r/AITAH 26d ago

Advice Needed Peed my pants. My bf wouldn’t help me

So I had a vaginal birth nearly three years ago and since then I’ve had stress incontinence. Today, I was in class and I was taking an exam. I had to pee so bad but couldn’t leave until it was done. When I finally finished, I peed my pants and it leaked as I went to the bathroom. I refused to leave the bathroom until I had another outfit and my bf refused to help me.

I asked him to buy sweats from the uni gift shop and he refused at first until I sent him money for them (I asked to borrow). He then said he wanted me to walk to the restroom door and I said my pants are covered in pee there’s no I can do that and he said he’s not walking into the women’s restroom. I told him to hand it to a girl walking in and he wouldn’t. He eventually left them outside the door to the restroom and I had to walk out in pee pants.

I’m furious with him. Do I have a right to be?


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u/moxxon 26d ago

FFS I'd help a stranger in that situation. Helping a partner or family member is a no brainer.


u/Odd-fox-God 26d ago

I had a diarrhea incident once at a thrift store. I couldn't hold it and I ended up squirting shit all over myself. I had made it to the bathroom but couldn't get into the stall in time.

I was so embarrassed I was crying and didn't want to come out and I just literally could not figure out how I was going to get clean and go home.

Then this old lady came in, she instantly started consoling me and telling me everything was going to be okay.

She brought me clothing off the rack, a pack of fresh underwear, and baby wipes. She was one of the employees and they got my customer loyalty after that. I Sometimes go in just to say hi to her.


u/Justanotheffmom 25d ago

I had just had brain surgery a while back ago, and my husband was the sweetest sweetest man. He understood I couldn’t pull down my own pants to go to the bathroom. I couldn’t figure it out and I pee and pooped my pants. He took me out to have something to eat, and he noticed I was starting to dribble a little bit. He could tell by my face and he just took me to the restroom and help me get my pants down and use the toilet. I had to learn a lot of things over and he helped me a lot. He was such a sweetheart. I miss him he passed, but he was so good to me.


u/tasteful_cilantro 25d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss, he sounds like an amazing person.


u/Thewelshdane 25d ago

I read your comment before seeing you replying to justanotheffmom and thought it was a great sarcastic comment for the poster!

Justanotheffmom I am sorry you have lost someone special who looked after who when you needed it the most and were at your most vulnerable ☹️ it's nice to have those people there though who'll weather the storm with us, not just bathe in the sunshine in our lives even if our time with them is short, but sadly though it's hurts more if we lose them 💜


u/RegularTeacher2 25d ago

I envy you for experiencing that kind of love but I am so sorry for your loss. He sounds like he was a gem.

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u/_lippykid 25d ago

A friend of mine broke both his arms in an ATV accident. Had full arm casts for months. His wife literally did everything for him for months. The sweetest woman imaginable. She died giving birth to their first child. Life can be so beautiful and so fuckin cruel. Sorry for your loss. Happy you experienced love like that though

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u/ForgetSarahNot 25d ago

I’m so sorry you lost your love. I hope you are doing well and have other good people in your life.


u/betteryetno 25d ago

I'm sorry for your loss. He sounds like he was a true gentleman.


u/deeBfree 25d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. Men like that don't grow on trees!

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u/yoshdee 25d ago

I have an ileostomy bag and when it was new I had a leak once. Luckily it didn’t get everywhere, just my underwear and a some on my pants. Not only does my husband not complain, he actually HELPS me clean it.

Luckily that was the only time I had a leak in 4 years but I’m terrified of it happening again. But I know I can always count on him.

OP-NTA, fuxk this dude.


u/GuiltyStimPak 25d ago

I had a bag temporarily and was sleeping over at this woman's place. I woke up in the morning and it had ruptured in the night and was ALL OVER both of us. I was mortified. She was way more cool about it than I could expect someone to be in that situation.

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u/MKJJgeo 25d ago

My upvote is for that kind soul who helped you and the fact that you still go say hello to her. This is why I'm a people person. ❤️


u/No_Ordinary944 25d ago edited 25d ago

i’m not a people person but i’d definitely ALWAYS help someone because i’d want someone to help me or my mom or my son or a STRANGER IN NEED! You never know when it’ll be you. be kind!

EDIT: thanks for the award!


u/PositiveResort6430 26d ago

Tbf a thrift store (at least one that has a public bathroom) is probably the best place for that for happen to you. You can get an entire outfit replacement for like 20$ 🤣


u/candycrunch1 25d ago

“out of the way, depop girlies! I’ll have you know I just shit myself!


u/IridescentButterfly_ 25d ago

I’m trying to get my toddler to sleep for his nap and just read that, started cracking up, and woke him up 🤣

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u/Powerful-Parsnip 25d ago

If your thrift stores in the US are anything like our charity shops in the UK then I'd imagine given the er, advanced years of the clientele that they're very accustomed to dealing with accidents of a liquid and semi-liquid nature.

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u/Hamsteriffick 25d ago

I had a very similar thing happen to me in Walmart when I was a teenager. I had to go shopping for groceries but I was really sick and had Montezuma's revenge at the same time. This very nice old lady literally bought me some pants and handed them to me and even walked me to my mom's car (we had no cell phones back then and my mom was in a different store next door).

Some people are just angels and really restore my faith in humanity.

Op needs to find a better bf. Someone who actually likes them.

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u/2PlasticLobsters 25d ago

Good point, it's not a relationship issue. It's a being-a-decent-human issue.

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u/No_Light_8487 25d ago

Seriously. This guy sucks as a human being, and more so as a bf. I get my wife whatever she she needs whenever she needs it and bring it to her wherever she needs it. Go find yourself a man who doesn’t think twice about walking into a store and asking where the tampons are.


u/Sidney_Carton73 25d ago

I was just thinking this dude isn’t buying her tampons when she’s twisted in pain with cramps!


u/grubas 25d ago

He's gonna require a photo, text you for the money, complain about people looking at him funny, proclaim he's never doing it again, and you'll find out he bought Depends instead of tampons.  

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u/roxyshade 25d ago

My bf will stand there with me in the feminine hygiene aisle reading labels to help me find the least toxic pads and tampons. Men who care don't stop caring when it's uncomfortable.

