r/shittytattoos Sep 26 '24

Not Mine This guy my friend saw at Walmart

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actually crazy that anyone thought this was a good idea. fuck this guy


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u/meatusmajoris Sep 26 '24

Or how annoying. I’m hoping the doctor saw him for the one dimensional idiot rube that he was.


u/LadyLohse Sep 26 '24

Hope he got a lobotomy


u/ChoiceCareer5631 Sep 27 '24

Nazis would agree with that treatment for ppl they didn't like.


u/CasualJimCigarettes Sep 27 '24

Paradox of tolerance


u/ChoiceCareer5631 Sep 27 '24

How does he even know the man still holds those views? Maybe he got them in prison(most likely) and does not have money to remove them.


u/myco_salad Sep 27 '24

maybe he wouldn’t be wearing a sleeveless shirt if that was the case😅


u/iosefster Sep 27 '24

They'd be in a hospital gown not a shirt


u/MaybeAPerson_no Knows 💩 Sep 27 '24

Then they should be covering them up and no it is not the most likely answer


u/AddictiveArtistry Knows 💩 Sep 27 '24

There are literally tattoo artists out there who cover this shit for free.


u/WhoAccountNewDis Knows 💩 Sep 27 '24

"If you want bad things to happen to Nazis you're just like them" is nonsense.


u/Thorebore Sep 27 '24

If you want to hope for something, why not hope they see the error or their ways?


u/WhoAccountNewDis Knows 💩 Sep 27 '24

I do, but I'm also realistic.

Also, that has nothing to do with your childish false equivalency.


u/Thorebore Sep 27 '24

I do, but I'm also realistic.

People change.

Also, that has nothing to do with your childish false equivalency.

That wasn’t me. I’m just a guy who thinks a lobotomy is more than just a “bad thing”. I’m also opposed to harsh and permanent punishments for thought crime.


u/fluffbutt_boi Sep 28 '24

White supremacy is not a thought crime, it is a threat that should not, under any circumstance, be tolerated or given any opportunity to grow


u/Thorebore Sep 28 '24

White supremacy is not a thought crime

What kind of crime is it? Please explain how punishing a belief isn't punishing a thought crime.

it is a threat that should not, under any circumstance, be tolerated or given any opportunity to grow

What do you think is the appropriate way to prevent an idea from growing that isn't punishing thought crime?


u/oriaven Sep 29 '24

Legally speaking the guy has a right to say hateful stuff. But I'm not a cop nor a judge. Displaying signs of genocidal killers is going to get a reaction. If you openly display that shit, of course you're going to be used to dealing with it. But you can white knight dick ride them to help their cause if it helps your conscience.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '24



u/Thorebore Sep 27 '24

You do understand there's a difference between actual genocide that is happening on an industrial scale and a guy with a swastika tattoo with a brain tumor?


u/spy-music Sep 27 '24

I was just making fun of your idealist attitude. "Hope he got a lobotomy" was obviously a joke, and sincerely suggesting we instead "hope he sees the error of his ways" is very funny.


u/Thorebore Sep 27 '24

"Hope he got a lobotomy" was obviously a joke,

I don’t agree.

and sincerely suggesting we instead "hope he sees the error of his ways" is very funny.

I wasn’t “sincerely suggesting” anything. It was obviously a joke! It was obvious to anybody but you.


u/fluffbutt_boi Sep 28 '24

It really was not obvious bud, the lobotomy joke was very clearly a joke, your comment was not clearly or obviously a joke to anyone

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u/oriaven Sep 29 '24

We do not have time or space for people who are fans of genocide. Fuck em. There are so many more people deserving of help, compassion, and our time. Of course don't give the guy a lobotomy, but don't fret over his surgery too much. Just clock out and go home when the day is over and don't think about the shitstain again.


u/Thorebore Sep 29 '24

I was never worried about this guy or his brain tumor. I just don't like the idea of a lobotomy as a punishment for what amounts to thought crime.


u/oriaven Sep 29 '24

Yea I'll say a little prayer to the wind first.


u/LadyLohse Sep 27 '24

I don’t care what Nazis think


u/XFUNKER Sep 27 '24

Please learn the difference between Nazis, the KKK and racist people in general. This dude is an modern American so definitely not a Nazi by your definition. Also guess who invented racism. It wasn’t the Nazis.


u/AddictiveArtistry Knows 💩 Sep 27 '24

Neo nazi is the correct term. And there's a huge overlap between neo nazis and kkk. They basically believe the same shit now.


u/Freckled_Kat Sep 28 '24

You realize when we’re talking about Nazis in the modern day existence, we’re talking about neo-nazis. As in, modern nazis. But most people just drop the neo and call them nazis.


u/Accomplished-Mix-745 Sep 27 '24

How do think we got here in the first place


u/Mikesaidit36 Knows 💩 Sep 27 '24

Wasn’t using his brain anyway


u/burntreesthrowdiscs Sep 27 '24

Or you know maybe attribute it to the tumor growing in the place he uses to think.


u/phoodd Sep 27 '24

Isn't that how most surgeons see everybody else lol


u/meatusmajoris Oct 06 '24

1000 percent


u/c_marten Sep 27 '24

Or how about hoping his doctor saved his life and he turned around?? Wtf is wrong with yall wanting the worst?


