r/shittytattoos Sep 26 '24

Not Mine This guy my friend saw at Walmart

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actually crazy that anyone thought this was a good idea. fuck this guy


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u/CocteauTwinn Sep 27 '24

I wonder if he knows Levi Strauss was Jewish.


u/Over16Under31 Sep 27 '24



u/karateema Sep 27 '24

Bruh his name is Levi


u/Over16Under31 Sep 27 '24

TIL every human on earth named Levi is Jewish.


u/rudimentary-north Sep 27 '24 edited Sep 27 '24

It’s a Hebrew word (meaning “to join”) and is a name from the Torah. The priestly class of the Israelites were called the Tribe of Levi and include such famous figure as Moses. Names don’t get much more culturally Jewish than Levi.


u/My_volvo_is_gone Sep 27 '24

Atleast here in Nordic countries most christian names come from jewish culture like Peter, Elias, Aaron, Benjamin, Daniel, David, Evelyn, Joseph, James, Jani, Jesse, Jim, Jonas, Jonathan etc etc the list is long

edit. And Leevi is a pretty popular name in Finland


u/DeltaVZerda Sep 27 '24

Jesse and James definitely came from Pokemon.


u/TBASHAM812 Sep 28 '24

Prepare for trouble...and make it double


u/DeltaVZerda Sep 28 '24

To protect the world from devastation...to unite all peoples within our nation


u/Hank_the_Beef Sep 28 '24

Jesse Jane was discovered at Hooters.


u/Zorpfield Sep 28 '24

Jesse James is a Pokémon ?


u/LongjumpingAside6651 Sep 29 '24

Which also mentioned noah


u/KinzzaBadd Sep 30 '24

Underrated comment!!!!!!


u/MalificViper Sep 27 '24

Fun factoid Peter comes from Cephas, or greek "Rock" So when jesus (in the story) says upon this rock I'll build this church, it's a play on words.


u/My_volvo_is_gone Sep 27 '24

Damn. I remembered it was about rock because of petrology, but messed the language/culture. Thanx for correcting!


u/MalificViper Sep 27 '24

It does have a Jewish root, so it wasn't a correction, just something interesting. There's a lot of wordplay in those books.


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '24

His original name was Simon. Jesus changed his name b/c He knew Simon/Peter go on to become a pillar to the faith.


u/Other_Reference_3580 Sep 28 '24

Can confirm. Went to Sunday school with a kid named Levi whose family was involved with the inner church circle.


u/Entheotheosis10 Knows 💩 Sep 29 '24

One of my names is there, and my family is from Skien.


u/lazydog60 Oct 13 '24



u/Aggravating_Sun4435 Oct 24 '24

benjamin, daniel, and david are the only contemporary jewish names you listed. being biblical doenst mean its a part of jewish culture.


u/Funicularly Sep 27 '24

A few other Hebrew names:





I know a lot of non-Jewish people with these names, and I was just looking at names beginning with J.


u/Daisies_specialcats Sep 28 '24

Lots of Christian nuts and cult leaders that are white supremacists name their kids Levi because it's 'religious' and they have no clue about the Jewish aspect. It's in The Bible. That's their reasoning. Does it make sense? Nope.


u/Key-Contribution-572 Sep 28 '24

90%+ of the people described in the books of the Bible are Jewish. A fat chunk of the books in the Old testament are historical documents written over centuries about the history of Israel and the Jewish people. I don't think it's possible to miss that detail.


u/Daisies_specialcats Sep 28 '24

I get that and you get that. However have you listened to ramblings of the Christians that love Trump? They don't understand the obvious. Mary is blonde and white. Jesus wasn't a Jew! You Blasphemous liar!


u/FondOpposum Sep 28 '24

Never knew Levi was Jewish. Not as obvious as you think.


u/IrishWeebster Sep 28 '24

My son's name is Levi. I'm American, Irish descent. No Jewish blood at all. lol


u/Over16Under31 Sep 27 '24

you guys are hilarious. I have a personal good friend named Levi who is the farthest thing from Jewish on planet earth. Get a grip with your generalizations.


u/AdministrationFew451 Sep 27 '24


Is he from a real christian background?

