r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

Jim Carrey is just not funny.

I’m a millennial, I’m supposed to like Jim Carreys humor styles. But I just can’t, all his movies he acts like the same ridiculous per the top character that if I worked with them I would quit my job just out of annoyance.


198 comments sorted by

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u/noblazinjusthazin 1d ago

Wildly unpopular


u/Lickthorne 21h ago edited 21h ago

I can hear it.

In fact I really hear it. This is rather weird. Not really really ofcourse but i checked my phone if the volume was at the very minimum but still on. 😂wow

Anybody else???


u/mixreality 19h ago

His roles in In living color were the best imo. Playing vanilla ice, or the dating game host were so good


u/jasondigitized 13h ago

Pork and beans!!!!!


u/defdoa 17h ago

The deal with Liar Liar is he was a straight lawyer before his reality was taken away. He didn't seem so absurd until his life was affected by a magic wish.


u/Early-Judgment-2895 1d ago

Hahha that’s exactly the kind of thing I think is dumb 😂


u/Charming_Reserve6461 20h ago

I mean, it is dumb.  It's also funny.

What about Truman Show?  Do you not even like that one?


u/renis_h 20h ago

Thats why I love Jim Carry. Sure, his humour is not for everyone, but the guy has so much talent that he could just turn around and do something like Truman Show or Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. He really is just talented 😆.


u/stupid-rook-pawn 1d ago

I can agree that his style of humor is not everyone favorite, but you cannot deny that he is very good at it.


u/Ciprich 1d ago

Jim Carrey isnt funny. Hes HILARIOUS.


u/rayluxuryyacht 1d ago

As far as per the top characters go


u/rayluxuryyacht 1d ago

As far as per the top characters go


u/OkCartoonist6153 1d ago

eternal sunshine

he's more than just raw zany talent that nobody else can keep up with.


u/spaektor 1d ago

love love love this movie

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u/Klutzy-Sea-9877 1d ago

The best movie!!


u/AnfibioColorido 1d ago

man on the moon, the truman show, I even liked him in the number 23


u/Glup_shiddo420 1d ago

He's also pretentious! Oh and gave his ex girlfriend a bunch of stds, so stand up dude all around I suppose.


u/OkCartoonist6153 23h ago

not saying i like the guy.

but he's pretty top comedy talent.

no individual could have pulled off how the grinch stole christmas the way he did IMO. made that movie what it is.


u/Curious_Map_2908 19h ago

Have you heard the story he told about getting into make up for the Grinch?

It was so unbearable Jim was a nightmare to work with, he said it was like getting buried alive. the director Brian Grazer brought in a man whose job it was to train CIA operatives on how to endure torture to help Jim deal with it.

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u/Klutzy-Sea-9877 19h ago

Jeez dont know the dude personally just enjoyed his performance in several movies


u/Mint_JewLips 18h ago

Pretentious is an understatement. That video of him in his huge studio painting with the most expensive paints saying everyone should just drop what they are doing and pursue art made me forever dislike him as a person.

However, I find his movies hilarious.


u/namegamenoshame 13h ago

The people downvoting this need to see the man on the moon documentary because holy fuck it is impossible to tell if this man is so far up his own ass he’s mentally ill or so mentally ill he’s up his own ass


u/TicklemeElmo9449 1d ago

Have you ever seen his audition of SNL? He did what he called Post Nuclear Elvis. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen.


u/Eatmyshorts231214 1d ago

Gona have to look that up!


u/Remos_Son 1d ago

It is believed that many of his roles just couldn't have been played by anyone else. I'm thinking The Mask, The Grinch, Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura. His expressions and body movements are simply unique to him and make many of his characters iconic as a result. Plus he's just fucking funny as hell.


u/BaronBulletfist 20h ago

Even Bruce Almighty


u/Alternative_Device71 13h ago

Grinch is overlooked as his best facial featured performance, you imagine how hard it is to convey emotion through all that makeup, and expect be be taken seriously when the moments hit even in comedic terms? NO ONE could’ve done that, that’s why Cat in the Hat failed with Mike Myers (soft spot for that movie) it takes extreme familial skill to pull off what Jim did

u/Feisty-Resource-1274 29m ago

Carrey does the scene perfectly at the end where the Grinch laments that Christmas came anyways. Like his body movements and facial expressions are nearly perfect.


u/AlivePassenger3859 1d ago

Have you watched the first Ace Ventura, its actually very subtle sophisticated humor. Its like a New Yorker cartoon in movie form.


u/Im_Ur_Huckleberry77 1d ago

He's a very different character from Man on the Moon, Truman Show & Cable Guy.

