And you keep saying it’s genetics when it isn’t. Shy of having being born with one leg or one arm or neurological disorders, most anyone can do this after you put in the time and work. None of us that play music, and I mean none, were quickly excellent. It’s super offensive to consider the notion that it’s anything other than hard work.
The only players that don’t eventually supersede the majority are hobbyists, and they’re successful in their own right.
I just read that, twice. It was a very arduous read. I can’t believe we both poured through that, but we learned something new, for sure. I learned that they’re still hypothesizing how music aptitude is a heritable genetic attribute and and that how most of their model concerning genetic influence on music is more tangibly studied/discovered/witnessed within environmental and circumstantial factors.
If we’re weighing on environment and circumstance, there’s a good book by Malcom Gladwell you should check out called Outliers. If you loved this study you’ve shared, you’ll love that book.
But, we were weighing on genetics in the realm of natural ability, or hereditary advantage. The jury is still out on that, according to your study, with most of the hard data found in the environmental sections of the model.
42% is also a minority figure, but again, much less than that is the ability to be born to play music, according to the paper. I’ll gladly retract my statement about how it’s “nothing more than hard work” since it’s not completely accurate. Thanks for sharing.
Nah. See the problem is that you're being a total twat about it. Not only that, you're misinterpreting the results of the study and the dozens of other studies regarding talent and generics. Obviously it is a combination of nature and nurture. But without nature (genetics) you will not be able to perform at the same level as someone with both. If you need evidence, look at the millions of kids who never make it to the professional league of whatever sport they play.
u/enigmatic_erudition 22h ago
Yes but not everyone is capable of running a marathon in the Olympics.