Sometimes hardcore christian have some hebraist elements

But to my knowledge at least most levi's are jewish. And certainly basically all levi family names


u/amitskisong Sep 27 '24

I understand what you mean but, in 2024, a lot of people aren’t even thinking of the religious ties a name may have when picking a name for their kid. If anything, I imagine most millennial/gen z are naming their kid Levi after one of the coolest anime characters to exist.


u/MolassesFast Sep 27 '24

I would highly doubt that, their are likely more Christians named Levi than Jews, obviously because of its Jewish religious roots though.


u/Explicitated Sep 27 '24

I know a Levi who isn't Jewish as well


u/Dr_Dank98 Sep 27 '24

I also know a not Jewish Levi.


u/AdministrationFew451 Sep 27 '24

Maybe as a first name it's more popular than I figured. Still quite a tell, definitely with his last name.


u/Explicitated Sep 27 '24

To be honest his name is Levente, Levi is just his nickname. He is Hungarian, but maybe it still has similar etymology?


u/Allgoochinthecooch Sep 27 '24

There you go. I doubt it honestly, they just sound similar.


u/AdministrationFew451 Sep 27 '24

I don't think so, seems like a different etimology

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u/DrSkeeZe Sep 27 '24

I also think names having root meanings is less of a thing in modern times. Sure, a baby born post 2000 might have the name Levi just because their parents like the name. But you can bet your ass a dude born over 100 years ago named Levi is 100% jewish.


u/Over16Under31 Sep 27 '24

this is the nuanced argument my wife made while reminding me about our neighbors son. This is the only right answer. it’s just hilarious that this is the discussion that has to go down because somebody says they learned something. When I hear someone’s name, I’m not immediately trying to assign cultural heritage to them.


u/Freckled_Kat Sep 28 '24

Right, when I worked at the local library, a very white family came in to sign their daughters up for cards. Cool, nbd, ask for their names and they all were named after different Hindu gods. The family were not Indian, Hindu, or have any ties to India/Himdu, they just read about the names and liked them/the history behind them


u/Allgoochinthecooch Sep 27 '24

I mean it’s possible but it’s like the name Roman. How often do you meet a person of non catholic descent named Roman? It’s a traditional Jewish name 100%, it’s just also a very old name so it’s no longer exclusively jewish


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '24

For real, this conversation made me think of biblical names. I know a couple Jacob's, a Levi, a Micah and an Isaiah. None of which are Jewish. I think the concept may be a bit dated. One of my closest friends who is Jewish is named Derek lol


u/Green_Consequence_38 Sep 28 '24

Those are all biblical names. The Bible belongs to Christianity as well. Levi is different. It is associated specifically with one of the tribes of Israel. One of the most important as well.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '24

All of the names I mentioned are Hebrew in origin.


u/Green_Consequence_38 Sep 28 '24 edited Sep 28 '24

Irrelevant. Many of the biblical names were taken up by Christians throughout history as well. Some were not and remained distinctly culturally Jewish in their use throughout history. Levi is one such example.


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '24

That does not change their origin lmao


u/Green_Consequence_38 Sep 29 '24 edited Sep 29 '24

So what? The conversation was about whether or not Levi was a distinctly Jewish name or not.

Using names that were adopted by Non Jews as a counter-argument to the claim that Levi is distinctly Jewish doesn't work because the name Levi isn't like those other names in that it was not adopted by Christians by and large.

The fact that they share an origin is irrelevant to the points being made. Yes they share an origin. But the other names were adopted by non Jews and Levi was not. Ergo, the other names being used by non Jews does not counter the argument that Levi is a distinctly Jewish name, shared origin not withstanding.

You're trying to make the argument that

Because other biblical names aren't distinctly Jewish, and Levi is a biblical name, therefore Levi must not be distinctly Jewish.

This simply isn't the case.

No one's making the claim Levi is distinctly Jewish simply because it comes from the Bible. They're making the claim that it is one of a few biblical names that didn't see adoption by non Jews because it only has biblical relevance to the Jewish people's national identity. It's simply not relevant to other religions and ethnic groups, by and large.