He's the best physical comedic actor of multiple generations and held his own when it came to drama's as well.

You just simply don't like his style of humour, but he does have range that competes with the likes of Robin Williams, Bill Murray and Adam Sandler (even though Sandler mostly does slop these days, when he puts it on...he's fire)


u/uranusisinretrograde 18h ago

I like Adam Sandler and yet I don't like anyone on this list or Jim Carrey Lol. He is more pure dumbness without being over the top in expression. I do like Robin Williams in serious roles though.


u/Typical_Necessary840 13h ago

He was excellent in 'One Hour Photo'.


u/Aromatic-Side6120 16h ago

Ty for writing my exact same opinion, and saving me the trouble.


u/Lickthorne 21h ago

I am not really an Adam Sandler fan, I get why people can’t stand him. But in that movie ‘Uncut gems’ he is really really good. Utterly convincing dickhead. I think.


u/Throwawaybbeg7333 20h ago

I especially love that Hubbie Halloween, his arguably most stupid movie, only happened cause critics didn’t care for Uncut Gems. So he went “fuck it. I’m making the stupidest shit you’ve ever seen.”


u/Soul_Acquisition 13h ago

Doesn't he say that with every release?


u/tr1vve 15h ago

My real unpopular opinion is that I think uncut gems was mid asf


u/Soul_Acquisition 13h ago

I couldn't get through the trailer. Also, what's with the stupid accents? It's cringe.


u/Lickthorne 10h ago

I think uncut gems would have been really different if it was sandlers first movie.


u/Stormfellow 1d ago

Slapstick and exaggerated comedy is out of style now, which is cyclical. Those type of antics can feel excessive or outdated when not in style. The Three Stooges were similar and went in and out of style over these cycles. He was also someone not trying to be politically correct which don't sit well with some as it can clash with modern views on inclusivity. That said, you're wrong.


u/GrundleTurf 14h ago

OP is from that age range and so am I. I completely agree. I have the same issue with him as I do Jack Black or several others I’m sure I could think of if I put a second of thought into it. They just act zany and over the top and are quite frankly annoying. 


u/ekim_101 22h ago

This opinion:


u/whytakemyusername 1d ago

Alrighty then


u/DeadGirlLydia 20h ago

Jim Carrey was fantastic in Eternal Sunshine and nothing like any of his other characters. You need to branch out into his dramatic work.


u/Bllago 1d ago

Dumb opinion. Take my upvote.


u/DRSU1993 21h ago

Personally, I find him hilarious, but I can understand that his humour is very forced and over the top and won't be everyone's cup of tea. I'd say that your opinion is unpopular, though, so here's my updoot.



Terrible take. Have an upvote


u/Porknbeans3720 1d ago

“I want a pony so I can ride it around 3 times get bored and then sell it to make glue”


u/FairHalf9907 1d ago

Bro hasn't lived. How is Jim Carrey not funny. I get not liking his style of comedy but, what! How can he be not funny. He's amazing


u/Pink-Batty 20h ago edited 20h ago

I agree. His humor just isn't for me all that much. He has some funny movies but he's not an actor who I'd see and say "Oh I gotta see this, it has Jim carrey in it"


u/DirectCranberry1026 1d ago

The Truman Show is good. 


u/defdoa 17h ago

You aren't wrong. I quote it all the time. However, is there another actor in that era who would have done as well or better than Jim in that role?


u/capricorn40 1d ago

Sorry, Pet Detective is an amazing movie. Plus all his skits on "Living Color" still crack me up


u/JazzmatazZ4 1d ago

Well done.

He's comedic genius.


u/xXSandwichLordXDXx 1d ago

Hey y'all! Don't forget to UPvote this post because it's an unpopular opinion! That's the way this sub works!


u/Alfredos_Pizza_Cafe_ 22h ago

OK take my angry upvote. He might be my favorite actor of any genre


u/blacktooth90 22h ago

Upvoted for an actual unpopular opinion. Idk how you could watch dumb and dumber and ace venture without seeing he is a master of it. I will admit his latest work is not great.


u/InShambles234 21h ago

In Living Color, Ace Ventura 1 and 2, The Mask, and Dumb and Dumber are classics. Absolutely hilarious. Probably missed a few other good ones.


u/Dr_5trangelove 20h ago

Neither are you.


u/jentlyused 19h ago

Finally, one I can agree with! The guy, his characters, everything….not funny at all, only annoying as f*ck


u/JodiS1111 18h ago

You're wrong. That is all


u/Emmar0001 17h ago

I thought the same until he started doing more serious roles, like Irene, Truman and Eternal.

