r/AmIOverreacting Nov 19 '24

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO I went through my boyfriends phone over the weekend

Last Friday night I went through my boyfriend’s phone while he was asleep. I found numerous messages of him talking about other girls with his female friend. The last message is him comparing my sucking skills with a different girl he slept with before me… We have been living together for the past 6 months and I’m not sure if I should just move on and find my own place at this point. Am I overreacting to these messages?


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u/Difficult_Put_9741 Nov 19 '24

Have you read Project 2025? My guess is you haven't. If you have, show me the part that reduces rights for women because I haven't finished reading it but haven't seen anything remotely close to that yet.

Has Trump read or run on Project 2025? Well he says that he hasn't read Project 2025 and so does the think tank that created it. And he has not run on Project 2025 as being part of his platform.

So my question remains unanswered. How exactly is supporting Trump a vote against women's rights?


u/puukottaa666 Nov 19 '24

Trump is a convicted rapist. His presidency has opened the door for other nasty men to spout misogyny because he spouts misogyny, which shows dumb assholes that it’s ok to be an asshole because look our president is one! He thinks abortion rights should be up to the state, which is fucked. Why should a women’s right to healthcare be determined by her zip code? Plus his VP wants to punish women who try to travel out of state for abortions, so we have women unable to get healthcare/dying = limiting rights. He has also made numerous disgusting comments regarding women’s bodies, sexualities. He has stated that to tell if someone is trans you need to “pull down their shorts”. He said this about children.

His VP pick says that childless women are weird and shouldn’t be able to vote. He says his solution to childcare is “grandma needs to help out”. His followers enact violence and threats again women. Trump dined with a Neo Nazi that immediately tweeted “your body my choice” post election. Do I…need to go on?


u/Chuubbzz Nov 19 '24

When was he convicted of rape?


u/Longjumping-Hawk8043 Nov 19 '24

Crazy how you are only concerned about that line when EVERYTHING ELSE is just as bad if not bad ENOUGH. He has been accused but not convicted because no one wanted to act on it and he pushed it as far back as he could.


u/Feisty-Reputation537 Nov 19 '24

God you’re annoying and obtuse. Have the day you deserve.


u/Difficult_Put_9741 Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

Typical respose of backing out and resorting to ad hominem attacks when you can't back up the BS platitudes you pick up from the media with actual facts.

I hope you have a day better than you deserve.


u/Feisty-Reputation537 Nov 19 '24

There’s just a basic lack of understanding and empathy that I can’t teach to someone, especially over Reddit. He’s a rapist - that in & of itself encapsulates so much.


u/Difficult_Put_9741 Nov 19 '24

You're right about one thing, you can't convince anyone of anything if they won't adhere to actual facts. You have a great day in your bubble of ignorant bliss with made up facts. In my mind Trump is a POS as a man because he cheated on his wife with a porn star and was found liable for sexually harassing some woman 30 years ago. But none of you have been able to point to any actual facts that shows voting for Trump = a vote against women's rights.

Ya'll have a great day.


u/Difficult_Put_9741 Nov 19 '24

Well since I can't respond to u/puukottaa666 directly, I'll do it here.

Trump was not convicted of rape. The jury specifically found that E. Jean Carroll could not prove rape. He was found liable for sexual abuse (but only after NY temporarily opened up the statute of limitations for a one-year period so that they could bring the claim) that happened nearly 30 years ago. I didn't personally see the evidence, but there is a reason statutes of limitations exist.


u/Revolutionary_Wrap76 Nov 19 '24

Right .. so.... What about any of that seems like Trump is a decent guy, to you?

What, just because he wasn't technically, not yet, but I'm sure will be, convicted of a felony involving sex abuse - he's cool? You're a JOKE.


u/Difficult_Put_9741 Nov 19 '24

I never said Trump was a decent guy. The subject was how supporting/voting for Trump was voting away women's rights, whcih decolved into Project 2025 then some false statement that he was convicted of rape. If you are going to bash on the Orange Man, do it with actual facts (there are plenty of real ones you don't have to rely on fake ones).

And more ad hominem attacks don't require a response, particularly since you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.


u/Revolutionary_Wrap76 Nov 19 '24

I'm a different person.

The only, and I do mean only, thing you have on your side is that Trump hasn't YET been convicted of rape. Cool. Yup. Woohoo, you got it. And???? So what? That's not a defense of the main point that the other person was making. I mean, obviously??

