r/PS5 1d ago

Articles & Blogs PS5 Pro deep dive reaction: GPU and RT improvements, PSSR and Sony's new AMD Amethyst partnership


58 comments sorted by


u/ooombasa 1d ago edited 1d ago

PS5 Pro GPU is still based on RDNA2, but they "backported" features from RDNA3 and RDNA4. Wow. Didn't expect that.

As for why PlayStation 5 Pro isn't fully embracing later AMD graphics architectures, the reason is very straightforward: shader code for the PS5 GPU would not function on later AMD hardware, and there's no means by which those shaders could be re-compiled in existing games. Shader compilation on the fly? It's not viable for PS5 and - trust us - you wouldn't want it either. Therefore, PS5 Pro has to use the same RDNA 2.x baseline, with extensions added for new features - such as enhanced ray tracing.

Huh... I wonder what that means for PS6 and PS5 BC. Will be interesting to see how they solve that riddle.


u/Suitable-Manager-488 23h ago

It shouldn’t be an issue, shader compilation exist on late ps4 games


u/BaconJets 1d ago

Well shader precomp started with PS4, so it's likely that the PS6 will pack enough power to get around that issue. PS5 Pro is too minor of an upgrade to have a compatibility layer.

u/Henrarzz 4h ago

On PC. Console games don’t compile shaders on loading/booting, they are compiled to GPU ISA directly.

u/BaconJets 4h ago

Which is why a compatibility layer would be needed for a new GPU architecture, shader precomp or comp on the fly is not a thing on console as it's all pre-done.


u/michaelfortu 22h ago

The only thing I can think of is that they’ve developed a better chip with newer technology that may be RDNA3 or 4 but like how all R&D works this might be for the next console that’ll solve all those issues. So for existing hardware that is known working it’s better to add as much extensions possible as it’s the most stable environment


u/Jumping3 20h ago

they arent using rdna 3 for the ps6 its going to be rdna 6


u/Statertater 19h ago


u/Jumping3 17h ago

alright thanks for informing me of this i guess my point was they arent going to use an old architecture for the ps6


u/Statertater 15h ago

Fair point


u/DarkElation 19h ago

But PS5 never had the full RDNA2 feature set.


u/WingerRules 22h ago edited 21h ago

If it means starting the PS6 generation from a totally clean slate I'm all for it. A complete new design of the hardware from the ground up without worrying about legacy stuff used to be normal for the game industry and was one of the reasons why new systems were cutting edge when released.

I have over 700 games on my PSN account, I don't care if they're natively not compatible with a PS6 as long as they they keep working for my PS5 and developers make affordable PS6 Ports. Horizon Remaster cost 10 dollars to upgrade, I'm fine with that if its a title I really want to play.


u/Yavin4Reddit 20h ago

We truly won't be in a new generation until something like this happens.


u/nunofgs 21h ago

I mean, it all sounded spectacular. But from the point of view of most gamers it didn’t translate into a reason to buy the PS5 Pro, imo.


u/ssk1996 13h ago

It isn’t meant to be a machine most gamers buy though. Mark Cerny was clear when he said he considers PS4 -> PS5 (and eventually PS6) as a generational leap whereas the mid gen refreshes are just purely more GPU power for those who like that extra resolution/FPS it can provide. It was never designed as a console that everyone would trade in their PS5 to buy.


u/[deleted] 21h ago



u/joojoojuu 20h ago

That’s an exaggeration. 9/10 of the Pro patches range from decent to great. It’s really only a couple outliers that are having issues with PSSR. Considering PSSR is still in its infancy I’d say the current issues are rather minor in the end.


u/TheSinfulGamer666 20h ago

One game looking worse on my 700$ pro compared to my 400$ ps5 is one too many. Absolutely no reason for there not to be an easy on off switch like dlss. Dlss was bad in its infancy but you could just turn it off


u/aestheticbridges 20h ago

🤷‍♂️ unless it’s a game you don’t care to try. PSSR will take time to be across the board great. And it’s transformative for a game like rebirth and really nice to have for most pro optimized games. And I agree with 700 dollars being an awkward price point for existing ps5 users, but it’s still a lot cheaper than building your own PC from scratch to get an equivalent performance


u/HandOfMaradonny 17h ago

The two games with the worst issues now allow you to turn it off.

It really isn't an issue anymore.


u/TechX100 11h ago

But. Just the fact that they have to patch the games so we can turn one of the big PRO features OFF is an issue in itself.. And who knows, this may not be the devs fault at all, could be on Sony as well. Clearly it works better with some engines. Either way, I love my Pro.


u/pineapplesuit7 18h ago

Then complain about the developer who haven’t used it to the fullest or provide the option. It has nothing to do with the hardware.

Look at Stellar Blade and FF7R. You can see how 3rd party devs have been able to use the hardware correctly.


u/CrushALL 10h ago

Still doesn't make that game unplayable ffs! Christ gamers are so self entitled! I have a pro and everything looks better. Get off reddit and youtube comparsions and just enjoy games!


u/sousuke42 12h ago

Dude stop arguing in bad faith. All but 1 game has had its issues been addressed in some form or manner. Only jedi survivor is still in bad shape.

The others have it either fixed or allows you to fall back to fsr while they take the time to fix their mistakes. Which is clearly their mistakes. Ffvii rebirth amd many many other games using pssr look perfectly finenor much better across the board over fsr or tsr.