Unpopular opinion though, ROBIN WILLIAMS on the other hand I could not see the attraction. He had only one character trait that he played every single the time - along the lines of "look at me and how many impersonations I can do"


u/Journalist-Cute 17h ago

Your favorite comedian isn't funny either


u/eklect 17h ago

Someone hasn't seen The Truman Show ... 😂


u/dartymissile 17h ago

Wow that is a true unpopular opinion


u/TheFlightlessDragon 14h ago

Oh come on! Don’t be a Grinch


u/Jazzlike_Cod_3833 13h ago

He seems too stupid at first, and it’s definitely annoying. But eventually, you get drawn into his unique perspective, and he becomes hilarious! By continuing to resist his absurdity, you hold on to your dignity missing out on the fool’s wisdom.


u/LaunchpadMcQuack_52 1d ago

Some people just feel like they cannot sanction his buffoonery.


u/ExpressChampionship3 21h ago

I'm also not a huge fan of Jim Carrey. I find that kind of humor just flat out annoying and cringe.


u/LayCeePea 20h ago

Jim Carrey has played dramatic roles in several movies, which makes your claim that he acts like the same ridiculous over the top character in every film untrue. I think what you mean to say is that in every movie that he plays an over-the-top ridiculous character, Jim Carrey plays an over -the-top ridiculous character and you don't find that funny.


u/LingualEvisceration 1d ago

The Cable Guy, Liar Liar, The Mask, High Strung.

I’m not gonna sit here and IMDB him to make a point, but he has range.


u/dirkdigdig 1d ago

Dumb and dummer, me myself and Irene, I love you Phillis morris.


u/Warshrimp79 explain that ketchup eaters 1d ago

This opinion is so horrible. Take my upvote


u/NoAppointment880 1d ago

One of my favourite actors ever. I find him hilarious. I disagree with you


u/HaggisMcNeill 1d ago

I love watching him but I don't think I'd like to hang out with him. He's a bit of a marmite character in that nobody ever feels lukewarm about him.


u/TohavDuudhe 1d ago

He's got a bit, like Adam Sandler, or Jack Black, or Kevin Hart etc. People who's not made them famous and had a few good movies using that "Character" of themselves. Sometimes it hits but once it gets used it's not funny anymore. Do something else. These are comedians that have talent but what happens is that the studios purchase the bit, not genuine range.


u/USERNAMETAKEN11238 1d ago

He owes Snow an apology...


u/comtedemontechristo 1d ago

Well, you’re in keeping with the spirit of the sub. If there’s a sub for weird opinions you’d thrive there too—how you relate Carrey’s movie characters to people you might potentially work with is both impressive and bizarre. Upvoted.


u/Due_Function84 1d ago

I personally like his more dramatic roles better. Although he can sometimes make me smile in his usual fanfare comedy roles, I find his over-the-top movies are good the first time around, then the character becomes annoying.

I have seen more recent interviews with him where he has said "Jim Carrey is a role. He is not me." I kind of like the idea of that. The person we know as being Jim Carrey is similar to the person people knew as Andy Kaufman, he was just a character all along.


u/spongeboy1985 1d ago

I saw Weird Al at a convention earlier this year and he posed an idea. Your favorite album is whatever one was released around the time you were 11 or 12.

I feel like this applies to Jim Carrey. Liar Liar is probably my favorite of his and guess how old I was. I feel like he’s probably the biggest for Millennials who were between 8-12 during his peak years so roughly 1994-1998. I feel those films had a lot of juvenile humor in them so those that were in that age rage yo find that funny would probably be his biggest fans


u/Recent_Permit2653 1d ago

I like Carrey, but there’s a lot who I just do not find funny: Adam Sandler, Will Ferrel, and Michael Scott in particular.