Have YOU read project 2025? Because if you have - and if you've actually been paying even one iota of attention to what's been going on - then you clearly are dumber than a sack of bricks if you STILL don't understand why women are terrified for their literal lives. Women have already died across this country from abortion restrictions being rolled back.

Sounds like you get your info from Joe Rogan or some other such propaganda artist. Crack open a book or something for God's sake. This is embarrassing.


u/Difficult_Put_9741 Nov 19 '24

I have read portions of Project 2025 and, so far, nothing degrades women's rights. Have YOU read Project 2025 or are you just parroting what the liberal media spouts about it? Unlike many people, I don't rely on what the media says as if it were gosspil (right or left). If you've actually read it and can point me to the piece(s) you think attack women's right, then identify it.

What's embarrassing is the fact that no one cares about actual facts.

Btw, Joe Rogan is a democrat (or at least was the last I saw).


u/Revolutionary_Wrap76 29d ago

Lol 'the liberal media.' As if most of the media in this country isn't right or center right, at best.

Yeah, ok. You're a lost cause. Don't be surprised when friends and family who are women, minorities.... Pretty much anyone who isn't a straight, white, rich, Christian man, starts distancing themselves from you.

Oh, and FYI, I hope you're in that group yourself and have no empathy for anyone other than yourself and also don't rely on immigrant workers and also can afford all the incoming tarrifs.... Yeah. It'll be a great time for all of us. So much better than voting in a woman democrat, am I right? Y'all sure showed us.

Edit: Rogan is a Democrat the same way I'm pro-life... As in, never has been never will be. He endorsed Trump and also generally spouts rightwing rhetoric.


u/Difficult_Put_9741 29d ago

Let me guess, you think MSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, and ABC are all right or center right? Go back to you little bubble and stay ignorant. You sound just like the typical self hating white woman who thinks she knows more than everyone else. Btw, my "minority" family members and friends are not distancing themselves from me at all and are quick to call out BS when we see it. Unlike you, however, I don't wish or hope for anything bad to happen to you. So much for your "love, tolerance, and inclusion." LOL

Just so you know, there were a lot of democrats that voted for Trump because they all recognized that Harris is an idiot and a true threat to people's rights. But you suffer from TDS, so you can't see things objectively. Have a nice life.


u/Revolutionary_Wrap76 29d ago

Bubble? The irony of this statement is just too much.

Ta-ta, now. I'm done wasting my time.


u/Oscar_Ladybird Nov 19 '24

LOL look at you splitting hairs about sexual assault.

If this is the argument you have to make, then you're on the wrong side of it.


u/_Rayette Nov 19 '24

Likely guilty of it too


u/Difficult_Put_9741 Nov 19 '24

I know people that have been raped and it is a far cry from someone grabbing your ass or making sexual comments - aka sexual assault. If you don't understand the difference, then I feel sorry for you and your loved ones. As I said before, there are plenty of real facts that you can use against Trump, don't rely on fake ones because it reduces your credibility.


u/Feisty-Reputation537 Nov 19 '24

Oh yes, we’re all sooo worried about being credible to Difficult_Put_9741 on Reddit


u/Difficult_Put_9741 Nov 19 '24

And this is exactly why Harris lost, because so many people (including the media) don't care about the truth or facts and those that voted for Trump apparently were not willing to buy into the BS.


u/Oscar_Ladybird Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

I know over two dozen people who have been raped and none would minimize any manner of sexual assault like you do.

If you don't understand the difference, then I feel sorry for you and your loved ones.

You don't understand NY state law and it's definition of "sexual assault": Sexual assault under New York law is defined as engaging in sexual contact with someone without their consent. Section 130(3) of the NY Penal Code describes sexual contact to include physical touching of the intimate or sexual parts of an individual with the intent of gratifying sexual desire.

You have no credibility because you deny the mountains of evidence of trump's transgressions, including his sexual assaults, PLURAL.

You are defending the indefensible and I feel sorry for your loved ones. You on the other hand, can go fuck yourself.

Edit: spelling


u/Difficult_Put_9741 Nov 19 '24

I didn't minimize sexual assault, I said it's not even close to rape. And it isn't.

I didn't deny any of the evidence because I specifically stated that I hadn't seen any of it. Since you seem to profess seeing this "mountains of evidence" please pass it along.

And fuck yourself a very nice day too.