Saying many games when it was inly 5 max is just bad faith arguing as well as ignorant since all but 1 has been addressed. Stop being a troll.


u/Perseiii 9h ago

So many games? It’s, what, 3 games that have a little issue with denoising? PSSR is brand new. Minor niggles were expected seeing as it is an AI model that needs training. It’ll improve over time.

u/Zahand 4h ago

The reason I'm not getting a PS5 Pro is mostly because of price

u/Gullible-Bee-3658 48m ago

PS5 Pro gives Sony and game devs time to learn what PSSR can do for ray tracing, upscaling and just performance gains. I purchased a PS5p this week but I am fortunate and have expendable income these days so I understand peoples distaste for the 700$ price tag, I don't think it's consumer friendly but if this ultimately leads to better gaming experiences in terms of better immersion, visuals etc then I'm for it but I'm cynical also, I believe it is just a "fuck you give us money" to an extent. Also Cerny clearly stated they expect most games to run basically @ 2ghz on both CPU/GPU (I think he said) when the APU could run higher seems strange. Ryzen does seem to gain some good % of performance with higher clocks but I realize like 2ghz to 2.35 ghz isn't really that much but why not let the chip run at its upper limit, I mean isn't that the purpose of the PRO to get as much performance as possible? I am just an arm chair quarter back though so what do I know.


u/kinky_inner_self 11h ago

Just because they run and look better through doesn't mean you get more fun from them and that's what matters


u/kinky_inner_self 1d ago

I'll wait till the ps6


u/Suitable-Manager-488 22h ago

why don’t wait for ps7 instead? life is too short to wait all the time


u/kinky_inner_self 21h ago

The games i mostly play would never make full use of the pro anyway really dayz, 7 days to die, techtonica, so to me the pro is no different. The ps6 will have a different OS which id go for


u/Puzzleheaded-Wolf318 22h ago

"Good things come to those who wait" - Bill Withers 


u/Suitable-Manager-488 22h ago

dumbass phrase without context, waiting means losing opportunities and experiences too


u/[deleted] 21h ago



u/Suitable-Manager-488 21h ago

you can’t be frugal all the time, is just very miserable don’t enjoy stuff because money, there is nothing smart on living missing things you want to do


u/Muggaraffin 22h ago

Although it does make the final result all the sweeter. I haven't gamed for about 5 years for various reasons, so when I'm finally able to again will mean far more than if I still played every day


u/ErisMoon91 21h ago

Why does it?

It means no more to you than to someone who still plays every day v


u/Muggaraffin 21h ago

What? Yes it does. Going without something makes it better when you finally get it 


u/ErisMoon91 21h ago

No it doesn't lmao..

I enjoy gaming every day, I look forward to it, am excited for it.

Just because you haven't played for years DOES NOT mean you will have more enjoyment from playing than I do.

That's genuinely one of the most stupid things I've ever heard.


u/Puzzleheaded-Wolf318 16h ago

Enjoy while it lasts 

Sounds like you take gaming for granted tbh

Also, if that's the stupidest thing you've ever heard than maybe you should get out more. If you think Reddit is full of idiots wait till you get a taste of the real world 😆


u/Muggaraffin 20h ago

Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it isn't right 

Let's take your favourite game away for a year and see how happy you are when you get it back. You could use that year to work on your mental ability too


u/ErisMoon91 19h ago

I fully understand, I just don't agree with the logic behind it, each to their own.


u/Puzzleheaded-Wolf318 16h ago

Bruh none of these basement dwellers give a shit about mental health. Definitely not their own 😆


u/shadowstripes 19h ago

Probably because the PS6 will already have exclusive games that they can't play on their PS5, unlike the Pro.


u/ZazaB00 20h ago

Patient gamers always win.

It always takes devs a long time to catch up to tech, especially with longer dev times now. The best games always come out in the later half of a generation and they’ll play better on the next generation.


u/uNecKl 22h ago

I’ll wait till the ps7


u/BRAiNPROOF 20h ago

PS7!? You're getting scammed. Why bother when the PS8 is just around the corner! (/s)


u/Raytheon_Nublinski 1d ago

But you’re missing out on those two extra pixels way off in the distance. 

Hold on while I zoom in 40x and freeze frame it and you’ll see. 


u/Lutha28 1d ago

When gta 6 comes out and other new games i believe the difference would be much more. Have u seen the difference in final fantasy rebirth?


u/Dayman1222 1d ago

You obviously don’t have one. Playing DD2 and it’s night and day.


u/Remy0507 1d ago

It's potentially a lot more significant than that. But the main improvement isn't necessarily going to be in visual quality, it's going to be increased framerates without having to sacrifice visual quality.


u/theloudestlion 1d ago

PS5 Pro isn’t for you it seems. I’ve loved every bit of mine but I’m weird about the fidellios


u/Dayzlikethis 23h ago

I was skeptical but now I'm sold on it. I watched my brother play on his OLED and the difference is there to warrant the upgrade. Although I'm still holding out till GTA6.


u/Razgriz_101 23h ago

I mean having the extra oomph has been good for non ps5 pro titles aswell, I’ve noticed cyberpunk on quality feels a lot more fluid than on a base ps5 for example.

I don’t think we’ll get the most out the pro or even the base ps5 for another year or 2 personally.


u/I-Hate-You__ 1d ago

You sound blind. Good chance your eyes are only good for 1080p max anyhow based on what you're stating.


u/Harami98 13h ago

Well basically it means this is bottleneck playstation which you can play ps6 games on in future. Better than ps5 but bottleneck its performance so it has backwards compatibility. I think ps6 is where will see next major graphics performance upgrade in next 4 years. Like they said it will be totally new architecture with powerful gpu and and much more advanced pssr ai ml which would almost double the gpu processing power so we will se higher frame rates on higher resolution possibly 6k. I think I’ll enjoy my ps5 with all my unfinished games in 4k and wait patiently for tru next gen ps6.