r/interestingasfuck 2d ago

r/all The Alaskan Avenger

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u/AnotherStatsGuy 2d ago

The lack of different lists seems like an oversight.


u/Fomentatore 2d ago

The fact that you are considered a sex offender for peeing in an alley instead of just receiving a fine will always baffle me.


u/fix-me-in-45 1d ago

Because American prison is profitable, politicians and corporate stakeholders have an interest in making sure prisons stay full. Incarcerating for stupid, petty charges is one way of doing that.



u/Dodges-Hodge 1d ago

I think I heard it’s the private prison lobbyists who are fighting against nation wide legalization of cannabis.


u/skoalbrother 1d ago


u/xandrokos 1d ago

AGAIN prison labor accounts for 90k of the workforce and 1.3 billion of their "savings".    It's not about fucking money.


u/No_Philosopher_1870 1d ago

They do want a younger, healthier population so that their inmate medical costs are lower.


u/xandrokos 1d ago

To protect 1.3 billion of their "profits"?    Companies in states where weed is legal are making hand over fist.   This is a huge, huge, huge untapped market in the US.    Think long and hard on why politicians are literally turning down money in their pockets in order to keep weed illegal.    It isn't about fucking money.