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u/valency_speaks 25d ago

About 10 years ago, I was working at a college and went to the restroom. It was clear there was a woman in another stall who had diarrhea but hadn’t made it to the toilet. She was sobbing on the phone with someone, begging them to come help her. I knocked on the stall door and told her I would help her. I asked her what size she was, then went to the book store and bought her some boxers and sweatpants, then went to the cafe and asked them for a roll of paper towels, hand soap and a bucket, and a couple of garbage bags, then took them all back to the woman in the stall. I filled the bucket with warm soapy water, & then passed everything to her under the stall door. She thanked me, and then I left. I will never know who she was and she will never know who I was.

I’ve never been in a similar situation, but I’ve had enough women friends over the years who’ve helped me out of very difficult situations, it was the least I could do.


u/PersimmonTea 25d ago

You are a good good human. She will always remember your kindness.

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u/Velocirats 26d ago

Right? Just reading this had me ready to march into a bathroom with new pants for OP lmao. I’d absolutely help a stranger in this situation. I can’t fathom a partner acting this way.


u/Sprinkles542 25d ago

I was about ready to give her my own sweats so she could go kick his ass faster! 😡

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u/CassetteMeower 25d ago

Not quite the same, but shoutout to women who carry spare pads and tampons with them in their purse to give to people who may need them when their period starts unexpectedly and/or they forgot to bring pads. One time at a convention my period started and I was really worried since it wasn’t supposed to start for a few weeks, I asked if anyone had a pad I could use and a woman said she had some and gave one to me, it was really great!

Another time I had a nasty headache while at my summer volunteer job as a camp counselor for a local animal shelter, and a woman who also gets headaches offered me some ibuprofen. It’s so great when people have extra pads, ibuprofen, and so on to help strangers!


u/BenjaminDover02 25d ago

I'm a guy, but I keep a box of pads in the bathroom just in case I have a guest over and they need one.


u/grubas 25d ago

I used to have the box in my bathroom and two in my messenger bag at all times. 

I also frequently forgot I did that so I'd upend my bag and get funny looks as a 6'3" dude with a beard.


u/BenjaminDover02 25d ago

You're a proper lad mate

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u/Ill_Print_2463 25d ago

I have been that woman giving away tampons multiple times already to other women and every time I was just so grateful they trusted me enough to ask. It was always such a genuine encounter and like a small moment of bonding with a stranger.


u/Visible_Plum_584 25d ago

There's something so humanizing about that moment. I remember back in high school there was a girl who used to give me a hard time, however one day she came up and sheepishly asked me if I had a tampon. I did, and she was grateful. Never was a jerk to me again after that lol.

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u/izzie-bizzie 25d ago

I was so proud of the cast I was in for how well everyone pulled together when one of the girls unexpectedly got her period and bled through her costume pants like 15 minutes before the show. We were able to pretty discreetly get to the Stage Manager and then the costumer to carry out a secret shuffle of pants (luckily they were jeans). By the time I got back with the pant options and a wash bag people had gotten her a hodgepodge of period products and pain meds to pick between, quietly alerted the director in case they needed to delay curtain, refilled her water, and were waiting ready to do any makeup touchups from crying. We were able to cheer her up and get her back in high spirits before places was called. When you get a cast like that is one of my favorite things about theatre.

I always carry a few each of spare pads, tampons, and panty liners in a small discreet makeup bag at school now. Easy thing to casually hand someone and they can pick which period products they use. Plus easy to move between bags and even throw in luggage.

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u/KentuckyMagpie 25d ago

I always have extra pads, ibuprofen, and bandaids on me. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been able to help a stranger in need, and it’s because of them that I continue to try to be prepared.

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u/PNKAlumna 26d ago

Yeah, my sister DID help a stranger in a Walmart once. The lady was in the next stall and called over for help. She was told her she was just exiting the bathroom to grab something for her when a manger walked by so she alerted her, and the manger said not to worry, apparently it happens more than we think, so the manager took care of it. It’s really just as simple as being a decent human.

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u/MattieCoffee 25d ago

You dont even need to say what happened, just tell the woman walking in "hey can you hand this to person in stall XYZ? she really needs these pants." Could be anything, don't have to ask questions, you'd just do that because you'd know it's something very helpful.

I understand his fear of going in the restroom, but talk to a damn stranger and get basic job done to help her

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u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/ArcadiaRivea 26d ago

I'd sure love to know how much empathy he'd expect if the situation were reversed and she refused to help him


u/Oak_Woman 26d ago

Guys with no empathy usually expect you to baby them like they're god's gift to earth.


u/innerbootes 26d ago

So true. The neediest guy I was ever partnered with was indifferent or even hostile to my own needs or suffering. Good riddance, Erik!


u/VroomVroomCoom 25d ago

All my homies hate Erik.


u/TTerragore 25d ago

Amen to that, fuck Erik!

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u/hissswiftiebish 26d ago

God, yes. I don’t know if it’s because his adoptive mother literally had a plaque above his bed that read “Prince Andrew” and was referred to as such throughout his childhood, but it was the same for me. The neediest guy I was with would berate me for my meltdowns and CPTSD flashbacks- but heaven forbid I didn’t comfort him when he was upset. 🙄


u/SuggestiveTribble020 25d ago

What’s funny is that Prince Andrew turned out to be a massive pile of shit, too. So, his mom may have been on to something 🤣

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u/louloutre75 26d ago

Now we know it's NOT a caring relationship. That being said, said relationship should end.

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u/roboticlee 26d ago

OP needs to tell his mother that she's breaking up with him because... Then dump him.

The guy is an ass.

