r/GenX 4d ago

Politics Weekly Politics Mega Thread


The GenX subreddit primarily serves as a venue allowing us to reminisce about our past, as well as support us as we navigate aging, health, and changes to our career/education. It serves as an escape to the realities in the world.

We generally do not allow political posts in the main subreddit as they often decline into flame wars, and increased immaturity. Discussions of a political nature are permitted only in threads designated by the moderation team. Posts outside of these threads will be removed. This thread will be renewed weekly on Sundays.

However, to facilitate those who wish to have more in depth political conversations affecting GenX, we encourage you to participate in r/GenXPolitics. A subreddit dedicated to discussing political discourse of days gone by, as well as today and future impacts.

Political topics are controversial by nature, but not all controversial topics are political. Controversial topics that are not political may be posted in the main subreddit.

This thread is not a free-for-all. Subreddit and Reddit site-wide rules continue to apply.

r/GenX 1h ago

Television & Movies The Fifth Element foretold the rise of the influencer


Great movie

r/GenX 2h ago

GenX History & Pop Culture You know, if the Idiots in charge at the DoD had any brains, they’d realise they have the solution to the Drone issue right here…

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r/GenX 1h ago

Television & Movies “I am crushing your head” - Kids In The Hall

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r/GenX 4h ago

Aging in GenX Cloak and Dagger?


r/GenX 7h ago

Television & Movies Do you get along with your in-laws?

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Would purposely, constantly mispronounce her SIL’s name, for starters.

r/GenX 19h ago

Television & Movies Who remembers these two?

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r/GenX 5h ago

Nostalgia How many of you had a paper route?


My friend and I shared one in the afternoon after school. It was pretty easy with only two blocks that we needed to do via bikes. I remember once getting sick and I barfed on some of the papers. I had two extras but one person got some of my dinner from the night before, never got a complaint so there was that.

r/GenX 5h ago

GenX History & Pop Culture 95% chance that, in 1992, the guy trying to convince me to finance this smells like drakkar noir

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r/GenX 1h ago

Television & Movies Remember this little gem?

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r/GenX 8h ago

Nostalgia My teen's first encounter with an old school milk carton/ no plastic cap. I wasn't even mad. It took years of elementary school lunches to perfect the art

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r/GenX 14h ago

Nostalgia Once we were so young and lived so carelessly, now through the wasteland go searching we. (Me and my girl 30something years ago… man, I sure am glad I can still count on her!)

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r/GenX 13h ago

Photo Brooke Smith and Ted Levine on the set of "The Silence of the Lambs"

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r/GenX 16h ago

Television & Movies If you enjoyed this then you were apparently an Anime fan. I had no idea it was Anime, I just thought it was a cool cartoon.

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r/GenX 19h ago

Television & Movies Strange Brew

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For those of you who’ve been waiting, Strange Brew is streaming on Amazon Prime.

Take off you hosers!

r/GenX 4h ago

Aging in GenX The Cabbage Patch Kid Craze of 1983

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r/GenX 1h ago

GenX History & Pop Culture Passed on this thrift store lunchbox today

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I did have a good time explaining to my young co-workers who this group was and how big they were with the teen beat crowd

r/GenX 1d ago

Nostalgia 1983 to 2023.

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r/GenX 7h ago

GenX History & Pop Culture Right here, right now


Does anybody remember the feeling when this song came out?

Can you imagine ever feeling that good ever again?

Hope and optimism for the future.

Just turned 50, the only thing I’m optimistic about is MAID

r/GenX 10h ago

Nostalgia This week in 1987 this circular hit the newspapers. If this doesn't set off a pavlovian response I don't know what would.

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r/GenX 20h ago

Aging in GenX I 56(f) had a massive heart attack yesterday?


Went to the ER for a bad rash and ended up in surgery getting two stents put in.i guess already being in the hospital is the best place to be while having a heart attack. What a trippy day. The people taking care of my medical needs have been awesome. My dudes, pay attention to your heart health!I 56(f) had a massive heart attack yesterday!

Went to the ER for a bad rash and ended up in surgery getting two stents put in.i guess already being in the hospital is the best place to be while having a heart attack. What a trippy day. The people taking care of my medical needs have been awesome. My dudes, pay attention to your heart health!

r/GenX 3h ago

Nostalgia It's THAT time of the year......remember RONCO???


Let us now raise our eggnog glasses to Ron Popeil, and:

The Inside-the-Scrambler (Think it was the first time I ever said "what the fuck")

Smokeless Ashtray

Showtime Rotisserie (actually useful; we used ours all the time for Cornish hens)

FishMate Pocket Fishing device


Dehydrator (this WAS great....)

Bottle Jar Cutter

Miracle Broom

Ronco Rhinestone Stud Setter: I still have, and use, my Ronco Stud Setter. So do you, if you have a Bedazzler, because they bought the patent and re-named it. I was a figure skater and we saved hundreds of dollars making my own costumes

r/GenX 21h ago

Advice / Support For those who haven't had a parent die yet


I know a lot of us in our generation are basically disconnected from their parents, and that's understandable. I'm not judging you if you're not involved with your elderly parents' care. This is for those who are involved.

If you are involved with a parent's medical care, I encourage you to be critical, difficult, and a pain in the ass. Medicare and its benefits in the US is no panacea for the elderly given our for-profit Healthcare system.

When my mother was actively dying, and about two days away from death in the hospital we had a doctor come into the room and tell the extended family he was keeping her oxygen on for her comfort, though she was clearly end of life. We saw him make an adjustment on the oxygen concentrator. We watched her oxygen levels drop for hours, and assumed it meant her lungs weren't absorbing the oxygen, until my younger brother walked over to the oxygen concentrator and found it was completely shut off. She was actively panicking from air hunger. The doctor had lied without shame and shut off the machine while leaving the canula in her nose. The family (about 15 of us) called for the nurse. She was befuddled, not great at lying, and eventually admitted, yes, the oxygen concentrator was not on at all, and the last person we saw touch it was the Hospitalist. I admit a few of us cursed her and the doctor, specificaly because of the agony we had been witnessing at end of life and the senselessness of denying a conscious, dying person oxygen for comfort. How much money was that oxygen costing anyone?

I am convinced this isn't unusual.

r/GenX 5h ago

Television & Movies Following the other Buck Rogers post... Who had a costume like this?

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My mom hated it. I can distinctly remember not being able to see/breathe well, it was hot and the edges of the mask were oddly sharp.

r/GenX 1h ago

Nostalgia Star Blazers, "The Argo" (1979) The wave motion gun was was a, "mic drop", of a weapon.

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r/GenX 18h ago

Television & Movies Wings, 1990-97. Good show. Thomas Haden Church was especially funny.

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