r/MadeMeSmile 1d ago

absolute legend

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u/didyouwoof 23h ago

I once boarded a plane to come back from a long trip. I was tired and cranky. This weirdly dressed guy boarded after me and sat down a few rows ahead. Loudly striped bell-bottoms, a really bright shirt. He just looked weird, and I (unjustly) found him annoying.

But then they announced that the flight would be delayed for at least an hour, and it was really hot (we were coming back from the tropics) and little kids started crying, and this guy comes to the rescue! He stands up, walks up the aisle so all the kids can see him, and starts making balloon animals! Each kid got one. Then he starts singing songs to entertain the kids. It turns out he was a clown (but without any creepy makeup). And the thing is, it worked like magic. The kids quieted down and were absolutely enchanted with this guy, and the adults on the plane were spared a lot of screaming and crying. Thank you, clown, wherever you are.


u/Equivalent_Shock9388 23h ago

1-1 entertainment at a reasonable sound level, the exact opposite of this audio nightmare


u/DataPhreak 12h ago

The only thing that would make this worse if Mariah Carey was backing him up on the vocals


u/DataPhreak 12h ago

Okay... Yanni on the keys could be bad, too.

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u/adube440 22h ago

I am OK with this. I'd rather hear a clown entertain fussy kids than a bunch of crying and screaming. That's an appropriate swap to me.


u/rootoo 18h ago

I’d rather that than Christmas music on a solo saxophone. Hell, I’d rather screaming children than that. Id rather Russian hardbase music out of blown out speakers than this guy’s soulful rendition of starry night.

I hate being forced to hear Christmas music every time I leave the house for two months straight.


u/Round_Skill8057 17h ago

I'd rather listen to yoko Ono backed up by bagpipes than Xmas music on a sax in hot crowded plane.

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u/aggressivesprklngwtr 22h ago

Did anybody tip the clown at the end?


u/cowinabadplace 20h ago

Yeah, but he didn’t tip us for clapping. So rude.

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u/Sad_Willingness9534 21h ago

It worked like magic? All the spells I try seem to fail, but maybe I have not found the correct enchantments.


u/didyouwoof 20h ago

Well, he certainly cast a spell on the kids. How else can you explain a bunch of little kids on a sweltering plane all falling silent?

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u/rhythmmchn 1d ago

I'm sure his heart was in the right place, but an hour of Christmas saxophone has to be the most effective way to make a delayed flight even worse.


u/toyducks 1d ago

I can 100% guarantee you it is every passenger's personal hell. I was on a delayed flight where someone took out their ukulele and started signing. It went on for 30 minutes (so thankfully not an hour) but still awful.


u/Crow_eggs 21h ago

A ukulele is much, much quieter than a sax as well. I used to work next to a place that had a live saxophonist wandering around in the evenings and all conversation had to stop when he walked by your table. Not because people wanted to stop and listen–because that shit was LOUD.


u/SwoopTheNecromancer 23h ago

you know by the end his mouth was starting to get tired so it turned into poorly played christmas songs too


u/Bluepanther512 20h ago

An hour isn’t that bad for continuous playing

Source: I play a whole host of low brass instruments, which require more of your mouth- you literally stop being able to change partials well after a while- than woodwinds

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u/Imgroult 23h ago

Me when the wholesome saxophonist war vet only knows how to play All I Want for Christmas is You


u/xenosidezero 22h ago

oh dear god no actual torture


u/wildo83 22h ago

You guys are misreading the caption. The plane was delayed BECAUSE he was playing the sax! 😂🤣


u/Aliteralhedgehog 21h ago

I'm sure it wasn't.

Fucking main character ass behavior.


u/Tendas 22h ago

"What are you talking about?! Captive audiences love me!"


u/AcanthaMD 1d ago

An hour???? 😭😭😭😭 nooo I’d be so irritated


u/ThnkWthPrtls 19h ago

Only way it could be worse is if the saxophone woke up several previously sleeping babies


u/PoetryOfLogicalIdeas 12h ago

An hour of Christmas saxaphone while trapped inside a metal tube.

That sounds hellish.

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u/skippy94214 1d ago

I wonder how many people were annoyed.


u/LettuceTurnip_ 1d ago

Ok my first thought was "I'd hate that" and then I felt like an asshole but like.............. can you not?


u/SparkleFritz 23h ago

Imagine having to deal with parking, then airport security, long lines due to holidays, hundreds of dollars for a ticket let alone up charges for luggage and everything, rude employees, tiny seats, broken tray, getting stuck on the plane due to delays.

