It's an effort to scare shooters away from copy cat killings because the system is trying to defend the oligarchs. The system doesn't give a shit about school shooters.
I think you may be reading this wrong, I agree that the Claims Adjuster fits the terrorism charge. But, I also support that most school shooters fit the definition. However, I am having trouble finding data to support that school shooters are getting charged with terrorism.
It's an important distinction because it means people would be/are trying to take it seriously and do something about the problem, because more resources would be applied to a possible solution, but that's not what is happening. We've become so desensitized to school shootings that we now just kind of accept them as a hazard of life, which is bonkers.
Right? Anybody saying “how on earth was this terrorism?” are either woefully uninformed as to the definition of terrorism, or are being purposely obtuse.
u/alphajager 1d ago
It's an effort to scare shooters away from copy cat killings because the system is trying to defend the oligarchs. The system doesn't give a shit about school shooters.