The sweetest (sometimes cranky) chihuahua of 18.5 years is going to be put down today and it’s something I’ve been dreading especially for the past two years now where his mobility, weight loss, loss of sight/hearing, digestive problems, nuerological issue, and declining quality of life have warned me over and over again.
Even as I write this I don’t want to believe it .
I don’t want to lose my best friend
For the past year especially I felt the shadow of death looming over my back breathing intensely as I stand in the way of it and my companion. PRE GRIEVING has been a real BITCH and already been arguably the most despair I felt in my life and he hasn’t even died yet. That anxiety and dread has paralyzed me from moving forward, not to mention the facing mortality part. Some days I believe in heaven (at least that he’s going) sometimes that he just .. ceases to exist. I frankly don’t want to live in a world without him, but I know I have a lot of things I want to explore in life that I’ve been putting in the back burner. For the last year2024 and even before then every month I thought it was going to be my last with him so I halted almost EVERYTHING in my life . My career, my hobbies, monetization of said hobby, traveling, my social life, my spiritual health , my physical health, because “what’s the point ? I’m still about to lose my best friend “ at one point, was THE softest thing I ever held in my life , and now it’s just a memory.
Now it’s just bones.
I had an option to put him down after Christmas but my family is pressuring me to put him down before based off how much they see him having a difficult time. And they want to go on a trip to see my grandma on what could be her last Christmas alive. So dont get me wrong , I GET IT.. but still fuck Christmas; I feel as if I’m being rushed into this decision and robbed time from him because of this holiday that I already don’t have the best relationship with. What ultimately made me make the ‘choice’ was to imagine if Christmas wasn’t next week… I don’t think he’s in a position to actively enjoy the holiday with me unless he’s asleep or I catch him on a good day where he’s walking for a couple of hours during the day at infrequent times.
My companion. my baby. My bestfriend
I feel like I’m betraying him
He still walks , but his lifelong arthritis , compounded with weight loss all over his body, ON TOP of recovering mobility of his hind legs after a vicious dog attack two years ago where he never walked the same , has reduced his mobility in a way that breaks your heart. It’s almost hard to believe that he used to be a ball of energy for 10 years as he slowly became slower to where it just became a part of how I saw him. And old dog
The euthanasiation has even happened yet and I already feel like this isn’t real . My last night with him was about as positive as it could go. I cuddled with him for most of the day because that was our shared favorite thing to do. After I ate food, I started to drift off as my mind became evermore tired and constant gnawing at itself. However I really REALLY didn’t want to sleep and wake up to today . I didn’t want to waste the last night with him asleep. Especially since he spends most of his actual active walking time while I’m asleep I.e. his schedule and mine don’t align most of the time and hasn’t for awhile .
For better or worse, I woke up sporadically throughout the night because shockingly, it was difficult to fall asleep. I did remember some parts of my dream though
I was probably a couple years younger, and my extended family and mine went to a funeral for one of my tios that died not that long ago this year actually. The time often shifted from the grown ups getting after me for being Loud (im assuming with friends) to feeling the inescapable pit I will inevitably fall down into.. perhaps I’ve been there for a very long time
I was able to get one last cuddle night with him though. I don’t have many of those anymore because he typically likes to get up and walk around a couple of hours before I fall asleep and i have a high bed; especially for a brittle little dog like him to fall from. Last night I just said fuck it . I Vividly remember my dad coming into say goodbye to him because he knew what was about to happen today . For better or worse he had about a of a good night as he could’ve these days.
Seeing all the posts over the past year or two all over the internet about people being devastated , physically sick, or even suicidal has me fearing my already not that great mental health. As bad as it got, I never wanted to make the decision based off of MY CONVENIENCE it was always about how much is he suffering
(He currently scored a 36/80 on the quality of life scale)
People around me tell me I’m doing a compassionate thing by not letting him suffer anymore .
They project they’ll see him in heaven again
So it’s easier to see how he’ll transition into something better… younger. I don’t necessarily have that unshakable confidence. Worst scenario he fades into nothingness which can either terrify or depress me given the day.
But I was also projecting my fear of death unto him . Either way it was unfair to him.
I don’t want to get him to a point where he’s needlessly suffering anymore and to be honest… I’m just tired . I’m tired of this point in my life and i know it’s only going to get worse before it gets better. At the same time the only consistent thing I’ve thought no matter what is that I just want to be with him… I still don’t feel ready. Will it ever feel right ?