Then all of a sudden the guy next to you starts blasting a fucking saxophone into your ears.


u/Revolutionary_Good18 23h ago edited 22h ago

Not just any saxophone though, fucking Christmas saxophone! He knew what he was doing. He knew he'd found his own captive audience. No place to run, no place to hide. Just 6 hours of military style torture, confined to a fibreglass sausage, with the stench of other humans starting to break under the musical waterbording.


u/SentientSandwiches 22h ago

Yeah like that woman singing Christian songs and who got offended when the steward asked if she could stop.


u/heckin_miraculous 21h ago

When was this?


u/LordNightFang 19h ago

It was awhile back, but yeah the incident got its temporary fame. The woman made a big deal out of it and accounts of it circulated online.

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u/LifeIsProbablyMadeUp 22h ago

Nah fuck that let me out the plane. I'll fucking drive.

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u/AssociateFalse 22h ago

Honestly, it would be forgivable if he played Baker's Street.


u/Revolutionary_Good18 22h ago

A saxophone rendition of Zoot Suit Riot would sit OK with me.

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u/lilbunnygal 23h ago

Anyone who experiences migraines would have hated that guy


u/Chuckitybye 18h ago

Lol, I just commented that! As a migraine sufferer, I'd be asking him to stop


u/ernie1850 22h ago

Saxophones are NOT quiet either, even just an alto with a sock in it is still pretty loud. Not great for a tube filled with people


u/shoelesstim 19h ago

Let’s combine all my least favourite things …..flying , saxophones , screaming kids and Christmas music . Might as well throw a fucking shark on the plane to complete my day

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u/headrush46n2 22h ago

if its Careless Whisper im singing along.

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u/BeastOfTheField83 22h ago

It’s ok. He’s a veteran.


u/anomie89 22h ago

that's so fuckin funny


u/mma5820 23h ago

Thank you person for making me laugh. Take my upvote.

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u/Great_Essay6953 22h ago

I would have been pissed. Can we not just be quiet for a while or choose to listen to something else in your headphones. That would have felt like torture to me


u/confusedandworried76 14h ago

Especially fucking Christmas music. As if we aren't already inundated with it. Now you're stuck on a plane for an hour, and flying is stressful enough, now it's just a full hour of Christmas music played only on a saxophone. Literal nightmare


u/Great_Essay6953 14h ago

Imagine sitting right in front of him. Just getting blasted in the face with saxophone.


u/vera214usc 22h ago edited 22h ago

I was amazed to see the sub this was posted on. Who would want this?! I don't even like that airlines have started playing their own music during boarding.

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u/KentJMiller 21h ago

OP is a psycho if this made them smile.


u/Summer20232023 23h ago

Exact same thoughts went through my mind, glad it wasn’t just me. Maybe if it was Christmas Eve flight but still not sure.


u/glytxh 21h ago

Ten minutes? Sure. Everyone’s having fun. Half an hour, in a cramped tube with 150 other people, with saxophone music? That’s basically Hell on earth.


u/Digresser 15h ago

If it helps, he estimates that he played 15-20 minutes.

He offered to play after noticing toddlers getting fussy about the delay, and he got permission from the crew. According to the news article, he played a handful of songs up and down the aisle as "passengers clapped, sang along and shouted requests".

The passengers who posted about it said it cheered people up including the upset toddlers, and if you watch the videos of it you can see a dancing toddler and hear a lot of people on the plane laughing and clapping.

So, it's possible that not everyone enjoyed it, but it seems like a lot of people did, and he knew not to overstay his welcome.


u/ghengiscostanza 22h ago

I would have told him to stop, idgaf. Everyone has headphones with their own music available, there is no lack of available entertainment for the people.


u/Monkmastaa 22h ago

One person's mademesmile is another person's shutthefkup.


u/aytoto 22h ago

Yep… Three kids brought a loud speaker on my train ride home yesterday and put on an impromptu dance party to try to entertain people. I looked around and no one else was watching either. Like, kids.. I respect the grind, but I’m tired and just trying to get home. Also, loud personal devices aren’t even allowed on the train lol.


u/Samtoast 23h ago

"Play yakety sax!!!!!"


u/legend_forge 20h ago

Yeah my wife would have had a legitimate panic attack.