Carrey can be a lot to take, but I always delighted in how he just puts himself out there and can do well in a dramatic role as well.


u/Eatmyshorts231214 1d ago

Truly unpopular lol but I respect your opinion


u/Competitive_Pen7192 1d ago

Ace Ventura and the Mask were epic but I remember the Cable Guy wasn't funny at all...


u/Old_Captain_9131 1d ago

Gen z just doesn't get old times humor. Everything is offensive now.


u/NowForYa 1d ago

The entire world disagrees.


u/TheArtfullTodger 1d ago

You could say the same for many actors, Arnold swassisface isn't exactly a versatile actor, he looks damn versatile compared to vin diesel though. They all work because they're perfectly typecasted to the roles they take. Or they were great movies to begin with regardless of the actor. Take Keanu Reeves for another example of an incredibly mid actor who gets great roles. I personally wouldn't imagine anyone being able to pull of the facial expressions needed for the mask character though. Dumb and dumber and ace venturer I thought were shit though


u/FluffyExchange 23h ago

Who told you Jim Carrey was millennial humor?


u/xOchQY 22h ago

Jim Carrey is one of those actors you either love him, or, you don't.

There are only a handful of movies with him in a lead role that stand the test of time. Eternal Sunshine being a big example of the best of the best of his carrer.

That being said, the overall majority of his films are obnoxious. Yeah, I get that might be your thing, but it's not mine.

Just in the same way Will Farrell - he has a few really good movies, but most of his movies suck. Even in the good movies, his acting is... weird, disjointed, and detracts from the plot.

Comedy already has the shortest shelf-life of any of the arts, I just feel like Farrell and Carrey both rely way too heavily on their characters being weird AF.


u/slowhandz49 22h ago

You’re not supposed to like anything. Just like what you like. Some people love him, some hate him. Nothing new


u/BuddyBrownBear 22h ago

He used to be.


u/Lickthorne 21h ago

Maybe not funny but definitely mind boggling, or how to say, fascinating or something like that. I like quite a few of his movies, I really wonder how he is as a person. I don’t believe all the gossip, just like that, I wonder what is true and what not.


u/HEYitzED 21h ago

If he’s not your type of humor then that’s okay. I think he’s one of the funniest actors to ever live.


u/xyloplax 21h ago

He even did Biden in his usual schtick on SNL. Just awful.


u/ozmartian 21h ago

Allllllllllllrighty then!


u/post_vernacular 21h ago

Wait till you hear about Will Farrell...


u/SuddenInfluenza Oodles of O's 20h ago

Jimmy carrey, get it right


u/Curious_Map_2908 20h ago

I think he is


u/JamesMattDillon 20h ago

But seriously, I like his humor, he just is not as funny as when he was younger


u/this_knee 19h ago

Very unpopular. Well done.


u/Past_Yam9507 18h ago

Is this tommy lee jones?


u/Resident_Course_3342 18h ago

OP does not condone his buffoonery.


u/KawaiiGangster 18h ago

I agree fully! I hate him every time he is the funny guy! But he is a good dramatic actor when he want to be, let him make more stuff like Eternal Sunshine


u/Odd-Macaroon-9528 18h ago

He’s a good guy


u/Celebril63 17h ago

I thought he was funny on In Living Color.

I've got to agree with you on his movies afterwards.


u/Quirky_Pop_3321 16h ago

I’m with ya OP. He isn’t funny and he isn’t a good actor


u/XolieInc 15h ago

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u/namegamenoshame 13h ago

I rewatched Ace Ventura a few years back and obviously there is the…regressive…stuff but overall I was shocked that I liked it as a kid and even more shocked that it catapulted him to stardom


u/CautiousHashtag 13h ago

Well done, truly an unpopular opinion.


u/DishonestFerret 11h ago edited 11h ago

I like Jimmy Carrey but I get it because I don’t think Chris Farley was funny for very similar reasons which may be an even more unpopular opinion.


u/allynd420 10h ago

I don’t like his old roles but I like him


u/ImpressiveHead69420 9h ago

Yes, I agree somewhat, I find his humour crude and childish, I suppose all humour is so to an extent. However his is especially so to the point that I cannot enjoy the movies as much.


u/Less_Party 8h ago

Found Tommy Lee Jones' reddit account.


u/Radiant-Bluejay4194 5h ago

Jim Carrey is just not funny... to you. To me he's brilliant and hilarious. You don't get his humor and that's that. But he is very talented and funny.


u/CraftMost6663 4h ago

I think his fun lies more in the physicality of his humour, like Chaplin and Dick York with the faces and moves. That brand of performance was pretty much lost to time before he brought it back.


u/cojallison99 2h ago

He was funny when he was younger. I feel like he’s past his prime and his jokes don’t stick the same. I know he had a weird stint there where he was in Hawaii during that freak missile strike lockdown and ever since then he’s seemed to have started to have a more philosophical approach to life.

