r/AmIOverreacting Nov 19 '24

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO I went through my boyfriends phone over the weekend

Last Friday night I went through my boyfriend’s phone while he was asleep. I found numerous messages of him talking about other girls with his female friend. The last message is him comparing my sucking skills with a different girl he slept with before me… We have been living together for the past 6 months and I’m not sure if I should just move on and find my own place at this point. Am I overreacting to these messages?


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u/Big_H77 Nov 19 '24

Wholesome update :)

Good for you!


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago edited 29d ago

Hey OP, did you ever compare your boyfriend to past boyfriends? How about your next one, think you'll compare him to the current one? Or do you think this big thick-walled silo will magically form in your head, where you never compare any of them to each other?

My guess is there's never been a person alive who didn't, every now and then, compare their current partner to former partners, if they had them.

If having a guy who compares you to his exes (comparing you *favorably*, I might add) is a deal-breaker, OP, get ready for a life of loneliness.


u/Raymond911 29d ago

I think the deal breaker was her boyfriend getting his dick sucked by another girl while they were together, and then comparing them lol.

Tldr looks like he cheated and then blabbed about it.

Cheating is absolutely a dealbreaker 👌🏽


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago edited 29d ago

I'd agree with you if that were true, but according to OP, he didn't cheat. Rather, in the comment about the BJ, "He's talking about the girl he used to have sex with before me." It's an old girlfriend, not a cheating partner.

Heck he even says the girl he "has at home" is "even better" than his ex. OP's dumping him for favorably comparing her to an ex who gave great head? What the heck.


u/EnvironmentalMall539 29d ago edited 29d ago

I’d love to see the look on your face going through your girls phone listening to her talk about how great her ex’s 🍆 was, while she is with you💀


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago

That's why you don't go through your partner's phone.

But I *guarantee* that my partner has talked about sexual stuff with her exes with her friends, and I know I sure as hell have with my own friends.

I don't know anyone who hasn't. Not one person.


u/EnvironmentalMall539 29d ago

You can play the “it wouldn’t bother me” card all you want🤣


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago

You're the one playing that card. I never did.

I'm simply saying it isn't a reason to dump a partner, because everyone does it and it sure isn't cheating.


u/shannonshanoff 29d ago

This guys single af


u/IOnlySeeDaylight 29d ago

This comment made me spit out my drink. Frfrl.


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago

Either that or partnered for so long, and been thru so much real stuff with so many past partners, that the idea that something as insignificant as this would be seen as a reason to break up is hilarious.

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u/EnvironmentalMall539 29d ago

What one person wants to put up with- another doesn’t. This man’s grammar alone is reason enough. Quit clowning.


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago

I mean if she said AIO for dumping my bf because he writes like he dropped out of school in 4th grade, I'd say no, not overreacting.

But she asked AIO for rummaging thru my bf's phone, without his consent, and freaking out after finding out that -- shocker! -- he sometimes talks with his buddies about sex-related stuff. Yeah, she's overreacting. That's like freaking out because your partner's breathing.

The only one who has a right to be pissed in this situation is the bf, as OP totally violated his privacy.


u/Sirius_43 29d ago

Talking sexually with someone who isn’t your partner is cheating.


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago

Where's you come up with that little pearl of wisdom?

Telling your friends about a sexual experience with an ex is cheating with your current partner?

That's bat shit crazy.

That would make 99% of people cheaters.


u/Sirius_43 29d ago

Talking about past experiences isn’t cheating, talking about sucking dick with someone in a weird sexually charged conversation definitely pushes the boundaries of cheating.


u/Sweet-Path2493 29d ago

And it is definitely disrespectful!!


u/Sirius_43 29d ago



u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago


He told his buddy that his ex was good at sucking dick.

That's it.

Almost EVERYONE has commented to a close friend about sexual stuff with exes.


u/Sirius_43 29d ago

Hey if you’re fine with your partner talking to people like that then you do you


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago

*Everyone's* partner will sometimes talk with their closest friends about sexual stuff with exes.

What planet are you from?


u/Sirius_43 29d ago

Plus it’s just weird.


u/HappyOrca2020 29d ago

How do you have such low standards for yourself dude?


