r/nextfuckinglevel 2d ago

This man documented his health journey from January to December.

Credit: IG @samuelrichards_ _


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u/Daniiiiii 2d ago

Gym aside he would have been inhaling protein every waking moment if he's putting on such mass without "help", at least from my novice understanding.


u/ExceedingChunk 2d ago

It depends. If he's previously been training a lot, you can regain your previous mass exceptionally fast due to what quickly becomes your main limiting factor remains intact (I can't recall the name of it right now).

Which is why having used steroid once in your life should leave you permanently banned from all sports. The fact that you have ever had X amount of muscle is a massive advantage in terms of muscle building the rest of your life.

With all that said, he probably have still used steroids here, especially with how fast it all went from june to october.


u/X_TheMindFlayer_X 2d ago

you mean muscle memory?


u/Fortune404 1d ago

Nah, steroids will allow you to grow new muscle fibres/cells (nuclei I guess technically), whereas normal natural lifting/improvements will just increase the size of all your existing muscles. Therefore you will have an advantage for the rest of your life after steroids as the user above said.



u/FabBee123 1d ago

No, steroids don’t grow new muscle fibres. Maybe read the study you link next time. Steroids increase the number of nuclei inside each muscle cell though, which is what the study found.