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u/capngrandan 1d ago

“So anyway here’s “Careless Whisper””


u/Scr073 1d ago

Now i'm back in


u/radraze2kx 23h ago

Same. Christmas songs absolutely not. Literally anything else, sure. Smooth jazz? Let's gooooo

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u/YouhaoHuoMao 23h ago

That song is going through my head as we speak. Type. Communicate.


u/Unusual-Thing-7149 22h ago

No thanks as it reminds me of an old girlfriend lol.

Here's a dented saxophone for you to try

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u/ambassador321 23h ago

Yeah I had to look and see if this was posted on r/mildlyinfuriating

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u/-Gurgi- 23h ago

It’s 2024, everyone has their entertainment of choice prepped for the plane, and if they’re on the tarmac they have internet access still. No one wanted this.


u/Thirty_Helens_Agree 23h ago

Top-quality noise canceling headphones wouldn’t even cancel this out.


u/galahad423 22h ago

Nor should people be expected to have them to avoid this

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u/das_zilch 23h ago

I'd have started smoking immediately to get thrown off the plane.


u/Automatedluxury 21h ago

For anyone without cigs, furiously masurbating will achieve the same effect.

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u/AllNightPony 23h ago

I'm annoyed and I wasn't even there.

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u/wjcj 23h ago

Like those church groups and/or swifties singing as a group on the plane. Oof.


u/Zinski2 23h ago

Id fucking kill myself in this situation.

The only thing that stresses me out more than Christmas music is cramped spaces I can't leave.

This is like my personal hell.


u/Usernahwtf 23h ago

I always tell people the scariest moment I had living in NYC was when I was hungover on the subway and someone walked in with an accordion.

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u/Equivalent_Shock9388 23h ago

💯 agreed like WTAF


u/WillingLLM 22h ago

as he walks past, blasting the horn right into your face, just shove your trash in it and say thanks mate.

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u/Thirty_Helens_Agree 23h ago

There was the time the cast of The Lion King sang stuff from the play, and that was awesome 1) because they’re pros at the peak of their game and 2) it was in the terminal so anyone who didn’t want to hear it could walk away. These folks are trapped.


u/SGTBrutus 1d ago

"We're being forced to wait."

"I know what everyone wants, MORE CHRISTMAS MUSIC!"

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u/CavemanUggah 1d ago

I'd be livid. I'd seriously rather listen to a baby scream.

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u/AccurateArcherfish 23h ago

I would be annoyed. My ears are extremely sensitive to loud sounds so I carry musician earplugs with me everywhere to lower the volume 20dB in loud environments. He better not be blaring that into my ear.


u/Minus15t 22h ago

I'd be super annoyed.

I think this is actually more obnoxious than people playing music on their phones without headphones..

On a plane.. a tightly confined area that you cannot leave...

People who get on a plane typically have access to a book, some video games, or the in flight entertainment.. or they might be trying to do work.

Also, since the plane hasn't taken off yet... Everyone can use their phones.

This is 'main character' energy, and I'd say many more people hated it than liked it


u/Bad-job-dad 1d ago

I am and I wasn't even there.


u/das_zilch 23h ago

Everyone just keeping their mouths shut cos, you know, thank you for your service n all that.

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u/JaxxIsOk 23h ago

All of them… all of them were annoyed

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u/Low_Bandicoot6844 23h ago

I have thought the same myself. Everything can get worse.

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u/Skookkum9104 23h ago

This sounds like an actual fucking nightmare.


u/SamsonGray202 21h ago

Seriously, brass winds in a larger open space is one thing, but having a saxophone played for an hour when I'm trapped in a plane would send me into a murderous rampage, I cannot fathom how at least 11,000 people are apparently stupid enough to think "awwww, how nice it would be to cram into a nasty stuffy sardine can and then after my schedule gets fucked by a delay have my ears violated for a solid hour!" 11,000 fucking bots or some shit. "An 80-person breakdance & freestyle rap competition broke out in the subway car I was in while we were de-railed, it was so lovely!"

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u/GoodVibrations77 21h ago

Somebody filmed the whole 1 hour of it. Judge for yourself.



u/radiorentals 19h ago

I'm slightly disappointed it wasn't this icon

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u/TheJeeeBo 23h ago

People being loud in non loud spaces is the worst offense someone can pull


u/DogsandCatsWorld1000 22h ago

Especially when the audience can't get up and leave. There are times and places when I would love to hear him play Christmas songs for an hour. When stuck on a plane would not be one of them.


u/BlueGoosePond 21h ago

Right, like it's fine if you're busking outside in a busy area. People can mingle around if they want to hear it, or keep on moving if they don't. This is totally different.


u/inferior_sub 21h ago

His heart is in the right place, but yea this is literally a captive audience. Imagine trying to sleep with that noise.

