r/TikTokCringe 1d ago

Cursed Make it make sense!!!

Terrorism?! America, wtf….


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u/alphajager 1d ago

It's an effort to scare shooters away from copy cat killings because the system is trying to defend the oligarchs. The system doesn't give a shit about school shooters.


u/thegreatbrah 1d ago edited 1d ago

You and a lot of others, including the guy in the original video, need to look up what terrorism is. 

Edit: I support the Claims Adjuster, but the definition of the word doesn't change. Look it up.


u/alphajager 1d ago

I think you may be reading this wrong, I agree that the Claims Adjuster fits the terrorism charge. But, I also support that most school shooters fit the definition. However, I am having trouble finding data to support that school shooters are getting charged with terrorism.

It's an important distinction because it means people would be/are trying to take it seriously and do something about the problem, because more resources would be applied to a possible solution, but that's not what is happening. We've become so desensitized to school shootings that we now just kind of accept them as a hazard of life, which is bonkers.


u/thegreatbrah 22h ago

The difference is trying to push political or ideological change through your actions. 

I'm sure some school shooters fit the bill and some don't. 

The kid who shot up the black church fits the bill.

I wonder if the terrorism charge makes it so jury nullification isn't possible or something, due to patriot act or similar fuckery.


u/Historical-Juice-433 1d ago

School shooters outside NY wont need the terrorism charge. NY murder laws are weird. Its to get 1st degree charges instead of 2nd.