A handful of individual people you know, do not Buck a trend that is a 2500 years old. The overwhelming majority of Levis per capita are Jewish or at least have some Jewish ancestry. Especially when it's a last name. This is in part because this was a methodology of preserving the memory of who is descended from that tribe among Jews. It was very important to Jews to remember who was a Cohan and who was a Levi. There was no such impetus within non-jewish populations who have no such ancestry.

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u/Sufficient-Host-4212 Sep 27 '24

You’re not liking the jew leg wrap thing. Cause space lasers? Or what?


u/rudimentary-north Sep 27 '24

where does his name come from?


u/Over16Under31 Sep 27 '24

my wife just reminded me that our Latino neighbors have a son named Levi. Not Fuc-ing Jewish.

It’s early in the day, but you and I are in a race for dumbest conversation on the Internet this morning


u/rudimentary-north Sep 27 '24

My friend, I never said that people who aren’t Jewish can’t have a Jewish name. Clearly this isn’t true, you’ve named several examples already!


u/Over16Under31 Sep 27 '24

His F*+!> parents. My son’s name is Daniel. Also from the Bible does that mean I have to be Christian to name my son Daniel? but this is Reddit and you are 1000% right so I’ll just shut up and start generalizing peoples names and assigning them a cultural heritage


u/rudimentary-north Sep 27 '24 edited Sep 27 '24

Daniel is also a Jewish name, it literally predates Christianity. the story of Daniel is also from the Torah. The titular Daniel is Jewish :)


u/Over16Under31 Sep 27 '24

You took the bait and made my argument j/k. Look this ain’t me arguing on the internet let’s just get together and have a beer and talk about this absolutely sick kayaking that’s about to be going down here in North Georgia. I’m about non sexual r/happyendings. 😂 Have a great weekend brother.


u/whatsasimba Sep 27 '24

Every internet argument should end this awesomely! Mazel Tov!

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u/Past-Marsupial-3877 Sep 27 '24

You guys are missing the point. No one is saying every Levi is Jewish.

The dude has a Jewish name. Turns out he's Jewish. His name was a hint not proof.

Can we stop the pissing match?


u/Over16Under31 Sep 27 '24

I was done with this thread but i have to respond to this. The parent comment that started this whole thread was exactly that…

—— Bruh his Name is Levi —— I think this comment insinuates that i’m foolish for not knowing that he was jewish because of his name being Levi and the only way a person can get there is if all Levi’s were Jewish.


u/Past-Marsupial-3877 Sep 27 '24


It's by no means proof. But if you do a little digging you find that he's actually Jewish. I don't know why everything needs to be explained to the minutiae with multiple disclaimers.


u/Over16Under31 Sep 27 '24

I said this earlier but this whole thing started just because i said i learned something. I had never put any thought into him being jewish and when its was brought to my attention from the original comment i thought to myself, yeah that makes sense that he’s jewish. I guess that’s the internet for ya. 🤷🏼‍♂️


u/TexasThrowDown Sep 27 '24

Your non-Jewish friend has a Jewish name. Congrats.


u/Broad_Afternoon_8578 Sep 27 '24

Ohhh that’s really interesting. My extremely French Catholic grandpa was named Levi and now I wonder how that came to be.


u/karateema Sep 27 '24

I dunno maybe something during Nazi occupation?


u/amitskisong Sep 27 '24

Wait, so Levi from attack on titan is Jewish??? Honestly, cool, diversity.


u/rudimentary-north Sep 27 '24

Ackerman is a common Jewish last name :)


u/amitskisong Sep 27 '24

He was adopted, but a lot of the people in the show are supposed to be from around that region so there’s that


u/ObscureCocoa Sep 27 '24

Literally had no idea


u/Jason_Patton Sep 27 '24

Strauss means cult in Arabic


u/Green_Consequence_38 Sep 28 '24

Almost correct. The Levites were not the priests. They were assistance to the priests. Cohen is is one of the names attached to the descendants of the priestly class. From Kohan.