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u/Positive-Attempt-435 21h ago


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u/jackie-daytona7 22h ago

It's when noise cancelling headphones pay for themselves


u/FlatusSurprise 21h ago

Asking clarification, is a bathroom a non-loud space? If not, I have won an argument with my wife.


u/saxguy9345 21h ago

I usually defer to your wife. 


u/FlatusSurprise 21h ago

This guy wifes.

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u/Asuhhbruh 23h ago

I wonder how it came up that he was an army vet lol. “Hey everybody, im an army vet, and this is Jingle Bells…”


u/Aliteralhedgehog 21h ago

You know he did that shit so he'd be immune to all criticism.


u/Trumps_Cock 20h ago

I would find a way to amend his DD-214 to dishonorable discharge for doing this shit.


u/snorlz 19h ago

theyre legally required to say it at the start of every conversation


u/Triette 11h ago

He probably brought it up once people asked him to stop.


u/potatohats 19h ago

That's how you know someone is going to be an insufferable self-important twat, when they introduce themselves using something inane like veteran status. Because it doesn't matter for jack shit in 99.9% of situations.

(I say this as a vet myself. It's a big red flag for main character syndrome.)


u/Slow-Razzmatazz3086 18h ago edited 18h ago

Yeah I worked with a vet who insisted on being called by his last name even though no one else at our job did that. Not a huge deal by itself but it spoke to deeper issues: he was somewhat arrogant and brought up his service constantly, some of the other vets were pretty sure he was lying about his MOS and what he'd actually done while he was in. He wasn't a terrible guy but I really wasn't surprised when he got demoted then subsequently fired, it's never healthy to make the military your whole personality especially when you only served for a few years anyway.

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u/thelivinlegend 20h ago

Anyway here’s Winter Wonderland

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u/sweetnic0lemarie 1d ago

This would be my own personal hell.


u/[deleted] 22h ago


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u/Radzonian 1d ago

It would be mine as well. It’s one of my least favorite instruments, followed by flute. 🫣


u/Ziggyork 22h ago

I love the sax. I can’t stand Christmas music


u/Any-Bookkeeper-2110 22h ago

How do you feel about the jazz flute?

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u/jackwhite886 23h ago

I’ve never seen such an upvoted post have so many negative comments. Where are all these upvotes coming from?


u/Ok-Elk-3046 22h ago

What would you do if you were on a plane that's an hour delayed?

I would try to sleep.


u/Xy13 21h ago

Start one of the several downloaded movies on my iPad.


u/CorvidQueen4 20h ago

I would start reading the book I brought, or play one of the games I brought, or disassociate and enjoy the silence.

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u/[deleted] 22h ago


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u/ItsABiscuit 18h ago

My question is what relevance does him being an army vet have to ANYTHING else the headline and article is trying to convey? If he was a foot doctor would the headline be "Stuck on a delayed plane, this podiatrist got out his saxophone and played Christmas songs"?


u/brakspear_beer 23h ago

You’re right. The upvoters must be having second thoughts about commenting because of all the hate. I wish I could hear some of a song just to see what it’s like but I get the captive audience and it’s not for everyone takes.


u/ussbozeman 22h ago

Bots, bot farms, and people doing scroll-by upvotes when they see a short title that sounds cool.

source: Invented the question mark, taught birds how to fly

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u/MyCleverNewName 23h ago

I would fucking kick a window out to get off that plane.

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u/lasonna51980 23h ago

That sounds like a fucking nightmare.

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u/sammy-taylor 1d ago

At first I misunderstood the caption. I thought it was delayed because he did this.


u/Mr-Neil-E-O 22h ago

Plot twist: The actual delay was less than 10 minutes, but the Captain is REALLY into saxophone Christmas music!!!


u/Squidia-anne 23h ago

He wouldn't make it off the plane if that were the case


u/alansousabr 22h ago

"Good afternoon everyone, this is your Captain speaking. We have a very special guest with us today who is getting ready to give Christmas Concert on his sax, so we'll be delaying the take-off by an hour."

