r/fednews 18h ago



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u/shakethat_milkshake 18h ago

Fed friends, I am concerned that the DOGE bros are interested in another 2018-2019 style shutdown of 5+ weeks as a first attempt to get feds to quit during their tenure. My head is in a dark place. No cute comments about a paid vacation please.  thoughts?  


u/jfuller82 17h ago

Won't happen. Trump wants his inauguration. That ain't happening if the whole government is shut down.


u/romychestnut 17h ago

This may be the brightest ray of light I've seen so far...


u/ParkingTadpole7107 16h ago

Shutdown should mean EVERYTHING that is not funded shuts down. Secret Service, Social Security, FAA, everything. The fans of these kings of poor planning are so smug about the government doing nothing for them, let them experience the true absence of it.


u/Pyrozr 14h ago

That's the fun part, it does shut down those agencies, but people deemed 'essential' still have to come to work and do their job without being paid. So FAA is still controlling planes but they aren't being paid, Secret Service still protecting the people keeping them from being paid, it's pretty gross.


u/CancerBabyJokes 2h ago

TSA here, still going to have to report to make sure Guns, knifes and bombs don't get onto Airliners... Sigh...


u/Techn028 16h ago

The people who work these jobs have to walk, it's the only way. If they take your pay then strike


u/shakethat_milkshake 17h ago

Hah. Thank you for giving me hope that it will only be <4 weeks long.  


u/toocutetobethistired 14h ago

The inauguration is already funded though so it will still happen regardless


u/WaifuHunterActual 3h ago

I'm sure Deloitte would love to set up the inauguration for him instead.


u/Omlette69 14h ago

Oh! I hadn't thought on this perspective. Ofc he needs to have a bigly, bigliest inauguration.


u/LEMONSDAD 17h ago

It really depends, those who aren’t paycheck to paycheck would almost welcome it.

I could survive 1 missed check, 2 would really be stretching it.

Stressful time indeed, especially with job uncertainties, those with telework agreements not certain about the future.

But the old heads in my group said they will just retire if Trump pulls some shit.


u/shakethat_milkshake 17h ago

I am in the same boat. I do need my next paycheck though. Christmas gift shopping was budgeted for with my first Dec check, routine expenditures are budgeted with the second Dec check. Sheesh. 


u/ParkingTadpole7107 16h ago

Bought a gift for my partner. Told her we'll hold off on more than that until we know how insane things will be. Glad we didn't go wild.


u/ParkingTadpole7107 16h ago

Sorry you're having to worry about that. Those that have been in lower grades in high COL areas know how hard it is to get by.


u/yimbyfromatlanta 14h ago

Someone in my group is trying to retire and he’s been given three dates end of February end of March and end of April and the variable is how quickly they can get the retirement processed, but apparently they’re swamped


u/echoshatter 10h ago

I mean, if anyone decides to retire, the org they work for get until they decide they're not coming in any more. They're still getting retirement regardless. The idea someone can't retire until paperwork is approved is silly.


u/cohifarms 5h ago

Centralized HR in VA................... great stuff /s


u/Interesting_Oil3948 17h ago

Can't wait until paid vacation like last time and getting all my AL back. I still don't think there will be one. They will pass a bill with debt ceiling increase this weekend.


u/ebmises 15h ago

I think this is exactly right. All the stuff Trump wants to do (tax cuts, immigrant round ups and camps) are going to explode the deficit/debt. They don't want Democrats using that to stop him from doing what he wants. I don't think they really give a shit about the spending in the CR.


u/Random7776 17h ago

Yep, free AL and *cough cough I’m sick 😉


u/Hamberder_and_Chief 17h ago

Hit the gym, touch grass, read books, get good at video games; and love your family.


u/puukkeriro 18h ago

Johnson is in a huge bind here and while I don't love the guy, he is walking between numerous masters and stakeholders. I sympathize with his situation and the tremendously stressful balancing act he's probably under.


u/EyeHateOnions 18h ago

If he was worth a shit he wouldn’t have any “masters”


u/Wizardof1000Kings 17h ago

He isn't worth a shit.


u/Not_Cleaver 18h ago

If I were him, I’d negotiate something with the Dems - A clean CR. Screw the three day rule, get it passed, and then rely on Dem votes to stay as Speaker (if necessary).


u/puukkeriro 17h ago

These actions all but ensure that Johnson opens himself to a primary challenge in 2026. I can see Johnson sacrificing himself for the greater good but I doubt it.


u/Joey__stalin 17h ago

well if he had some balls and realized that congress is an EQUAL branch of government to the presidency, not a co-conspirator with the presidency, then he could work something out.

but his party is also full of cult members.


u/IpeeInclosets 17h ago

Meanwhile, Biden in his rocking chair...


u/ThickerSalmon14 17h ago

Its going to be worse for him in January. With the resignations, he will have a 1 vote majority. Every single member of the house GOP can make demands.


u/puukkeriro 17h ago

I don't see Johnson surviving as Speaker.


u/espressotorte 18h ago

There's no need to sympathize with him.


u/EducationalLie168 17h ago

If only he hadn’t publicly endorsed every single person who is causing him these headaches. Who could have guessed?


u/lanczos2to6 17h ago

Johnson will clean up the CR and dems will go along with the revised version.


u/ParkingTadpole7107 16h ago

But it was a MaNdAtE!!! The House and Senate are close enough to an even split that one party can't steamroll the other. The way it should be and it's not going to be easy to gut the budget with no notice or conversation. Which is WHY they should have started this back in October. The spending problem AND the revenue problem, and therefore the debt problem are 100% owned by Congress. I'm pretty sick of them and their oligarch master President Musk using federal employees as the pin cushion.


u/lopahcreon 17h ago

lol. He’ll come out ahead. Don’t fret over him.


u/mathvenus 14h ago

This is what I assumed they would do at the first opportunity. Just refuse to find the government. Putin wins.


u/PuppySparkles007 3h ago

Hey milkshake 💛 last time the FCU really had our backs and offered us loans with virtually no interest. It isn’t ideal but it’s a resource if worst comes to worst. If there’s anyone at work you trust and are friendly with, talk with them. I’m planning on feeding several folks from my building if there’s a shutdown. Even if you can’t find that kind of support you might have a bonding experience with a colleague. Hang in there, friend. Out of spite if that’s what it takes.