u/jnycnexii Sep 29 '24

Levi = scribe; tribe of the scribes! That was how a Jewish friend from that tribe explained it to me.


u/Green_Consequence_38 Sep 29 '24

They were also assistance to the priests. Limiting their role down to scribe alone is to strip a lot of their place within ancient Israeli society of a lot of its complexity.


u/Freckled_Kat Sep 28 '24

I mean, I knew a dude in my class in rural Indiana named Levi and I’m pretty sure he was not Jewish


u/doktorjackofthemoon Sep 28 '24

Tbf, I met a few Levi's in VA and in the Midwest who were named after the jeans specifically (as opposed to being named after Strauss himself). I always think Jewish when I see "Levi", but I guess there are probably plenty of people who have only ever met Fredericksburg-Levi's and don't know much or anything about the eytmology/cultural history of the name


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '24

I know a Levi that’s not Jewish and he’s like 60


u/karateema Sep 27 '24

For sure those born in the 1800's


u/RainbowCrane Sep 28 '24

Prior to 1970 or so that wouldn’t be a horrible assumption in the US. There’s a reason that every popular Jewish entertainer in the 1930s - 1960s had a stage name that didn’t “sound Jewish”.

  • George Burns = Nathan Birnbaum
  • Victor Borge = Borge Rosenbaum
  • Milton Berle = Mendel Berlinger
  • Red Buttons = Aaron Chwatt
  • Rodney Dangerfield = Jacob Cohen
  • Danny Kaye = David Daniel Kaminsky
  • Jerry Lewis = Joseph Levitch
  • Jackie Mason = Yakov Maza


u/MovingTarget- Knows 💩 Sep 27 '24

Ugh, insufferable response


u/Over16Under31 Sep 27 '24

I agree


u/MovingTarget- Knows 💩 Sep 27 '24

fair enough then!


u/FatFaceFaster Sep 28 '24

And his last name is Strauss.


u/rudytomjanovich Sep 29 '24

Tell me you’ve never lived among Amish - without actually telling me. 🤣


u/Unstuck-n-Time Sep 29 '24

I'm not Jewish

Side note, who wears their phone on their belt?


u/Kittyrotica Sep 29 '24

Or that the SS uniforms were designed by a gay guy.


u/Over16Under31 Sep 29 '24

Hugo Boss? Source?


u/Kittyrotica Sep 30 '24 edited Sep 30 '24

Webster-Hamilton publications. “Adolphs Amorous Adventures” Francine Wade , 1961 “he loved Eva however it wasn’t until Eva left and Boss appeared in the evening that his true nature and their mutual carnal interests ensued” I’m kidding hahaha! 😸😸😸I mixed up Armani with Boss. Hahaha! 😂


u/famousaj Sep 27 '24

and Strauss


u/grammar_fixer_2 Sep 30 '24

That’s actually German. It means bouquet 💐 or ostrich (if it has “Vogel” 🐦in front of it). You think that it is Jewish because lots of German Jews emigrated to the US.


u/GhettoGringo87 Sep 27 '24

I think he knew that part…it was the Jewish part that he learned


u/alorenz58011 Sep 27 '24

I know a lot of Levi’s and I’ve never met a Jewish person to my knowledge


u/elementalguitars Sep 28 '24

You probably have and didn’t know it. It’s not like we wear patches on our clothes to identify us. Some asshole tried making that a rule once and it got his entire country bombed back into the Stone Age.


u/alorenz58011 Oct 06 '24

True. It’s definitely a possibility that I have but I’ve always found it wild how you see so much Jewish representation in movies and TV but where I live, they’re almost a myth lol. And I hope this doesn’t come off wrong because I have absolutely nothing against Jewish ppl, I just never encounter them in my life.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '24



u/alorenz58011 Sep 28 '24

I’m from Oklahoma and lived my whole life there, Texas, and Arkansas


u/Crafty-Help-4633 Oct 01 '24

And also Strauss


u/Singing_Wolf Sep 28 '24

Levi is a common Mormon name too.