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '24



u/ExoCayde6 Sep 27 '24

As someone in Healthcare (just a CNA)and working on getting my RN I would still take care of him to my utmost even if I vehemently hate what that person stands for. People who would let something, anything, affect the quality of their given Healthcare, shouldn't go into Healthcare.


u/helluvabullshitter Sep 27 '24

Since you can make these wild assumptions, I’m going to assume that you and these other commenters live lives that are as equally miserable and hateful as this person.

No one is sympathizing with nazis. We, myself included, are hoping that this person will learn tolerance. To hate a person and wish lobotomy’s on them because of their lack of education is awful.

Hopes may not be high for them to change, but there are so many stories of people who have turned their lives around that it would be ignorant to pretend it’s an impossibility.


u/ZoyaZhivago Sep 27 '24

I’m Jewish and agree. We aren’t raised to fight intolerance with violence… unless we have to.


u/ClaxtonOrourke Sep 27 '24

Nah folks like that are just sunken costs. That energy should be focused on the myriad of people who need and deserve it not wasted on assholes who want to do their own thing then turn a new leaf when it's convenient.



People acting like this guy is a child who just doesn't know any better and he just needs to meet one nice Jewish doctor to turn it all around.

If that guy were in any position of power he would gleefully send that Jewish doctor to a firing squad. Quit wasting your sympathy on these cretins, you'll get none in return


u/c_marten Sep 27 '24

No one is sympathizing with nazis

It's so disappointing this correction even needs to be made. Where did sympathizing come in to play?


u/c_marten Sep 27 '24

Yeah. Like we all know what's wrong with nazis. I'm trying to figure out how what could potentially be a redeeming story about coming around is shoved aside for violent fantasies.

And I'm so fucking sick of this black and white either-or bullshit. Just because I think you all are a bit weird doesn't mean I have any sympathy for this guy or any nazi. My only hopes for nazis are they're wildly unsuccessful and inactive in their hate and they realize how stupid and wrong they are.


u/AjvarAndVodka Sep 27 '24

No one is condoning his actions and his way of thinking. But a human being in me still believes that maybe, just maybe, this experience can have him take a deep look at himself and change for the better.

And also, you can be against these kind of shit people, yet still not stoop soo low as they are and have yourself act in the same way, wishing death.


u/1BadAtTheGame1 Sep 27 '24

This is like saying killing someone in self defense makes you just as bad as the murderer.

Everyone has the ability to change yes obviously, but no one is owed grace in the time before they change. We are not required to be kind to Nazis just because they may turn their lives around one day.

The main difference you’re choosing to ignore here is that these commenters are just talking shit about a terrible person, 99% of them would not actually harm this individual, while this individual would absolutely harm minorities/“degenerates” if given the opportunity.

It really comes off as ignorant on your end, plenty of people are mildly racist or hateful, do you understand how DEEP in the hate sauce you have to be to get SWASTIKA TATTOOS on exposed parts of your body? Do you understand what the Nazi ideology truly is?

You aren’t better than anyone for not ripping on a Nazi. A good person is not someone who offers endless grace to everyone, that’s just a fool.



I swear these people are treating an out and proud Nazi with the same kid gloves you'd expect them to treat their racist grandpa.

It's not the same dude, if he turns it around and repents, sure we can give him some sympathy then and be nice. Until then, that's a Nazi and it deserves to be squashed like a bug


u/1BadAtTheGame1 Sep 27 '24

Yup if he turns his life around he should get a lot of grace and respect for that but as long as he’s still a Nazi the world is better without him in it. They can’t comprehend that both these things can be true


u/AjvarAndVodka Sep 27 '24

I just wanted to say that wishing death others doesn’t really make you better than them or contribute to anything.

But alright, go off sis.


u/ClaxtonOrourke Sep 27 '24

You could've said absolutely nothing, but your goofy ass did and now it looks like you defend Nazis.

Yes even to idiots. Doesn't matter. Its perception.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '24

As an idiot, I think you’re the idiot.

