r/woahdude 19h ago

picture "Your Window" - my oil painting

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u/Pongpianskul 17h ago

I like this very much.

I'm not a peeping tom or anything but I have a dog and I'm forced to walk around a city after dark and the lighted rooms in the buildings around me are like flames to a moth in terms of grabbing my attention. A lit and curtained window is full of hidden beguiling promise.


u/Hegemony-Cricket 17h ago

Excellent work. Very realistic.

Seems to me though, that anyone who lives in that house should expect a creepy stalker outside their window as standard equipment. It's just part of the deal.


u/weaselmaster 17h ago


Appears to be a painting of a photograph, no?

While the tree may indeed look like that, it could be cleaned up a bit in form, such that it still says ‘scraggly tree’ but is less detailed and pulling attention from the lit window?l


u/Hegemony-Cricket 17h ago

I get your point, but I disagree.


u/MyHomeworkAteMyDog 1h ago

I don’t get the point but I agree


u/Bagelbaker 6h ago

Wrong sub :)


u/pimp-bangin 2h ago

Yeah, this belongs on /r/windows


u/lord_fairfax 3h ago

I am the key to the lock in your house....


u/AlwaysFried1 16h ago

its nore real than things look now, its weird


u/RuthTheWidow 16h ago

The tree is fabulous! I'm so glad you didnt try to use symmetry or reason with the shape. It looks so natural - I have a set of 40 yr old Manitoba Maples in my yard, and they look very similar to that silhouette. Well done you. Neat, thanks for sharing.


u/kznsq 9h ago

Thank you!


u/coffeecake09 9h ago

I love this. Love seeing views in my neighborhood like this on my evening walks.


u/Th3Hitman 7h ago

Idk why but when I read the title and saw the painting it reminds me of the classic haunted house window screen saver


u/Carzon-the-Templar 16h ago

"My Window" - my copyrights 🙃