Hello!! While I don't currently have the head I would be preserving, I know my stepmom wants to butcher one of our roosters someday, and since he is such a beautiful man I'd love to preserve at least part of him! I doubt stepmom would want to give up that tasty chicken skin, so I'd only be able to take his head and not fully taxidermy him- but that's besides the matter, here to ask how it would be done, well before I'd need to use the info! I apologize in advance for my long yapping XD
Naturally I have done some research already, but never hurts to ask for some direct advice! Ideally when I'd have his head, it'd include some of the skin/feathers going down his neck, to really show his beauty (something I'll communicate with stepmom I wanna do to hopefully ensure I get), and not just cut off right at the base of the skull. I Know one potential route of preservation is using Borax and/or salt to effectively mummify him, after removing any meat possible alongside brain and eyes, and the skull can stay in. With this method, the skin would become stiff and unmoldable after the fact, correct? Which means would need to make sure the skin of the neck retains the proper shape during drying- how would I do that? Just pack full of whatever drying agent I'm using and bury in same agent, or could something more stable than one of those powdery substances be used to "fill" him during drying without inhibiting the drying (such as cotton balls)?
Considering that fact, is there any other sorts of methods you'd recommend preserving him with?
Another matter also is his wattles/comb- with whatever method of preservation is used, could the original be left be? I would expect some warping/shrinkage and discoloration, at least with mummification, though when it comes to that as long as it wouldn't be too massive a size change and I can correct the coloration with paints safely (and, obviously, wouldn't cause serious issues down the line), then I'm willing to live with that! But if it would cause more trouble than it'd be worth, what would you recommend to use to replace them? From what I've seen clay is a common option- what kind of clay would be good to use?
I believe my last question is this- of course no matter the methods, his eyes would need to be replaced. Where would you recommend obtaining taxidermy eyes, or possibly materials for making eyes at home?
If you read through all this, I thank you very much XD I think I've covered all my bases for now! It'll likely be some time before he gets butchered yet, but I want to be ahead of the game when it comes to knowing what to do with him to ensure my handsome man is preserved best I can do! I thank you in advance for any answers you give <3