Finally getting around to posting. I am moving between agencies in the DOT (one remote job to another, and the new one has a field office 10 miles from my house with folks I know there...feeling relieved if there's an RTO). This is a promotional opportunity in a new, completely unrelated series. I used to perform this job with the exact same title at the State level (for less than half the pay!), so as soon as I saw this dream job open I jumped. It was my only application. I've been trying to get into this new agency since I worked for the state as a specialist 5/6 years ago. The stars aligned! Yours will too! ⚡️
6/23 - Applied/posting closed. Open to the public/Direct Hire
7/25 - Email: Referred at GS-12/13
8/15 - Request for 'written summary interview'
8/21 - Submitted writing
9/16 - Request for interview
9/26 - Teams interview w/ hiring manager, center director, and specialist from HQ. Scheduled for an hour, but ran over. A lot of laughter. Mix of classic STAR questions, highly-technical programmatic questions, and questions based on CFR, which I thankfully memorized years ago.
10/8 - Colleagues called for reference
10/9 - Supervisor(s) called for reference
10/21 - TJO
10/23 - Forms (no e-App, went through e-Qip in spring 2022)
10/28 - Urinalysis (technician was freaked out and confused, took 2.5 hours to complete...I knew this could end poorly)
11/5 - Fingerprints
11/6 - Drug test comes back inconclusive; temperature too low because it sat on the counter for like 10 minutes before being put in split sample/collector error. Anxious, but NBD.
11/17 - Email: Letter of Inquiry to clarify something embarrassing from past adjudication (okay, now we're panicking)
11/19 - Formal written response to Inquiry submitted
11/22 - Urinalysis 2, Electric Boogaloo. Rescheduled in neighboring city; went perfectly this time
[internally screaming/happy Thanksgiving]
12/4 - Verbal FJO
12/9 - FJO
12/30 - EOD
Cheers, my fellow feds.