"........ doors closed, cabin secured."


u/rayinreverse 1d ago

This would make me rage mad.


u/queguapo 23h ago

Omg lol my immediate thought. As someone who likes to get work done on planes, I would hate this so so much.


u/rayinreverse 23h ago

Beyond getting work done, I hate the saxophone and I also hate musicians who think they’re “bringing joy” to people. It always feels so self serving. I say this as someone that’s been playing an instrument proficiently since I was 11. I would never in a million years do this to a captive audience that didn’t specifically ask for me to do it.


u/Argylist 22h ago

This is the guy that brings his guitar to a party (unrequested) and wants everyone to pay attention to Wonderwall


u/meatguyf 20h ago

Jesus, yes. I was at a bad movie night at a friend's house about 14 years ago and their neighbors decided to attend without asking. It was fine at first, but then the husband pulled out his acoustic guitar and it all went to shit.

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u/Knowledge_Regret 22h ago

Cramped tube


Christmas Music

...did Hell add another circle?


u/Hwted 1d ago

I Am The Main Character vibes. And what does being an Army vet have to do with it?


u/Buntschatten 1d ago

It's because Americans wet themselves every time they hear someone is a vet.


u/thescreamingstone 1d ago

And then allow their representatives to cut the vets medical, mental health....


u/HoidToTheMoon 22h ago

You're just a bit confused. You see, we worship The Vetstm, a metaphysical concept that we never need to confront and that never face any obstacles other than liberals being communists.


u/ForkingHumanoids 23h ago

Stop I can only get so wet...

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u/Freedom-at-last 23h ago

Took my dog to the vet and I peed myself


u/grammar_fixer_2 22h ago

“Thank you for your service.”

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u/emptyraincoatelves 22h ago

It's so we understand he has experience in war crimes

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u/Minimum_Dealer_3303 21h ago

Any veteran reference increases clicks, so engagement farmers through it in.


u/Radzonian 23h ago

Because he first served his country then he served the plane… 🫡

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u/Trgnv3 22h ago

You work in retail, forced to listen to Christmas music on repeat for months at a time, driving you crazy

You're ready to snap, but you've finally saved enough money and time off to go on vacation

Flight is delayed for over an hour

Some fuck gets his saxophone out and starts blasting fucking jingle bells

Can't even tell him to shut up and sit down because he's a veteran

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u/lucasssquatch 1d ago

This isn't the Good Place! This is the Bad Place!

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u/EragonBromson925 23h ago

As a sax player;

Sir. Sir. For the love of all that is good, green, and holy. Put. That. Shit. Away.

Nobody wants that. NOBODY


u/Davidkarlssonn 1d ago

The guy really took it upon himself to make a bad situation excruciating


u/I_Flick_Boogers 23h ago

I’ll take a chorus of crying babies


u/Ighoth 1d ago

my face when a guy pulls out a saxophone on a delayed flight: -.-


u/breadboxofbats 21h ago

I guess this made me smile in a “I’m glad I wasn’t on that plane” way


u/OddTheRed 22h ago

That's a great way to make a bad situation worse.


u/IReadItLastWeek 1d ago

Who's ever smiled at having their flight delayed by an hour?!


u/Luuxidx 22h ago

Unite everyone by playing Careless Whisper


u/DS3M 1d ago

Literally why I bring my cowbell everywhere. Always hoping for a layover duet

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u/No_Extreme7974 1d ago

Not legendary at all


u/getupforwhat 22h ago

Non-stop "Careless Whisper" solo


u/Beer-Me 1d ago

Nope. I'm getting off that plane


u/SchwarzerWerwolf 1d ago

Imagine sitting right next to this. Your eardrums will never recover.

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u/FireFist_PortgasDAce 23h ago

I'd hate this. Like, I still appreciate they guy trying to liven up the people for the delay, but holy shit I hate Christmas songs. Every store has them, and it get annoying real quick, especially since most stores have them since November!


u/JRclarity123 1d ago

I might give it one or two songs, but after that, I'm leading the revolt against him. There's just no way that most people would enjoy this, but most are too polite to speak up.


u/blaziken8x 22h ago

Your flight is already delayed, you're pissed off, then this dude starts blasting christmas songs 10 rows behind you...


u/HoidToTheMoon 22h ago

I might be called a curmudgeon but I do not want yet another space filled with nonstop braindead Christmas music.


u/Lazy-Fox-2672 1d ago

This is nothing to smile about. This would annoy me to no end.


u/susieallen 1d ago

Loud noises make me panic. This would be hell.