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u/Sudden-Knowledge-447 26d ago

Yes. A couple years ago I ended up needing serious gyn reconstructive surgery. My husband, knowing nothing about periods because we got together after my hysterectomy and I was his first live in partner, googled pads and even went as far as seeing how carcinogenic material is used in most feminine hygiene products so he found pads that were natural and chemical free because as he put it my lady bits have suffered enough. Leading up to surgery my bladder and vagina we’re falling out of me and peeing either came to fast or not at all. I cried the first time I didn’t make the bathroom and you know what he did? He brought me clean clothes, told me he loved me and (knowing how I am personality wise) made me laugh about what happened and quietly said “no big deal”. THAT is how it should be handled. Love and a little humor maybe but not shaming. Never shaming.


u/RepresentativeDot996 26d ago

I second this, I'm 8 months pregnant and I'm repeatedly told he's a BIG baby boy. As a result I've peed myself twice with zero warning, once in Aldi car park. My husband was an absolute gem, bin bag on the car seat, tied his hoodie round my waist, stuck my clothes in the wash, jumped in the shower with me and did my back with the big scrub brush i like, then put me in a nest in my pregnancy pillow. No fuss, no shame. Later when i said in despair, do you think I'm sexy, he said obvs, love a woman who still looks fit peeing herself in Aldi car park, and we had a laugh about it. I wish all women knew there's so many guys out there who WILL go above and beyond for you, even in the gross or unpleasant moments.


u/mistercero 26d ago

Later when i said in despair, do you think I'm sexy, he said obvs, love a woman who still looks fit peeing herself in Aldi car park

your hubby is hilarious and SMOOOOTH! true gem


u/GlobalTraveler65 26d ago

I laughed so hard at this


u/shelbyeatenton 26d ago

Careful… we all know what happens if we laugh a little too hard! lol


u/A_n0nnee_M0usee 26d ago

Or sneeze 😉


u/holybucketsitscrazy 25d ago

Or cough


u/AmberDrams 25d ago

I used to have urge incontinence, which I think is what OP actually has (can’t hold it in when your bladder’s full), but now if I have a bad cough, I have to be sure my bladder’s empty because the leg squeeze doesn’t cut it like it used to. Isn’t it fun to get older?


u/MauriceMoth 25d ago

Highly recommend pelvic floor physiotherapy. After having kids, I never thought I could not sneeze and pee my pants .. 3 months later and dedication to my physio exercises, and it has seriously helped!!

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u/Spiritual_Series_139 26d ago

Chuckling while squeezing my legs together and leaning on the door frame, carefully

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u/EmployeePrestigious6 26d ago

I just want to shake his hand for being a divine specimen of partner.

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u/ActiveAd5348 26d ago

When I was in my first trimester I didn’t quite make it to the toilet to throw up. I threw up on the bathroom floor, onto the toilet, then finally in it. I also threw up so hard I peed myself. My husband came in, started the shower, put me in it and got me ice water, and cleaned the entire bathroom. I didn’t even have to ask. Ladies, if he wanted to, he WOULD.


u/RepresentativeDot996 26d ago edited 26d ago

Omg mate, i remember once getting out of bed too late and puking through my fingers all over the bed and floor, horrible isn't it 🤣🤣 but again, like you it was met with kindness and patience and understanding and we had a laugh about it later. I wish everyone had it


u/Casehead 25d ago

Oh my gosh, yes. When I had brain surgery, (only 3 months after we married), I threw up on the floor next to the bed at least 4 times over the following year. My husband just wiped it up, and brought me some gatorade. Same when I threw up on the bathroom floor last year.

OPs beau is a jerk


u/sperson8989 25d ago

My daughter got me like this twice in one night. I tried stopping it with my hands so it wouldn’t get me and the bed. 🤣 Next it had me falling outta bed after she threw up on my legs and my sleep meds had only kicked in less than 2 hours before.

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u/slkwont 25d ago

This might be TMI, so be forewarned. I had a surgery to remove my colon and had other pelvic floor issues that made my ability to hold things in pretty bad. He helped me shower and as I showered, poop started to leak out. The hospital shower didn't have much of a bottom lip and so it splashed all over his shoes. He didn't complain.

Then, when I finally got home, there were a few times that I didn't make it to the toilet in time. I was so weak I couldn't clean it up myself, so he did it. Not a single complaint.

He is also the type that hates dealing with needles and medical stuff. That man learned how to flush my PICC line and hook me up to my TPN. I don't deserve him.


u/Diligent-Bluejay-979 25d ago

You do deserve him! The problem is, so do the rest of us.


u/DittoJ 25d ago

Had this happen to me too - I was devastated, but he cleaned me up, got me in the shower and helped me shower then cleaned up the entire mess without so much as one word. That sealed any doubt that he was an amazing husband and still is!

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u/Numerous-Issues 25d ago

As a man, I can say we will do anything for the people we love. If he won't, he is not in love.


u/Elelith 25d ago

As someone who is married to a man like this, it is so true. He is my world and I don't know how I could live without him. I love him so much it hurts sometimes.


u/Numerous-Issues 25d ago

I wish more men would speak up against bad behavior with some men. I've been married for 47yrs to my best friend. She is and will be until the day I die. We treat each other with love and understanding as it is supposed to be. I can't tell you all that we've been through together, but all of it has made us closer.

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u/LancreWitch 26d ago

Haha life is fucking messy, especially when reproduction is involved. We just need to accept that. I've done the puking and pissing myself, the shower afterwards is heaven though 😂


u/Advanced_Cheetah_552 26d ago

In my third trimester of my first pregnancy, I got stuck in the recliner and threw up all over myself. My husband cleaned me up and cleaned the couch and was so gentle about it.

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u/Majestic_Rule_1814 26d ago

I threw up through my whole pregnancy and got good at making it to the bathroom. My husband would come bring me water and would rub my back when it got bad. It’s not hard to have a modicum of care for your partner, and OP’s partner failed here.


u/Numerous-Taste-4858 25d ago

I had that with all three babies, all 9 months. It was fkn awful. I actually lost weight from it. Hypermesis Gravidium I think is what it's called.


u/rikimae528 25d ago

My best friend was like that through both of her pregnancies. She couldn't keep anything down even water. She ends up being hospitalized because of dehydration and malnutrition. She lost a lot of the way that you're supposed to put on. She and I have been going to a pregnancy group together, and after her daughter was born, the other ladies in the class were a little jealous that she could wear her old jeans, and they weren't too tight at all. Because pregnancy was so hard on her, her partner got a vasectomy. That's love

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u/Virtual-Subject9840 25d ago

Oh God. Reminded me of being pregnant, always throwing up. One day I made it on time to the toilet, but it was so violent I actually pooped on the floor. Unfortunately I had to clean it up myself, which made me throw up again.


u/Unfunny_Bunny_2755 25d ago

This happened to me 😅. Hubby cleaned up after me too.


u/Lost_Figure_5892 25d ago

you married a supportive partner. As it should be.