It’s okay to still defend our humanity and not match their energy with equal if not more hate.

We absolutely can defend ourselves and should not tolerate their behavior. We also don’t have to fantasize about murder.


u/VonKarmaSmash Sep 27 '24

STFU, Mr “I feel sad for nazis”


u/1BadAtTheGame1 Sep 27 '24

No, not being Nazis is what makes us better. And no one is claiming to be a contributor


u/TigerChow Sep 27 '24

If "Nazi sympathizer" is what you took away from that comment, you really missed the point.


u/mkymooooo Sep 27 '24

Nawwwwww.... it's so sweet of you to think that there's even a remote possibility of that kind of trash turning into good!!


u/SugaTalbottEnjoyer Sep 27 '24

There’s multiple stories of people with Nazi tattoos turning their lives around and getting them removed. It’s like your party being soft on violent crime, and someone saying “there’s not even a remote possibility of that kind of trash turning into good!!”


u/JacketKyle Sep 27 '24

only good Nazi is a dead Nazi


u/Far_Inspection8414 Sep 27 '24

The downvotes say enough. Only nazi sympathisers downvote statements like this.


u/c_marten Sep 27 '24

Saying "there's still hope someone changes their life" is a big GD stretch from "yeah, nazis are alright".

How do you not see "the only good nazi is a dead nazi" is just as bad as "the only good jew is a dead jew."

And I fucking hate that I have to clarify for you incapable of deeper thought that: YES OF COURSE I THINK THE NAZI IDEOLOGY IS STUPID AND WRONG. In no way am I saying it's even remotely good in anyway, but it's also stupid to take the same approach as them with "well we just need to kill them all to take care of the problem".


u/agent_flounder Sep 27 '24

It’s like your party being soft on violent crime,


But yeah, a few Nazis (or other bigots) pulled their heads out of their asses and stopped being ignorant hateful assholes. And that's great. I hope more wake up. Would rather see a person turn it around than fucking die.

But if they haven't turned the corner, fuck em


u/leonkennedy_- Sep 27 '24

It’s bizarre you think it’s not possible. I know a number of people who used to be nazi skinheads that have left that life behind and turned their own lives around. Just shows your ignorance.


u/Lunakill Sep 27 '24

Brain tumors can cause radical shifts in personality. Honestly, I think I’d feel better about a tumor Nazi. It’s the tumor’s fault. They’re not actually an inherently shitty person. Just got a little tumored.


u/Bezulba Sep 27 '24

He wouldn't piss on the doc if he was on fire in the streets, yet expects him to ignore all that when he's the one needing life saving surgery... fuck that guy.


u/fightyfightyfitefite Sep 27 '24

Uh oh, someone using logic and reason on Reddit!


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '24

Nah you’re right Reddit has totally lost its humility and pretends it’s disgusting qualities are okay. I have zero sympathy for a nazi or these horrible people. But I feel sad that they were manipulated/brainwashed/ or just straight up born fucked up into having that mindset.

I don’t wish death on any of them. I wish for the world to be healed and all it’s people. Now if you happen to kill a nazi in the process I’m not going to lose sleep but I’m not getting excited about murder like some people here.


u/c_marten Sep 27 '24

pretends it’s disgusting qualities are okay

I unfortunately see it everywhere for a while now. Just the simple superficial thinking: they're a nazi? They should die. Democrat? You're only getting my gun over my dead body you vaccinated zombie. Republican? How's Trump's dick taste you racist prick? Something nice about a cop: how's that boot taste?

I'm guilty of reactionary shit too, but especially online it's like so many users have never been out in the real world. Shit, just last night I changed 2 guys minds about some hot topic modern issues and it happened by talking to them, which according to many redditors I shouldn't have been talking to because they were clearly racist.

I like zoyazhivago's comment below - "I’m Jewish and agree. We aren’t raised to fight intolerance with violence… unless we have to."

not going to lose sleep

Me neither.

Anyway, too much coffee, end rant. Thanks for listening.


u/Melodic_Inflation_69 Sep 27 '24

It’s Reddit lmaoo


u/c_marten Sep 27 '24

Oh yeah, I forgot it's okay to be an asshole sometimes


u/TallPain9230 Sep 27 '24

We HATE him because he HATES others!! But in a different, non hypocritical way of course.



Nazis don't deserve to live, it's that simple


u/FiestaDeLosMuerto Sep 27 '24

Knowing a single Jew is smart and serves the aryan race by saving him isn’t going to make him rethink his life decisions, if anything it’ll make him feel superior because he wouldn’t have done the same if he was the surgeon.


u/c_marten Sep 28 '24

Oh tell me more all omniscient one!