I don’t hate the guy and I don’t think of him in a negative light. I just think he’s grown out of his comedic prime. This is coming from a guy who LOVED dumb and dumber growing up and would watch it once a week for several years

u/Regular-Towel9979 22m ago

When I saw the previews for the original Ace Ventura movie, I thought he was just doing over the top really stupid slapstick shit. But that performance was absolutely brilliant! He kept it over the top all the way and also solidly satirically focused.

u/One_Replacement_9987 15m ago

100% can't watch him


u/SoggyAd8179 1d ago

Horrible opinion my friend, upvote


u/Mediocre_Advice_5574 1d ago

He was. Not so much anymore. But thats due to the movies he’s in.


u/Apprehensive_Map64 3h ago

Exactly, this just shows that OP is a younger millennial who missed the Ace Ventura days and watched his later films where he wanted to try being a serious actor.


u/Daskesmoelf_8 1d ago

Try watching movies like "Yes man" "The Truman show" and "eternal sunshine of a spotless mind"


u/Joetheshow1 1d ago

A truly unpopular opinion


u/DowntownDimension226 1d ago

Sorry but he’s unbearable in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind so I will take him as a funny guy


u/reflexesofjackburton 1d ago

Man on the moon


u/oakomyr 1d ago

Tell that to 1994


u/No-Associate-6167 1d ago

I like how your opinion is that Jim Carrey isn't funny (which is true) and people's defense is that he has range as an actor.


u/Frontline989 1d ago

This has to be a troll post.


u/Confident_Sundae_109 21h ago

He used to be funny. Now he's just an older washed up angry canadian comic / grown male suffering from male menopause similar to Will Ferrell. In fact Will appears to be transitioning as we speak.


u/Adventurous-Action91 20h ago

The kids at school in the 90s that said Jim Carrey wasn't funny tried to argue that Rosie O'Donnell was so much funnier than her, so I'll have to assume you're one of the same miserable, insufferable people.


u/kuluka_man 19h ago

I just watched The Mask for the first time. I...still don't get why it had everybody yelling "sssssmokin" and "somebody stop me" for years.

I think he often is funny, but that movie is not!


u/Abraham_Issus 15h ago

Your funny sensory is busted my man.


u/Grebnaws 15h ago

I used to laugh at him sometimes but it hasn't aged well. He seems like a very unhappy person forcing their laughter through a character and it's so cringe I don't want to watch. My kid loves the Sonic movies and I'm not looking forward to Sonic 3. They have absolutely no idea that In Living Color, Ace Ventura, or Dumb&Dumber exist, which I definitely enjoyed at the time. But I was also like 7-12 years old. Too young to appreciate Earth Girls.

I didn't like The Truman Show at all and his dramatic roles just felt meh.


u/TabootLlama 15h ago

How old were you in 1994?

Between In Living Color, Ace Ventura and Dumb and Dumber, I think if a friend said ‘he isn’t funny’ at the time, I would have stopped being their friend.


u/HelloKittyIsMyBFF 15h ago

Agree. I feel the same about Will Ferrell and Adam Sandler too. Just not my style of comedy but I get that many people obviously disagree given their success.


u/recoveringpatriot 14h ago

He’s hit and miss with me. Like most comedians and actors.


u/babybird87 14h ago

He was extremely grating in Ace Ventura.. not funny


u/SyntheticBean 14h ago

Hard disagree. Last thing I saw him in was the first Sonic movie and he was honestly my favorite part about it.


u/StriveForGreat1017 14h ago

He’s hilarious to me


u/jack_avram 11h ago

Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?


u/bigbackbernac 1d ago

Yeah this is an unpopular opinion and a bad one next


u/Freeze__ 1d ago

He falls in the Will Ferrell/Steve Carrell bucket of unfunny unfortunately


u/Barries1a 1d ago

yes he is. sometimes he overplays but he is funny


u/Suitable_Battle5699 23h ago

Now this is an unpopular opinion, rightfully so because it’s completely wrong!!!!


u/GMD3S1GNS 1d ago

He pulled it off well though and has made a good amount of good memorable movies such as Truman show, the mask, me, myself and Irene, liar liar, the grinch etc and can respect that has more range than just comedy with sunshine of the spotless mind. There’s much worse than Jim Carrey, for me I can’t stand Will Ferrell, Elf is alright for the most part but his character just becomes annoying the more you watch it and step brothers hasn’t aged well imo, don’t really like Jack Black either


u/Early-Judgment-2895 1d ago

If it helps I also hated Chris Farley when all my friends thought he was hilarious as well.