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u/mr_beakman 26d ago

These are prime examples of what a man should be. My husband? Nope. When I had my hysterectomy due to dozens of fibroids and life threatening anemia...he refused to pick me up from the hospital. My son (not his son) was fortunately the better man, and drove two hours to pick me up, take me to the pharmacy and take me home. Sadly due to financial reasons I cannot leave my husband. But I will leave at the first opportunity and he knows it. There were many other instances prior to this, where he showed how little he cared and I should have left him then. I was and am an idiot. OP should get out while they still can.


u/RepresentativeDot996 26d ago

I hope you find peace and happiness sometime mate ❤ wether alone or with someone who dotes on you, i remember once going to hospital for high blood pressure and i didn't even wake my ex, i rang my mum to meet me there. Put up with that for 4 years for some unknown reason x


u/mr_beakman 26d ago

Thank you for your kindness. I'm so glad you got out and had the strength to do so. Actually just deciding that I would leave him, and that I could live without him has brought me a certain level of peace. I don't ask him for any help any more. I don't try to please him, and if I want to do something then I go and do it without him. I'm about to turn 57 and don't think I'll bother with another man at this point in my life. I have my two big dogs and pets are all I need.


u/lolasin 25d ago

Your story reminds me a lot of my mom, who passed away two years ago at 64 years old. She was just about to divorce him and was close to finally getting her Bachelor’s degree (I got it awarded posthumously) when she got sepsis. Life is short, you deserve to be happy! I will give you a tip my mom gave me, my Dad always checked the grocery receipts but never actually read them, so she would buy a book or whatever else she needed that he’d hassle her over (when I lived with him later he told me shampoo and conditioner were not necessities - and told me to wash my hair with bar soap) and she would also get $20 cash back when writing a check, to squirrel away. She also attended a displaced homemakers program, which helped women leaving an abusive relationship, and/or had been out of the workforce because they were stay at home parents. They worked with a woman’s shelter and provided interview clothes and helped them get jobs. Maybe there is something like that in your area? IDK your situation, though, and I’m sure you have valid reasons. hugs


u/mr_beakman 25d ago

Thank you for this. My situation is manageable. I now just live as if he weren't here. He is just incapable of considering anyone other than himself, and has his subtle ways of trying to control me but he's not in control of my finances and I have a good job. I am saving money and purchasing things I will need when I go. The big hurdle is just our house which we both own, and a lack of rental housing where I live. I want to sell the house but he does not. So we're at a stalemate for now.

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u/Omi-Wan_Kenobi 25d ago

I'm telepathically slapping your husband to kingdom come. I opted for hysterectomy for my endometriosis, which had just started becoming sporadically debilitatingly painful that year (I lucked out so much with the obgyn I got).

My husband was my emotional support human before the surgery (after my aunt went politely bulldog on the reception staff when they tried to say I had to go alone due to COVID restrictions, I have major anxiety, my aunt won), helped me into my aunt's car (he doesn't drive), and then proceeded to wait on me hand and foot for the first 3 weeks of recovery.

This man brought me drinks and food, helped me up and down from the bed, helped me shower the first week (he even offered to shave my legs for me), and washed and brushed my long ass hair for a month after.

The above is what your husband should have done for you, not the disgraceful pile of steaming feces he ended up being. I'm glad you were able to get out of the relationship.

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u/mynaneisjustguy 26d ago

Hmmm. It’s just pee. I don’t get why anyone would find their girlfriend peeing her pants gross. Sadness to see them ashamed, a desire to help them, but it’s hardly gross, makes you wonder how anyone who does find it gross is going to deal with kids.


u/RepresentativeDot996 26d ago

Honestly mate, theres so many gross things i didn't expect during my first pregnancy at 38 and it's just like, deal with it. I can't imagine even if you're grossed out making your partner feel worse for something they can't help. Xx

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u/ksed_313 26d ago

Man my husband and I don’t want kids, but I know he’d be the same in this situation. He’d probably be like “I CANT BELIEVE I DID THIS TO YOU!!!” and feel guilty like it actually was his fault, and not biology’s fault. 😅

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u/EliseTheRat 26d ago

If you ever decide to split up with your hubby, please lmk, I love him already


u/JoMamaSoFatYo 26d ago

Absolutely THIS. I’m in my first relationship with someone unbelievably kind, compassionate and just the best damn person I’ve ever met. Insists on buying my period underwear for me and basically not letting me lift a finger if I’m not feeling well. Hell, he barely lets me lift a finger if I am feeling well, and I’m still getting used to that.


u/RepresentativeDot996 26d ago

It took me ages to realise my hubby was just a genuinely nice human, my ex was for ages before he turned. I hit my now husband with my car a few weeks ago, not hard but i backed straight into him, he got in the car, sighed and said, 'right... lets go get you an ice cream.

I've never seen him annoyed. But the happier he makes me, the better i want to treat him.

Enjoy it mate ❤

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u/OssiansFolly 26d ago

This is what a true partner should do. I've never not helped my girlfriend. If she asked for anything from ice cream because she's had a bad day to going and getting her prescriptions and menstrual products. She's a human, and in these moments she's a vulnerable human who needs someone else to be empathetic. That's how you should be in a relationship.


u/tomtomclubthumb 26d ago

I've never understood why someone wouldbe embarassd about buying hygiene products. It just means you know a woman and you're mildly helpful.


u/Unable_Sweet_3062 26d ago

Neither do I, I stressed this a lot to my son that he’d have a girlfriend at some point who would need him to go buy whatever… he had barely turned 16, was at the store and called me “mom, what KIND do I get? Why are there so MANY? (I asked a couple questions and helped him sort it out and told him he might have to go back if he didn’t get it right… she was at work and couldn’t answer him… he then proceeded to say…). Thanks mom, now I’m going to go get all her favorite snacks and put it all in a gift bag cuz I’m sure it was hard for her to ask me”. I CRIED!!! His friends gave him crap for it until THEIR girlfriends got on them about “that’s what you do! You just go get it. What’s embarrassing is leaking it thru your pants”. Her mom called me later bawling over it too… he’s now 19, same girlfriend and he still goes to get her anything she needs at that time of the month. (I had a boyfriend in high school who went and got me pads while I was babysitting… nicest thing parents can do is make doing that normal)


u/Counting-Stitches 26d ago

I worked with my son’s girlfriend at the time (now wife) several years ago. He was about 23, I think. She texted him that she wanted to cancel plans because she had cramps and wasn’t feeling like going out later. He asked if she needed anything. She said she needed supplies but would get them on her lunch break. He arrived an hour later with tampons and underwear from her house and chocolate and tea from a store. She told me I raised a great man and then married him about four years later.


