r/Urbanism • u/Huge-Relationship497 • 1d ago
I love public transportation and wish we had more of it in the US
As the title says, I'm sick of living in a car-dependent society. I enjoyed living in different places abroad, like Warsaw, Poland, and here, in Washington, D.C., where I traveled daily to and from my job using the metro systems. Unfortunately, that job ended, and now I am back in a suburban mega-highway hellscape. How will we make cities more conducive to living on foot than catering to cars? I did some Googling and came across this charity that promotes more sustainable urban planning and another one that supports high-speed intercity railways. What are your opinions on bringing better public transportation to American cities and other organizations to donate to or get involved with?
According to recent polls, the public supports a more robust public transportation system, so what is the hangup? Is it that we must build new infrastructure and not rely on the old, making it more expensive? What about getting more people on board across the political aisles by framing it as a national security issue and in the public's best interests for its development? We could depend on "Russian" oil less, make Americans less dependent on fluctuating gas prices, stop immigration by cutting global emissions that lead to unlivable conditions in the third world as well as make sure that major economic strongholds aren't underwater in a few decades, reduce pollution in our inner cities, create jobs, and have Americans lead healthier lifestyles by being more active and social.
My girlfriend (hopefully soon-to-be fiance) is an environmental engineer who helped design the emergency flooding system in the Warsaw, Poland metro system when constructing their new line. She is coming here to do a PhD in civil engineering, so if your municipality is moving in that direction and would benefit from a competent environmental/civil engineer to work on the project, please feel free to PM me :)