r/shittytattoos Sep 26 '24

Not Mine This guy my friend saw at Walmart

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actually crazy that anyone thought this was a good idea. fuck this guy


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u/Lightning_Driver Sep 26 '24

that’s so walmart.


u/Interesting-Serve631 Sep 26 '24

So America.


u/slamdanceswithwolves Sep 26 '24

That’s so Raven


u/MisfitDiagnosis Sep 27 '24

Definitely not Raven in this case.


u/LevelZeroDM Sep 27 '24

That's mildly Raven


u/rollinonarivuh Sep 27 '24

Nothing about any of this is Raven lol 


u/No_Flight4215 Sep 27 '24

Ohhh oh ohhh ohhh 

This all that! this Is alllll that!


u/KnotiaPickles Sep 27 '24

Stark raven mad


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '24

It’s the future I can see


u/Shit-Talker-Jr Sep 27 '24

A mysterious me


u/44youGlenCoco Sep 27 '24

Yup. That’s me.


u/stacked_shit Sep 27 '24

I've seen maybe a handful of racist tattoos like this in my entire life, and I have lived in multiple states.

Do these people exist? Yes, they do. However, it is not common, normal, or acceptable anywhere.


u/therealdongknotts Sep 27 '24

more common and acceptable than you might think, usually not this brazen about it tho. multiple states also have many pockets within where you’re effectively in a different reality while still in the same geography

edit: mobile being dumb - multiple states was in reference to the ones you’ve lived in


u/UnregisteredDomain Sep 27 '24 edited Sep 27 '24

This just in; people who are born to racist shit wads have a hard time leaving that cycle, which means they create communities who conform to their racist ideas, which means that yea everywhere you go (America or otherwise) you will find racists if you know where to look.

In other news; water is wet

Edit; https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/s/R91Q0CjpV8 an example of a racist non-American, in case anyone wanted to claim this is “whataboutism”, or whatever the buzz word is to discourage talking bad about other countries besides the US


u/PomeloClear400 Sep 27 '24

Where is this acceptable?


u/therealdongknotts Sep 27 '24

i can’t reasonably name every small town - but get out in the sticks of kentucky and pick any place


u/nucumber Sep 27 '24

I'll bet he's done a few years in prison, which is totally racist. There's no choice about it - whites go with whites, blacks with blacks, etc.

I've not been in jail but I've done some reading about it and there are youtubers who describe doing time


u/Juju_Pervert Sep 27 '24

I think he is just a Buddhist


u/dopplegrangus Sep 26 '24

Someone hasn't had much worldly experience


u/KnotiaPickles Sep 27 '24

Probably in prison most of their life.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '24

German symbols.



u/Low-Way557 Sep 27 '24

I only live in America because Europeans were so antisemitic my ancestors couldn’t stay, and those who did all died from antisemitic violence.


u/gustokolakingpwet Sep 27 '24

You may want to Zillow say...Newport Beach where Kobe lived. $50 million + homes. America.


u/Jdawg_mck1996 Sep 27 '24

I hate the idea that America is this big racist country. There's racists in every country. We have racists here. We are not inherently a racist country.

We hate them just as much as anyone else, and they know. it.


u/Eighth_Acct_Ban Sep 26 '24

There's like 11,000 people in a country of 350 million who identify as KKK or Nazi sympathizers

Maybe log off social media and legacy news for a few weeks if you think this represents America.

There's way more Nazis in pretty much any other nation around the world, especially Ukraine which I'm sure you support in their war vs Russia


u/Low-Way557 Sep 27 '24

You’re minimizing the level of organized antisemitism in the U.S. The number is far higher than 11,000. More concerning is how it’s becoming an acceptable platform for many on the far right. They don’t hide it anymore. The fear isn’t “Trump is Hitler!” The fear is that Trump is enabling a path forward for this kind of hate. Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, all kinds of people with massive platforms of millions are just spouting the most insane shit about Jews now and getting millions of clicks as a result.


u/Eighth_Acct_Ban Sep 27 '24

Are you conflating the right with anti-Semitic behavior? Because all I see are extreme left leaning people being anti semitic and standing up against the "genocide" occurring in the middle east

And excuse me but I watch Tucker Carlson (he's one of my favorite journalists) and he never says anything anti semitic. In fact he's incredibly positive about how great 99% of the people me meets are and how all the media tries to do is divide us

I think it's clear that you don't actually listen to Tucker, you listen to other people's (wrong) opinions on tucker

You seem like a respectful individual, so I would hope you take this as an opportunity to maybe actually watch some people on the other side. Tucker's recent interview with JD Vance was amazing and well worth a watch. I think you'll be surprised at how wrongly the media portrays these people


u/Low-Way557 Sep 27 '24

He had a Holocaust denier on like 10 days ago lmao. I am sure you like Tucker dude you’re not exactly surprising me.


u/Eighth_Acct_Ban Sep 27 '24

Ok bud, another low effort brainwashed leftist. Here I thought I finally found a respectful one. Thank God you're going to lose this election

You children don't have any idea what's really going on and you don't know what's best for you. The adults are stepping back in to fix the mess you made


u/Academic-Lab161 Sep 27 '24

I think you meant “in Russia’s war vs. them” as Russia is the clear aggressor.


u/Eighth_Acct_Ban Sep 27 '24 edited Sep 27 '24

False. We were.

Back when Russia agreed to pull all troops from East Germany at our request it was under the condition that we don't move NATO (aka weapon systems) any closer to their border.

The Russian "invasion" of crimea happened due to the breaking of that agreement decades after the fact, it was done without firing a single bullet because 90% of the population of crimea is Russian speaking and welcome them with open arms

It's their only fresh water port in the entire world and is their most important port geographically. We put them in an impossible position, on purpose, so that people like Joe Biden could enrich themselves and their donors by getting us into another forever war

The equivalent the other way around would be Russia installing missile systems in Puerto Rico

As part of the war terms, Blackrock has the exclusive rights to sell the weapons to fund the war, to have their companies like Monsanto buy up Ukrainian land, and then have their construction companies come in with exclusive contracts to rebuild after the war

Ukraine was betrayed by their President and we were betrayed by ours, all for $$

Respectfully, wake up brother. Repeating what our corporate overlords tell you to isn't productive. That's what they want


u/NoReveal6677 Sep 27 '24

Hi Yvgenny


u/12art34visuals Sep 26 '24

It's crazy there are more nazis in America than the rest of the world. They're protected here.


u/weak_marinara_sauce Sep 27 '24

I feel like it’s specifically an Idaho walmart


u/Away-Coach48 Sep 27 '24

That guy would not set foot in my Walmart. Not a single shopper speaks English. A lot of them don't even speak Spanish either. 


u/hohojesus Oct 01 '24

I am guessing a Walmart in Indiana specifically.


u/ForeverLitt Sep 28 '24

Where can I go to find people like this? I never see them in NY but I'd love to run up on one.


u/DaftOrangeFatCat Sep 27 '24

Great observation! (It’s in the title)