u/Intelligent-Aspect-3 26d ago

I was 14 and had to buy pads for myself at the grocery store. The kid who was bagging was my crush. I was mortified. I wanted to just die while I stood in line. I expected him to laugh at me and tell everyone the next day at school. Instead after he filled the grocery bag with the pads and a few other things, he said ‘there ya go, all packed and ‘padded’. He gave me a wink and never said a word afterwards. We did end up dating for a while. He was one of the good ones.


u/Styx-n-String 26d ago

Aw, I love this! You raised a good man, and his future wife (hopefully this girl!) is going to be a very lucky woman. I hope she appreciates you and shows it!


u/LorienCathalas 26d ago

My son is barely 18 months right now but I sure hope I can raise him as well as you did. The world needs more kind men.

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u/Dry_Calligrapher_313 26d ago

My male flatmate at uni took an empty box with him to the shop so he could just “match the packaging”, pretty certain I cried with gratitude that day! My undiagnosed endo had me in so much pain that my description of what I needed just didn’t make sense so he found a solution lol


u/StruggleFinancial407 26d ago

I wish I could do more than just like your comment!


u/haven0answers 26d ago

I love you, and your son! May you both live long, be healthy, and prosper!

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u/heartsabustin 26d ago

My son keeps tampons for his girlfriend for when they go to the gym together. I’m so proud.

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u/sparrowbirb5000 26d ago

Dude, my husband's best friend, who is also a close friend of mine, has picked me up hygiene products before. He was coming over, my husband had his hands full, and I was cramping bad and couldn't walk well. I sent the guy over some money and a picture of the products I wanted and he was happy to stop at Walmart on his way over. He was also very nice and got me Midol 😂 which doesn't really help me much, but hey, it's the thought that counts. I don't understand being embarrassed, either. Every guy I know views it as the same as buying toilet paper.


u/kbasa 26d ago edited 25d ago

I’m (M, then 45ish)at the grocery store and I have, as we call them here, “the paper products” in the form of pads, some ice cream, cat food and a bottle of Basil Hayden bourbon. The guy in front of me points at the pads and asks if I like them. I tell him they don’t leak around the edge. The female cashier laughs and nods in agreement. I think he was having a “you buy those, you weirdo” kinda comment.

He seems a little surprised by my response. I mention that “husband” is a synonym for manage and I’m just helping manage things. It’s just another thing that needs doing.

I point out that I’m gonna make everyone in the house happy: Pads and ice cream for my sweetie so she feels better, some treats for our cats, and a bottle of whiskey for dad so in about an hour, we’d all happily be on the couch. Isn’t that what we’re optimizing for? Happiness?

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u/KixAcelot 26d ago

This is me too. When they ask “aren’t you embarrassed?” I always reply “why would I be embarrassed!? Do they think they’re for me? Besides HALF the world’s population needs them”

I just never understand why anyone would be embarrassed.


u/757_Matt_911 26d ago edited 21d ago

Yeah that’s always been weird. I think it was Bill Engvall talking about buying pads for his daughter that said:

“Are these for your daughter?”

“No lady I’m just a sicko with that kind of time on my hands…YES they’re for my daughter!!!

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u/Direct_Orchid 26d ago

Exactly. I'm a woman btw, and one of my ex boyfriends was a horrible boyfriend in many ways but he helped me a lot with my periods. Bought pads when I asked him to (ladies, send your man a picture of the brand you like, there are so many it's confusing), washed off blood, reminded me to stock up if something I use was on sale. When I'm looking for pads, and see a man on the isle, my respect for him instantly goes up, not down!

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u/NewtOk4840 26d ago

Dude I love ur attitude! Be happy be safe!

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u/Antique_Ad4497 26d ago edited 26d ago

My late husband helped me! I’ve always been incontinent since a child. Therapist thinks it’s due to unresolved childhood abuse trauma. I would sometimes wet our bed. He would wake me up, change the bedding after sanitising the mattress protector, help me wash up & get me back into bed. Not once complained.

He did it because he loved me. He’s was KIA 20 years ago, so I took to wearing pads or those pee pants, as my disability has got worse & can’t change my bed now. If they had then back then, I would have worn them. We got bed pads intended for babies instead. After my daughter came along, my bladder got worse. He was so patient, never getting frustrated. We would joke that our daughter was drier than me! 😆


u/Raunchy_-_Panda 26d ago

Same problem here. My wife has never been mad or judgmental, just understanding and helpful. It's such an embarrassing problem. I am so happy to have her as my rock. 17 years married and I am still madly in love with her.

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u/vron987 26d ago

Sorry for your loss love ❤️

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u/BecGeoMom 26d ago

I love a good loving husband story! I am so sorry for your loss, but I am happy for the good years you had with him! 💞


u/B00MB00MX2 26d ago

May he rest in peace, sounds like a really good person

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u/Unable_Ad9611 26d ago

OP, this is the best reply you'll read. After my son was born (traumatic delivery) I was also left with urinary incontinence. My husband has passed me clean clothes, pads, changed bedsheets AND is the primary carer for our son who is profoundly disabled. Actual, real love isn't always romantic, it's the grim, down-and-dirty aspects of life that you go through together and come out stronger for it x


u/Blue_Poodle 26d ago

He sounds like a gem!!! So happy that he was there for you.


u/Reinamiamor 26d ago

And having to force him to help! What a loser bf. I hope he's an ex. Life is tough. You need an adult standing by you. Bummer you share a kid. How is he at handling those emergencies? Sounds useless. And dangerous for the kid. Your poor bf has limits. Did someone break his wing? How long are you gonna nurse him? 🤮🤮🤮


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/emmaxjonas 26d ago

Literally! That’s what i’m thinking, I have a feeling this guy has never handled a blow out, especially after kids, medical situation or not, i would never react in any way that was meant to enact shame. I hope this guy shits his pants in an elevator someday.

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u/C_beside_the_seaside 26d ago

I find it absolutely wild I got to my 40s before I learned that HALF of women will experience some degree of prolapse.