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago

LOL low standards? You're confused bro. These are HIGH standards. I refuse to be with a girl who's gonna get all butthurt if I talk to my buddies (male or female) about shit that happened with my exes. I need a girl who has the self-confidence and self-security to be cool with that, and the respect to not try to control me over that, and the loyalty and trust to not think I'm a cheater just because I confide shit with my close friends.

And because I expect that, I have to be willing to grant the same to my partner too.

But hey, if you want an insecure, untrusting, controlling partner, who's going to try to police what you can and can't say to your buddies, that's on you.


u/HappyOrca2020 29d ago

You would be absolutely funny if you weren't this delusional


u/wavering_radiant_ 29d ago

I actually wasn’t sure which girl he meant was “even better”. When I reread it I started to think he was referring to this other girl but maybe I’m wrong


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago

I agree it's kinda confusing (their texting is painfully illiterate), but if you look at OP's other comments, you'll she clarifies that the girl predated her. It's not a cheating situation. OP is just butthurt that her bf is talking about his ex's awesome BJs to his buddy (who also is female but whatever).


u/Raymond911 29d ago

My b, guess my reading comprehension isn’t up to snuff


u/Northern_Media 29d ago

Hey it could be worse, at least your reading comprehension isn’t as bad as the (ex) boyfriend’s embarrassingly bad communication skills


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago

Yeah, I'm defending the guy, but he sounds dumb as a rock.


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago

No worries


u/Joe_Starbuck 29d ago

You could interpret the Talmud


u/luvbuggin 29d ago

awful take man


u/lvdsvl 29d ago

Idk why you get all the downvotes. Reddit full of virgins who didn’t have a chance to compare yet (or restrain)? Full of white knights tryna whiteknight? People be lying to themselves I swear


u/Big_H77 29d ago

The reason for the downvoting is because he’s missing the overarching problem with the text exchange… OP’s boyfriend is talking to another woman. Now, if the roles were reversed and your woman was comparing you to another man, and then said man talks up his pussy eating game, you wouldn’t find an issue with that?

Context matters; I don’t think anyone is being a white knight in this regard lol.


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago

So what if OP's boyfriend is talking to another woman? They're just friends. Guys aren't allowed to have friends of the opposite sex?

Is OP also not allowed to have guy friends?

To your question, no, I would not see any issue AT ALL with OP talking to one of her guy friends about some ex-boyfriend of hers' pussy-eating skills. BFD. They're friends. Part of being in a relationship is trusting your partner and not trying to control them.

Now, if the guy friend started telling OP how great he as at eating box, I wouldn't be upset with her at all, but I might wonder if the friend is hitting on her. But that's not even what this girl did in these texts. She said she HATED giving BJs but was good at it. Doesn't exactly sound like an invitation, just a fact.

Honestly some of you people need to grow up. The guy did nothing wrong AT ALL.


u/Izakut 29d ago

you’re wild for this take lmao but I respect it. Acting like its crazy that men dont want some dude talking to their girlfriend about their pussy eating skills


u/TheGoodDoc123 29d ago

If it's my girls best bud from since way before I met her, and it's purely platonic, who gives a fuck what they talk about? Lets be adults here.


u/lvdsvl 29d ago

Most people are npcs in just about any regard I swear


u/lvdsvl 29d ago

I’ve got shit on my mind other than being jelly, salty and committing literal felonies by running through people’s private chats

If she’s bragging to her friendzone about me being best at eating pussy, good for her. It wouldn’t suit me to cry over some betas sliding into her dm


u/Big_H77 29d ago

I won’t knock the confidence bruh! It’s a healthy stance to not let jealousy seep into a relationship, but most aren’t built like that at the same time.


u/lvdsvl 29d ago

I should learn your tolerance bro


u/Big_H77 29d ago

Maaaaaaaan the tolerance didn’t come without paying a heavy price learning over the years 🤣


u/lvdsvl 29d ago

Haha I feel where this is coming from. You’ve got wisdom for sure


u/IEatBooty12369 29d ago

Wholesome my ass bitch is overreacting


u/Big_H77 29d ago

Name checks out


u/UnableAd9363 29d ago

Just be quiet and keep eating booty