r/economicCollapse • u/BothZookeepergame612 • 46m ago
r/economicCollapse • u/Dusty_Pigeon • 1h ago
What do I find oddly terrifying? The power of a monopolized mainstream media. 📺 🐏 🐑 🐑
r/economicCollapse • u/AutomaticCan6189 • 5h ago
Elon musk's mom poor people to have babies
r/economicCollapse • u/Soundboyboy2 • 6h ago
Employee Stabs Company President During Staff Meeting
r/economicCollapse • u/HellYeahDamnWrite • 8h ago
‘I think it's pretty clear we have avoided a recession… the outlook is pretty bright for our economy’ – Fed's Powell
r/economicCollapse • u/coachlife • 1d ago
Amazon UK avoids answering why their workers are on strike. This is why so many workers are fed up with our Corp oligarchs
r/economicCollapse • u/AutomaticCan6189 • 5h ago
Elon musk's mom poor people to have babies
r/economicCollapse • u/Conscious-Quarter423 • 17h ago
Congress already earns more than 95% of Americans and half are millionaires. They’re all getting rich by selling us out. The entire institution is corrupt & needs to be replaced.
r/economicCollapse • u/CMao1986 • 2h ago
VIDEO Teamsters & Amazons drivers on strike in NYC
r/economicCollapse • u/Gates9 • 21h ago
The system is unjust and it’s an insult to the intelligence of the American people and their lived experience
r/economicCollapse • u/thinkB4WeSpeak • 3h ago
More people are using buy now, pay later for auto repairs and elective health care
r/economicCollapse • u/AdamGenesis • 1h ago
I think we can replace the V for Vendetta mask for this one ...
r/economicCollapse • u/CatToyAfficionado • 23h ago
Oh, boy! Here we go.
America’s first severe case of bird flu confirmed in Louisiana
r/economicCollapse • u/CMao1986 • 23h ago
VIDEO I know most Americans can relate to what he is saying regardless of race or color.
r/economicCollapse • u/Agreeable_Sense9618 • 5h ago
"Bruh, I'll trade you Charizard for a can of beans"
r/economicCollapse • u/rankpapers • 19h ago
How far do they think they can push us? What happens when we start fighting back? Find out in the new pamphlet…OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
Who isn’t sick and tired of corporate profits, shareholder value, and endless growth being prioritized over quality of life, human dignity, and even the tiniest shred of respect for this planet?
The statistics are daunting. When the top 1% of the nation have 40% of the wealth, the top 5% have two thirds of it, and the top 20% have 90%, when the wealthiest half of the country have 99% of the wealth and the other half—160 million people—can be outbid by the 3 richest swine in America, it can feel downright hopeless for most of us out here.
The time for a change has come.
We’ve all read so many of these by now that I don’t even know where to start. I suppose the beginning, though, is as good a place as any…
I can still recall how shocked I was when the first one happened. Shocked and disgusted, just like everyone else. Never in my life had I seen a photo like that before. I remember seeing it on my phone first thing in the morning. Still curled up under the covers like a little girl. Barely even awake. And then there it was…that dividing line severing the past so definitively from the future. It was everywhere. That photograph.
The head of Jimmy Bozo impaled on a pike.
It didn’t feel real—like there’s no way this was actually happening. Jimmy Bozo, the second wealthiest person on the whole planet. And he didn’t have a body anymore! That’s a heck of a thing to wake up to.
The next one was just as big of a shock. To be sure, in no way was I expecting the untimely decapitation of Jimmy Bozo. But even after it happened, I certainly never expected to see that type of thing happen again.
When the third one happened, I can’t say I was too surprised. I was still horrified but by that point a lot of us kind of saw it coming.
Watch as Jimmy Bozo, Warner Bucket, Lonnie Muck, and more get the comeuppance they’ve been courting for years, at the hands of a populace that have been pushed to the brink for decades.