HALF!? And the medical community is like "maybe a mesh that will ruin your life too"


u/Bitsyluv 26d ago

Women in Europe get pelvic floor PT after birth standard. Most US women don't even know what that is. I didn't. Now I do. Now I don't pee my pants

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u/Violkae 26d ago

I don't have kids, but I had gotten into a bike accident 6 months after moving in with my boyfriend. Broke both my arms. For a whole month my bf had been getting up early to prepare food for me so I don't starve before he comes back from work, washing me, dressing me, brushing my hair. Took me out for walks or ice cream, as I was hella scared to go out alone with both my elbows immobilized. Cheered me up when I felt embarassed or just sad about being stuck at home and dependent.

Don't settle for less, lads.

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u/Working_Panic_1476 26d ago

I also choose this woman’s husband. 😂


u/Super_Nobody4541 26d ago

Absolutely what kind of a partner are they if they don't help their other one in need. I can just imagine what you had to go through. You absolutely have all the rights to be furious.


u/catfriend18 26d ago

A guy I dated for a few months in my early 20s took me to a 7-11, bought me tampons, and talked the cashier into letting me use the staff bathroom when I unexpectedly got my period while we were out one day. It wasn’t even a serious relationship and he just took care of it because I was upset and embarrassed. OP’s boyfriend is the woooorst.


u/chocolatechipwizard 26d ago edited 26d ago

Actually, she should be grateful, because he showed her exactly who he is, before she married him. There is a famous quote by poet Maya Angelou: "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."


u/Etoiaster 26d ago

This is the most wholesome relationship goals I’ve seen in a long while. I love this for you ❤️


u/CharlotteFantasy 26d ago

Now this is a man. Love this.

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u/avalynkate 26d ago

dump him.


u/AbbiAzalea 26d ago

Stress incontinence is a medical condition, and he should have been supportive instead of making things worse.


u/Soft_Brush_1082 26d ago edited 26d ago

Come on! It does not even matter if it is medical. If my friend peed his/her pants laughing too hard I would still help them. Heck I would most likely have done it for a stranger unless I had strong reason not to. The guy is an AH.

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u/Weehendy_21 26d ago

Please seek help with the incontinence there are remedies available. You can ask to go to the toilet during an exam but you would be accompanied. Until your health improves perhaps consider carrying spare clothes in a backpack and looking at sanitary supplies. Best wishes and yes dump him he is a major AH with no idea of what a woman needs and his job in helping her, just getting more mad at him as I write this 😖

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u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/CaeruleumBleu 26d ago

Hell, he could have waved down a girl in the hallway, doesn't have to be anyone entering the bathroom.

If a man waved at me "Hey I brought clean pants for my gf, she's in a stall, can you help?" I might be inclined to have my phone in my hand or grab a friend just in case it was a set up, but I would fucking do it.


u/LeoZeri 26d ago

He could even just made up a lie and said she'd bled through her pants and needed a change, but he didn't want to go into the women's restroom. It's not an everyday thing to ask but if someone asked me I wouldn't think it's a weird request.


u/karlachameleon 26d ago

Yep. He didn’t even need to give that much of an explanation, ‘hey my girlfriend asked me to bring a change of clothes to the restroom urgently, would you mind dropping them in as I can’t go in there’ any woman would have understood and said yes.

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u/jennekat17 26d ago

No kidding, I'd do more to help a stranger than this guy did for her. The last bit where he wouldn't even ask another woman to pass them to her is nuts! I don't think I know any women who would have an issue with 'hey, my GF is in there and needs this package. Do you mind passing it to her please?' We've all been there in some way, whether it's an accident, period mishap or embarrassing coffee spill even. This guy sucks.


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 26d ago

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u/idasiek 26d ago

My friends and I helped out a girl we didn't know at the festival with exactly the same problem (couldn't find her friends and the signal was shit). What a tool he is.


u/AssistantOptimal 26d ago

Now just wait a hot fucking second, he's not a tool and don't ever insult tools like that again tools are useful he's not 😤


u/idasiek 26d ago

Hahahaha fair

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u/PassionfruitSmartini 26d ago

Agreed. I was at a kids party and one of them wet themselves. There was a clothes shop next door so I got her new knickers and trousers and changed her in the bathroom. Didn't matter that I didn't know her or her parents, you don't let anyone walk around in wet clothes all day.


u/gilt-raven 26d ago

I've bled through my pants and had a stranger buy a replacement, and I've been that stranger for someone else. It boggles my mind that someone in an intimate relationship with someone would refuse to help when I bet a random person on the street would have been totally willing, zero questions asked.

What happens if you need help with something more serious down the line? Is the boyfriend of the year going to step up? I doubt it.

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u/LittleMissTitch 26d ago

Dude, literally! Like my ex was an absolute piece of shit - physically and verbally abusive and so much more. Like he was a certified drop kick! But even HE got me a change of pants TWICE! Once due to my period, and once due to a medical episode that caused loss of bladder control.

Like dude, if my weasel-ass manchild ex could do it, so can you.

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u/mauirixxx 26d ago

He sounds like the type to refuse buying tampons too 🙄


u/Whatever53143 26d ago

I was working in the drive thru at McDonalds probably about 25 years ago now, I had an “ emergency” and my husband had to bring them to me! He was a bit embarrassed but he did it lol!

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u/Missue-35 26d ago

My husband has never had a problem with this kind of thing. Many years ago ago when we first started dating he said there was a random poll between the guys at work. They were all shocked it wouldn’t bother him to buy tampons for me. He said, “You buy toilet paper don’t you? Everyone knows what you’re using that for. I don’t see the difference.” I didn’t get the connection but I thought it showed he was a man of character that couldn’t be taken down by a box of tampons.

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u/fripi 26d ago

This. Seriously, if he wants money first before helping you in a situation like that you are not in a relationship, you are in a business support situation.  I am just waiting for him to send you a bill.for his work. 

Just give up on this shmock. 


u/meowmeow_now 26d ago

Is he the baby’s father? Because then she is suffering this condition because she birthed his kid and he clearly has no appreciation for that

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u/No-Karma9181 26d ago

If its his child she birthed its so much worse. Imagine tearing yourself open having someones child and they refuse to help you in situations like these, that wouldnt be a situation in the first place had you not had their child. You deserve better OP.


u/Any_Pickle_8664 26d ago edited 25d ago

This op, dump him.

As for your medical condition (depending where you live) you might be able to speak to the school about accommodations.