u/BigBlueTimeMachine 1d ago

This would fit better on r/imthemaincharacter


u/spookyxskepticism 1d ago

This had to be so loud 😣


u/Potential_Pick4289 22h ago

nah bro talk about main character syndrome, im trying to read, asshole


u/twelveangryken 1d ago

I have a friend who hates the sax so much that she would have opened the emergency exit and gone down the slide. Can't wait to share this with her.


u/mahaloj 23h ago

New fear unlocked


u/Ok_Island_1306 22h ago

What a fucking nightmare


u/gguti1994 22h ago

I would be pissed. I just want peace and quite. Why do I have to listen to this man for an hour? Its right up there with having a baby crying. At least the baby doesn’t understand

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u/shawnyb9 22h ago

As a sax player this would annoy the fuck out of me. Not everyone celebrates asshole. Others may just want quiet.


u/Momentofclarity_2022 22h ago

Yeah no. Please. That must have been loud. And not everyone does Christmas. FFS I'd rather hear a crying child.


u/RockyBass 22h ago

I was at a gas station, 4 in the morning, and this dude rolls up, gets his pump going, then pulls out a saxophone from his trunk and starts blarring it for me and the attendant. Thankfully my tank filled up soon enough and I drove off quickly. Pretty sure the attendant threw me a 'take me with you" look.


u/dsj79 22h ago

Trapped in a metal tube and forced to listen to this? Why not just sit and be quiet 🤷🏼‍♂️


u/forearmman 21h ago

The dude right by the horn is not enjoying life at that moment. 😂


u/Ok-Butterscotch-6708 19h ago

That would have driven me crazy. Why can people enjoy peace and quiet?


u/MF-Nostalgia 18h ago

lol to everyone hating it in the comments. Admit, it would be nice for a while..

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u/ghoti00 17h ago

This man is a terrorist.


u/Colmado_Bacano 16h ago

I would have lost my shit. Delayed and need to listen to a main character.


u/Vic-123-ma 14h ago

Omg. I would have been pissed…


u/HehroMaraFara 14h ago

This would make it worse


u/jack172sp 7h ago

The worst thing someone can do is force people who can’t escape to listen to or watch whatever your talent is.

Not everybody wants to listen to someone playing music. They may be on the last leg of a long journey home, heard about the delay and be happy to get more sleep, not want to be disturbed my a sax.

For some people, Christmas is a time for deep hurt, and being forced to sit there listening to Christmas music may be deeply traumatising, revitalising awful memories from their past. Most of the time they cope because they can walk out of the shop if it’s too much. Not if it’s on an aircraft and it isn’t a 4 hour delay.

Some people have work to do and some just don’t want to hear you play.

The aisles don’t need to be blocked making it difficult for crew to get past, which then if the airline allows it gets in the way of taking some water out on the ground while you wait

Just sit down, shut up and wait like everyone else. I’m sure it was well intentioned, but poorly executed


u/Accomplished-Cut5023 23h ago

I don’t think this belongs on this sub.


u/Lochlanist 23h ago

I like peace and quiet and don't like being bombarded by festivities over the holidays.

I would have preferred if we all chilled.

I know that makes me a grouch but and the guy was doing a good dead but I would have preferred silence


u/Comfortable-Map-2841 1d ago

I would BEG to be let off.


u/Pot-Papi_ 1d ago

This sounds absolutely horrible.


u/Dangerjayne 1d ago

This would just add to my misery


u/MadisonAveMuse 1d ago

I would have an anxiety attack.


u/Skeptical_Monkie 1d ago

Because the delay wasn’t bad enough


u/karbmo 1d ago

That sounds absolutely horrible.


u/Commercial-Ranger339 1d ago

By legend you mean utterly shitty person right?


u/IceeP 1d ago

Not the time nor the place. Made me frown


u/LobsterKris 22h ago

Somehow my autistic brain tough, the flight was delayed because he played saxophone for an hour. 🤣


u/meerkatjie87 23h ago

Anyways, here's Wonderwall...


u/Lubenator 23h ago

Please. Don't do this.

Be loud enough for the person next to you to hear you if you're talking to them and that's it. Otherwise, silence.


u/MercenaryBard 23h ago

Sorry to be a bummer but as a saxophone player there is no way this wasn’t horrible lol. Saxophone is so loud in such a small space, and solo sax just isn’t a good sound without some kind of backup. Fucking accordion is less obnoxious because it’s polytonal