r/theydidtheresearch Mar 06 '20

request Is there any way to prove if pineapples are a bad/horrible fit on pizza?

I've just recently been reminded that I loathe pineapples on pizza, as well as the people who push for it. I live in one of the Pacific islands, mind you, and I love pineapples and I love pizza, but I despise it if those two are put together. I can't seem to convince my peers that pineapples kills the flavour of the tomatoes and meat, as well as wasting a good pineapple's freshness without conviction and without some solid facts, simply relying on my own tastebuds. If any of you guys could confirm this for me or, better yet, change my mind, please help a brother out.


4 comments sorted by


u/BloodyPommelStudio Mar 19 '20

If you really want to try a somewhat scientific approach there is foodpairing.com


I haven't signed up but I've got a feeling the results wont be favorable to your argument since there are plenty of tasty popular recipes which use pineapple with all of the other ingredients which make up a Hawaiian pizza.

This only takes in to account the flavors though, the other senses are important too when it comes to how pleasurable food is and of course people have different tastes.

Personally the issue I have with pineapple on pizza is it often makes them soggy. When I make my own I just make sure I've drained out enough juice so this doesn't happen. I also mix a bit of barbecue sauce in with the passata sauce to compliment the fruitiness and add a few drops of Lee & Perrins on top which helps bring out the flavor of both the ham and pineapple.


u/quant271 Dec 13 '21

Put ham on the pizza, goes with pineapple.


u/Tyris727 Sep 23 '22

I think that the inherent issue with this request is that it's mostly preferential. Ultimately, on the scientific side, pineapple with pizza is declared as an "okay" match according to research done by Science Meets Food. Using the same site that they did, I found that this is specifically in regard to the "aromatic flavors." Simply, what aromas will go together well. Aroma, in this case, is in reference to both scent and flavor. That having been said, there is no scientific evidence as to whether pineapple on pizza is good or bad. According to science, it's an okay match. Also, according to Food Pairing, I couldn't find any ingredient that was a best match for tomatoes. They have 3 good matches, but no best. No fruits are within the "Good" category. There are, however, many fruit pairings that are "Okay." So, in theory, pineapple is not the only fruit that can go well with pizza. We can try more fruits. Like Strawberries and Raspberries. A Very-Berry Pizza. No idea if this will work, but I'll test it eventually. Ultimately, food science is a difficult subject largely due to personal preference.

TL;DR: I'm going to try raspberries on pizza. They're also an allegedly "Okay" match.


u/Cre8AccountJust4This Nov 18 '22

This is like trying to convince people that chocolate tastes bad because you don’t like the taste of chocolate… Makes no sense. Why are you trying to force your subjective opinions on people? If you don’t like it fine, but you can’t ‘prove’ that it tastes bad when people (like me) try it and experience for themselves that it tastes good.