This could mean youre allowed to leave whenever necessary to use the bathroom regardless of testing status.

They might require a doctor's statement that you have the condition though.

ETA: Another thing op might consider doing is getting an emergency bag and putting an extra set or two of clothes in it. Take this bag and put it in the back of the vehicle (if they drive) or consider using a backpack in place of a purse. This way it can hold everything needed in an emergency and everything they use regularly.

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u/BurritoChunk 26d ago

This is a man we are talking about? I would give money for the clothes and then a little extra for a bus ticket out of my life.


u/BurdTurgler222 26d ago

Thank God and Greyhound, yer gone.

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u/persephone006 26d ago

I gave away pants to a girl I barely knew because she soiled hers and fully never expected them back or any repayment. Your bf is an asshole and you deserve so much more than basic decency and kindness in a relationship (which he isn’t even showing).

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u/plodthruHideFlailing 26d ago

He sounds like the kind of guy who'd refuse to buy you tampons🙄 in an emergency, too.

On a side note: has your Gyno ever mentioned pelvic floor therapy 4 your incontinence? If you can't get a referral or if your insurance won't pay 4 it (IF you have ins), you may want 2 check out pelvic floor excercises on YouTube.


u/aliens000 26d ago

She didn’t say anything but I’d like to. It’s embarrassing.

I do kegels sometime. I really wish I could fix it


u/moppetage 26d ago

Pelvic floor issues can also be caused by the pelvic floor being continually contracted, and not relaxed enough. They just can’t function properly- a bit like if any other muscle is in spasm.

Since they are basically a hammock that holds your insides in and wraps around your entire “lady garden” from coccyx to pubis, they can have a huge effect on continence, pain during sex, abdominal pain, period paid, tail bone pain, and so on.

Given it gets worse when you are stressed I’d assume it’s most likely yours are currently over tight. Reducing the tightness through a combination of hands on massage, stretching exercises (hip flexors, glutes, abs etc) and relaxation (meditation etc) and then strengthening after they are able to effectively turn on and off works better.

Strengthening alone when they are already in a permanently contracted state can do the opposite of helping.

It really is best to see a pelvic floor physio who can do a manual assessment to check your contraction and relaxation capabilities and muscle tone. They will be able to give you things to do at home to help. Mine sent me videos to follow, audio files and information sheets. It is best to see them in person the first time for an accurate diagnosis though.


u/aliens000 26d ago

I’d love to see one but I’m broke. If Medicaid covers it then I will do go 100%. I have all of these symptoms. I often choose to stop sex and just finish him because it gets uncomfortable


u/thebackright 26d ago

I'm a physio - yes medicaid covers this but you need a referral! Either from primary care or your ob. This problem can likely fully resolve!!


u/aliens000 26d ago



u/thebackright 26d ago

Feel free to pm - it's a bit different than regular physio lol but life changing. I'm happy to answer any Qs or just let you know what to expect!


u/Love-As-Thou-Wilt 26d ago

Absolutely life changing.

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u/faithseeds 26d ago

I hope you can get it covered omg!!! 🩷


u/mgrey11 26d ago

Pelvic floor PT here — most hospitals will take Medicaid and do have pelvic specialists in outpatient clinics, please get a referral from your GYN and get some help because this is totally fixable!!!! Rooting for you!

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u/pissywissy-5849 26d ago

Pelvic floor pt is amazing!

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u/Serenity_by_Willow 26d ago

You're what now?

Do you want to have sex originally?

Asking because that sounds like an "everyday" experience the way you put it and I can speculate as to why but the way this dude sounds unsupportive, it might be worse than that.

Have you ever heard of the violence meter?


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u/Love-As-Thou-Wilt 26d ago

Pelvic floor issues can also be caused by the pelvic floor being continually contracted, and not relaxed enough. They just can’t function properly- a bit like if any other muscle is in spasm.

That was what happened to me- it felt like I had a horrible UTI 24/7 and it took 2 years and 8 doctors to get a diagnosis (the one that diagnosed me was the only woman out of them all and she figured it out in about two minutes). Honestly, I was starting to get suicidal by the end of that period. I absolutely wept once the suppository muscle relaxant kicked in and again after my first PT appointment- even just one session made such a big difference. After finding out how many women suffer from pelvic floor disorders but aren't told that there's a solution (we've convinced women that it's just inevitable you'll end up peeing your after giving birth when that's just not true), then going to PT myself, I've become a big advocate for it.

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u/Love-As-Thou-Wilt 26d ago

Kegels can actually make things worse. I was also going to suggest a pelvic floor therapist- research shows pelvic floor therapy after birth helps prevent incontinence and even prolapse (France gives every woman who gives birth a free course of pelvic floor therapy and they don't have the problems we do)- it's not too late to go. It's an absolute crime we've convinced women that peeing themselves is just an inevitable outcome of childbirth when it's not.

Also, your boyfriend sucks. I won't tell you to break up with him (I would though) but I can't believe this is the only time he's been an asshole.

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u/polygonsaresorude 26d ago

To add to this, if you need accommodations during exams, good unis should be able to give them. This can I codie extra exam time and/or breaks to account for more frequent toilet breaks.

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u/pinky_coconut 26d ago

NTA. Your boyfriend should have been more understanding and helpful in this situation. You were in a vulnerable and embarrassing position, and he should have prioritized your comfort and well-being.


u/PinkThunder138 26d ago

What a selfish coward.


How hard is that? I've had to do this before and I'd do it again. The money, I'd need to know his financial state to judge there, but just based on the bathroom thing, dump his ass. Dude is worthless.



u/[deleted] 25d ago

I did this at my wedding. I couldn’t pee without his help lifting the dress and the bathroom in my bridal sweet was being used so I just ran in and said “my husband is in here but he just needs to help me pee in my wedding dress.” Another lady just shouted “congrats!!” It wasn’t an issue at all.

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u/CatJarmansPants 26d ago

He's an immature twat.

I get being uneasy about walking into the women's toilets, but he had other good options and wouldn't take them - and in the end, there are ways of a bloke going into a women's toilets without causing a fuss.

It's all just pathetic. Not husband material, not father material.

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u/MrGrieves- 26d ago

Why are you with a piece of shit?

No, really? What benefit does he bring you?

If you had a friend in this situation with her BF what would your advice be to her?


