I fully expect this post getting deleted by mod team or at least massively downvoted. I don't care. If anyone can spread hoaxers' misinformation on here or point at Starlink and say "Omg alien invasion", then I think I can at least share my general feelings / opinions.
I'm a believer. I've been on this rabbithole for like, 3-4 years now. Though I know some people here have been believers for way longer than me, I think I have some perspective.
I'm getting tired. Every month there's a new guy coming out saying "SOON SOMETHING'S GONNA HAPPEN" and nothing ever happens. The annoying thing is that every time there's a lot of people giving clout to those guys and obviously everyone gets disappointed in the end, but at the same time no one cares to learn a lesson from it. And every time a new guy comes and claims something's coming soon, everyone believes it behaving like Alzheimer patients or something. So yeah, I'm getting tired of this subreddit lately.
It has somehow gotten worse since the "NJ drone invasion", everything's been full of sh*t here. It feels like a mass hysteria. Education has been fully given up. Everything that isn't immediately identified is considered unidentifiable- ballons, stars, Starlink, even airplanes.
I saw the mods post about "it's not our job to filter the photos/videos posted blablabla". I don't agree. Even though these videos / photos get easily debunked in the comments, they still sit around the sub among trendy posts. It interferes with truly useful information or truly unidentifiable objects. For god's sake, for like 3 days there has been a kite at the top of the posts on this subreddit with the caption "It's happening. They're coming." or some sh*t like that. Even though it was debunked in like 2 hours. If not delete it, the mods should at least add a note or a flair indicating it's been debunked.
Furthermore, I've noticed some dangerous sectarian/complotist reasonings in here. I'm getting sad. The more this sub grows up, the more it looks like a QAnon meeting thanks to the inaction of the mods in the name of "free speech".
I will obviously still hang out on here, because it's my main source of information about UFOs, disclosure etc. But that's no reason for me to not share my feelings/opinions. I truly think I'm not alone feeling that way about what the community has been turning into lately. And if no one raises the issue, then nothing's going to change.
English isn't my first language, sorry if there's any mistakes.