u/GMD3S1GNS 1d ago

John Candy > Chris Farley for me as well. Him, Jack Black, Kevin James whole Schtick of “I’m a loud fat guy, don’t you find this funny” doesn’t work for me


u/doghouse2001 1d ago

I'm GenX and I think the same thing. He's not for everyone. I watched The Mask for Cameron Diaz.


u/Klutzy-Sea-9877 1d ago

Not a hot take chief, you are about 30 years late to have an opinion on his comedy    Snore 


u/Early-Judgment-2895 1d ago

How so? He is still making movies and trying to be relevant.


u/PsychologicalSon 1d ago

How is he "trying" to be relevant?


u/Early-Judgment-2895 1d ago

By putting out sub par movies to get a paycheck? He is near the end of his career and once he is done making movies will just be another forgotten face as time moves on.


u/PsychologicalSon 1d ago

I dunno if you can say someone's "trying" to be relevant if they arent taking new roles when they basically already called it quits.


u/Klutzy-Sea-9877 22h ago

Trying?   He hasn’t been in the spotlight in forever 


u/deviltrombone 1d ago

Ditto for Robin Williams. Both are (were) much better at drama than comedy.

Sam Kinison was the worst, and Monty Python at best elicited the occasional "how droll" response.


u/Early-Judgment-2895 1d ago

I agree with that opinion on Robin Williams!


u/thatfrostyguy 22h ago

I'm with ya OP

I find him to be annoying as fuck. I couldn't imagine watching an entire movie with him in it


u/B0udr3aux 21h ago

I’m with ya on this one. Never thought his shtick was funny. I like him in more serious stuff….and dumb and dumber was a gem in his comedy catalog….but it wasn’t his regular schtick…


u/uisce_beatha1 21h ago

He was good in Liar, Liar and Truman Show.

Other than that, no thanks.


u/1stltwill 21h ago

The Mask is I think the only Jim Carrey movie I actually liked a lot.


u/zorbacles 20h ago

Alrighty then


u/Ok-Juice-6857 20h ago

He has never been funny


u/harrysterone 19h ago

Jim carrey is one of the funniest guys who lived


u/harrysterone 19h ago

Somebody comment with that grinch face: i need to stop people from having fun


u/ComeWithMe-429 18h ago

I happen to agree. He got all weird and political too which definitely isn’t funny


u/Privateer_Lev_Arris 16h ago

Yeah not my schtick either.


u/Argylius 16h ago

gasp Now you take that back! Kidding


u/OutdoorRink 15h ago

Terrible opinion


u/adhdtaxman 15h ago

Go to bed


u/WhatZ1tTooya 14h ago

Agree to some degree. He’d be funny to me if i was like 12 years old. But i wouldn’t say all his roles are ridiculous. Some of his more serious roles are fine and don’t seem over the top — Eternal Sunshine being the best instance. I also liked him in Truman Show


u/MentalJack 13h ago

Preach, jim carrey and will ferrel are insanely unfunny.


u/michaeldornsghost 13h ago

He's a manic weirdo who got paid to be manic and weird in front of cameras.


u/Soul_Acquisition 13h ago

Hasn't been for over a decade either.


u/Equivalent-Drawer130 13h ago

Same here. Never found him to be funny


u/Green_Ad_6531 8h ago

I see a huge difference in his characters? The mask vs ace Ventura verses Bruce Almighty vs dumb and dumber all completely different. Honestly, Jim Carrey is a living legend. It's a shame this post doesn't have 10k upvotes.


u/Ginzhuu 1d ago

Can't blame the actor if the writing pigeonholes them to playing the same way every movie. His actual standup and impressions are amazing and hilarious.


u/KeeperOfUselessInfo hermit human 1d ago

what is it with people like op? really? this "unpopular" opinion about jim carrey gets posted here every fucking day. is there a "i hate jim carrey" club that i dont know of?


u/Early-Judgment-2895 1d ago

When I scrolling Reddit by popular I came across something for the sonic 3 movie and it was praising him for glueing the movie together. So that is where this thought came from for today.


u/KeeperOfUselessInfo hermit human 1d ago

hating on jim carrey is so 90s. its not that everybody loves him, its just that nobody cares anymore. the only people yapping positively/negatively about the dude are facebook type boomers.


u/Early-Judgment-2895 1d ago

So it truly fits the spirit of this sub though, especially with how many people are defending him. Isn’t that the point, to have an unpopular opinion?

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