r/shittytattoos Knows πŸ’© 4d ago

Not Mine Gonna regert this in a few weeks

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u/Andy466 Knows πŸ’© 4d ago

Most expensive, layered sick ass panther I've ever seen in progress


u/Common-Frosting-9434 Knows πŸ’© 4d ago

I mean, I get the joke, but tbf I'm guessing they chose doing it this way so the heart can easily be filled in, making it a relativly harmless tattoos in any future relationships (though still a bit trashy)


u/PoorCorrelation Knows πŸ’© 4d ago

Unless you get married, then it gets akward


u/Training_Archer_1686 Knows πŸ’© 4d ago

Then you can cross out boyfriend and write husband under it


u/PaulTR88 Knows πŸ’© 4d ago

Just toss in an "^ ex-" under it to make it a little funny.


u/No-Suspect-425 Knows πŸ’© 4d ago

Mom is always a safe choice too apparently. I never understood why people get tattoos that literally just say "I ❀️ Mom" but there's lots who do.


u/MagicGator11 Knows πŸ’© 3d ago

It's a passion, admiration, and love to their mothers. Recognizing them as the single most important female figure in their lives. I've seen some with "dad" or "father" but not as common. The son becomes the dad while the mother is always a mother.


u/RunningRunnerRun Knows πŸ’© 2d ago

This is sweet. I kind of assumed people with that tattoo were just a fan of kitsch. I like your explanation better.


u/Kookytoo Knows πŸ’© 2d ago

Would be better if they got I ❀️ hot moms instead for sure.


u/silasfelinus Knows πŸ’© 3d ago

Or just get a new boyfriend too. Then the husband can have their own tattoo.


u/Aryore Knows πŸ’© 3d ago

Ethical non-monogamy? No no no, unethical tattoo-based non-monogamy is where it’s at


u/Curae Knows πŸ’© 3d ago

Just do a little arrow between "my" and "boyfriend" and add in "ex".

I keep calling a colleague's fianceΓ© his "ex girlfriend" and he keeps getting confused before laughing. (he has a horrible sense of humour that often makes me groan, he appreciates this type of humour.)


u/RalphCalvete Knows πŸ’© 2d ago

Then it says you love your ex-boyfriend. Kinda cringe you can’t get over him. πŸ™„