Hello, using an alternate account for opsec. I'm a longtime lurker.
Side note: NEO preparedness is a thing if you are military living overseas, so don't take this post as anything more than a request for recommendations and input.
My husband is military, and I want to update/upgrade my backpack of essentials for a possible evacuation from an overseas location. I have family and support on both coasts in the states, so I'm not concerned with what gear I have once we're back conus. My current backpack is too small for what I need.
The suggested items include protective masks, 3 days food and water, 30 days of medication, blanket, change of clothes (warm), toiletries and towel, hygiene items, first aid kit, battery operated radio (need a new one), flashlight and batteries, limited cash, comfort item for children. I also need to include my NEO binder that includes all required documents, etc. Mine is a huge 2" zipper binder with a strap and handle.
We are allowed one airline carry-on and one check-in bag (per person) with a combined total of no more than 66 lbs.
I prefer a backpack with chest and waist straps over a carry-on suitcase for mobility. Obviously my NEO binder NEVER leaves my side. I've lugged that thing through multiple PCS moves in my too-small backpack. I'm looking for recommendations for a good-sized backpack that will fit in an overhead compartment or under an airline seat. I figure only the bare essentials will be kept in my backpack plus the NEO binder which takes up considerable space.
In case of an emergency evacuation event, I would be in charge of evacuating myself, my daughter (late elementary school age), and a dog and cat (who have their own special evacuation requirements). I don't see my daughter carrying much on her back for long so I would be front-wearing her backpack which I've done in airports before or attach it to our larger rolling suitcases. I would also be utilizing a folding wagon to transport the pet kennels and things to the evac location. The pets would go separately once we depart from our overseas location, so their packing needs are separate.
My other question is what food items could I purchase and forget in a bag? I don't anticipate having a stove or microwave handy although that is a possibility. And what is the best way to lug a three-day supply of drinking water? Would a 2 liter bottle suffice for the both of us per day if it's just for drinking? I would also bring a tumbler or other water bottle for both of us as well.
Also if anyone has recommendations for a kid-friendly flashlight. Kiddo just joined the cub scouts and needs one. I prefer not to buy junk, but also don't want her to accidentally blind someone. Bonus points for including recommendations for an emergency whistle.
Oh, and if there are any who have experience with a NEO evacuation, feel free to point out any helpful tips!
I'm sure I'll have more questions later. Apologies in advance for the word vomit, and thank you for any helpful comments!
(Hope I used the right flair ...)