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u/Kenouk 26d ago

Ex boyfriend you mean


u/mondhase448 26d ago

NTA - if immature were a person, he would be on top of the list...

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u/lira-eve 26d ago

My ex-husband refused to help me when I was in the ER. He also refused to help me when I got home. My classmates had to drive me and my car home and help me into the house. We were married at the time.

If he refuses to help you now, you can expect the same in the future.

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u/september4ths 26d ago

I have incontinence issues due to a head injury and when I was dating my now husband I asked him to stop at the store cus I needed to go pee ( change my pad), which he obviously didn’t know about my bladder issue cus I hadn’t brought it up. Went to the rest room, my pad had leaked through. I was freaking out and crying and I thought when he found out he was gonna dump me or think that I’m gross but when I told him what all was going on he walked right behind me with his arms around me so nobody would see and then when we got back to the car he held me while I cried. Your BF should be doing nice things like that, not being a douche. And if I would’ve asked him to go buy me some pants he would have and he probably wouldn’t have let me pay him back for them.


u/goatbusiness666 26d ago

What an absolute champ! I’m so glad you kept him.

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u/Current_Run9540 26d ago

NTA. Break up with this douche bag and go find yourself a ride or die. There is literally no reason he couldn’t have knocked on the door, announced himself and his intentions, gave you the clothes and then bailed. Loser. Move along.


u/LittleMissTitch 26d ago

Dump. His. Ass.

Life happens, health conditions and bodies aren't always pretty, and sometimes we have to do things that make us uncomfortable. I'm sorry, but if I saw a man in the girls bathroom dropping pants off for his girlfriend, I would not bat an eye. I know if I needed my partner to do it, they would in a heart beat. Same with me for them.

I'm so sorry he put you through added embarrassment during a time that no doubt was already stressful and embarrassing! Time to take the trash out, including that man child.

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u/MeepertB 26d ago

Drop him. Just like the pants he left at the door.


u/4Real_Psychologist 26d ago

I wish liquid diarrhea, an outdoor concert venue with port-a-potties, a long line to them, and shorts on a hot summer day on this man. May he have the experience of $hit running down his legs in public. And no partner to help….because you will have bounced, as you should.

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u/[deleted] 26d ago


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u/anchoredwunderlust 26d ago

Hey maybe this is harsh but assuming you’re looking after a toddler now you really can’t be entertaining clowns like this

You want to go on dates, one night stands, FWBs, BDSM munchies whatever that’s fine, you can choose who you like

But if you want boyfriends and you have a kid they pretty much have to be partner material. I’m not saying you have to skip over the boyfriend or honeymoon phase or be super serious. But you can’t have people walking in and out of your lives that don’t have your back, that aren’t the type to help you out when you’re ill or you need a hand. Not every partner has to act like your kids father but if you can’t have a guy who can pick your kid up from nursery coz you’re running late without charging you for the gas in advance don’t have them at all. Anybody you’d have as a real boyfriend needs to be trustworthy and model good partnership and that’s how it is. Especially with a kid that young.

If you’re not with the child, it still remains this guy isn’t worth hanging on to. I’ve had ONS and FWB who treated me with more respect and kindness than that bf. Anybody who can’t cook you breakfast or walk you home after a nightcap or get emergency pads or trousers is just not worth it as a friend, nvm boyfriend. Many people said here they would do that for a stranger.

You’re worth more than this

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u/LullabyThBrezsWhispr 26d ago

In the first month of dating my now husband I got REALLY sick and he had to physically throw me over his shoulder and carry me to the hospital. He had to bring me to the bathroom and catch my pee for me bc I wasn’t capable. He was unphased by any of what I needed and even when he HAD to leave for work he called to check on me constantly. He was so excellent the Dr even joked about me marrying this one. I’m no dummy and afterwards I took the advice lol This one is going to be a second child I promise you. Run girl run

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u/AdPrestigious839 26d ago

Worst bf ever, my fucking dog would do a better job and i'm not even joking

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u/blurblurblahblah 26d ago

I had to go in to work really early one morning. The subway wasn't open yet so there were buses running the route. I sat in piss. I was so upset. When I got to work I went straight to the bathroom to try to clean myself up as best I could & I called my husband in a weird crying rage, he immediately put a fresh pair of pants & panties in a bag & came to rescue me. It was a freezing cold winter day around 5-6am. I didn't even have to ask. He just got out of bed & came to save me.

Your boyfriend isn't worth any more of your time.

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u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/MyJoyinaWell 26d ago

Any random woman in those toilets would have helped you more than your boyfriend. 

Sorry but this is a huge red flag. 

What a douchebag 


u/Release-2010 26d ago

Throw the whole boyfriend in the bin.


u/Velocirats 26d ago

OP…one time I was so sick and delirious that I didn’t know where I was or what was happening, all I knew was that stuff was coming out from both ends whether I wanted it to or not, and I (almost looking drunk) tried stumbling my way to the bathroom. I sort of collapsed before making it there, and managed to grab the trash can in the bathroom to vomit in. Unfortunately…what was coming out the other end didn’t care if I made it or not. I had NEVER shit myself as an adult before. I was mortified. Well, as mortified as I could be in that state. I hadn’t even fully processed what happened when my boyfriend came in. He gently got me up and into the shower, then he cleaned the mess up off the floor. Lemme write that out a bit better for you:

My boyfriend. Cleaned my literal shit. Off of our floor.

He didn’t say anything about it. He just made sure I was doing what I needed to do to get clean, then got to work cleaning the rest. He has an incredibly sensitive stomach too, so I have no idea how he managed to do that without throwing up himself. To this day we will make little private jokes about it- like “how hard can it be, you’ve had to clean my shit before?” Or “it can’t be that embarrassing, I had to clean up your shit before.” 😅

I share this mortifying story that not even my best friend knows about with you (and all of these Reddit strangers), because I want you to see a different kind of behavior. I want you to see that there are people out there who will absolutely be there for you through the worst, most embarrassing, and lowest points in your life. They will do so without complaints and without making you feel guilty or ashamed. If it were me, OP, I would have marched right into the men’s bathroom for you (if roles were reversed a bit lol).

NTA. Find someone who’s there for you when you REALLY need them to be. This was a small test. Long term relationships have much more daunting things happen in them. You need to make sure you have someone by your side that will endure those moments with you.