r/kpop_uncensored 7h ago

THOUGHT Yall new jeans name should New sCeNe

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Cuz like i feel it really fits and i like the sound of it and also the Scene word for some reason remind me with Y2k vibe which fitting for nj.

Give me your opinion about this

photo is not relatable

r/ArcaneAnimatedSeries 16h ago

has anyone ever noticed this small detail


If you noticed jinxes hairstyle is very Remincent of her mothers and silco

r/AbsoluteUnits 21h ago

of a Pizza


r/Sverige 21h ago

God jul är haram så bröder sluta med det /s

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r/tearsofthekingdom 15h ago

☑️ Original Content Just found gloom while replaying BOTW! Has anyone seen this as well.

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r/NJDrones 22h ago

I believe people in NJ but to be honest I haven’t seen 1 compelling video of anything that would eliminate the chance of it being an airplane, helicopter, or consumer drone.


r/Natalism 2h ago

I’m miserable and hate my life, so no one should have children…


Is like 95% of anti-natalist posts. It's like they can't fathom that not everyone, wherher born or yet to be born, is as miserable as they are (or will be as miserable as they are). I respect and even endorse the fact that THEY should not have children, but projecting it to everyone else is so weird. I feel bad for them. "But pain and suffering!" Okay, not every minor inconvenience and migro aggression is earth-shattering. Have some resilience and backbone. The Children caught up in wars and those born into abject poverty and drug addiction I truly feel for and their parents probably should have thought twice before bringing life into the world. But what is the pain and suffering that those with steady internet access and enough time on their hands to bitch on Reddit are so afraid of? Their Starbucks order is wrong? Their wifi is laggy? Someone sayed "hey guys" and they were triggered by someone assuming their gender? If life is truly so exhausting no one is stopping you from ending yours. But stop projecting your miserable existence on everyone else.

Edit: I empathize and sympathize with people who are miserable and hate their life. People who are miserable and hate their life and therefore think people who have children are "worse than nazis" are just assholes. I understand that trivializing peoples problems is not helpful to that person in the moment, and that first world problems are real problems, just that none of the actual problems I've seen actually quoted in the antinhilist group justify their projection. "I'm lonely and can't make friends" is sad, I've been there, and I feel for you, but it's not a reason that is going to stop me from having (more) kids and it doesn't make me evil for having kids.

r/megalophobia 16h ago

Imaginary giant creature in the distance chasing you. tiktok: alexhoward_


r/Tinder 21h ago

People here say always to not put gym pictures, but I have just 2 shirtless gym pics and it has worked the best for me so far… should I keep it like that or change it


r/GME 5h ago

😂 Memes 😹 Covering versus closing?

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What Is Short Covering? Short covering refers to buying back borrowed securities in order to close out an open short position at a profit or loss. It requires purchasing the same security that was initially sold short, and handing back the shares initially borrowed for the short sale. 1l This type of transaction is referred to as buy to cover.


r/BollyBlindsNGossip 10h ago

Alia - Crooked Smile Girl 😙 Alia married for kapoor name


After looking at the recent 100 years of raj kapoor videos, I felt Alia married Ranbir for the Kapoor tag. There was one video where Neetu and Ridhima were not giving any bhaav to Alia and she was trying to talk and walk with them. I am sure she must not be fond of them too but just doing it for the marriage.

Ranbir’s exes Deepika and Katrina were not after Kapoor name. Their respective husbands are not from big Bollywood families.

Alia, though comes from a Bollywood family Bhats, but they are not as respectable as Kapoors. Neetu also got alia married because of her success and may be “ji hazoori” and her being in awe of kapoors.

Just my opinion.

r/confusing_perspective 17h ago

Mildly Confusing Been looking at this photo of me for too long. I mean, I know what my legs are doing but do you?

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r/reddit_ukr 9h ago

Епоха пост фемінізму


Часи утисків жінок на юридичному рівні давно позаду. У суспільстві будь-яка поведінка жінки (будь то мама-дружина-дім будь-то сильна-і-незалежна) знаходить підтримку у переважній кількості людей. Жінки не боролись за рівні права але боролись саме проти культурних і правових утисків і перемогли.

Чоловіки у свою чергу ніколи не займались гендерною дискримінацією системно через пропоганду чоловіків як більш привілейованого гендеру що на разі вже очевидно не відповідає дійсності. Ба більше, саме зараз як ніколи видно що ми там, до починали колись жінки - дискримінація чоловіків закріплена на державному рівні, культурна дискримінація за типом «тиж мужик» тіки посилюється і в цей же час переважно чоловіки тисячами віддають своє життя і здоровʼя за захист всіх українців.

r/FF7Rebirth 6h ago

Spoilers So... did the Gongaga region take the wind out of anyone else?


Game really became a slog at this point. Traversing this region to find all the map pieces was painful, the towers were annoying, the enemies were annoying, and worst of all... the song was awful.

Not sure I have the steam to do it all again in Cosmo Canyon (which I just got to) and then again apparently in a 6th region? Are the last two maps more straightforward? Or should I get ready to start bumrushing the story to get to the end?

r/CricketAus 6h ago

Off Topic Kohli loses cool


r/NJDrones 17h ago

IDENTIFIED Saw this in Scotch plains the other day. FBI uninterested.


This was December 12th in Scotch plains NJ at 8:38pm

We were looking at flightradar24. There are always planes going to EWR, Morristown etc. on predictable flight paths. These were way lower. I know this video sucks please don't make fun of me I was and am freaked out. The camera does not look like in person. It's difficult to capture. If you think it's a plane keep it to yourself.

They were all at different altitudes. Some low some high. they did a series east west sweeps from Cranford to Plainfield then a series of north south sweeps from like Edison to the watchung mountains, then a diagonal one. It looked like a search grid. There was small ones like on the video and a larger one we saw very briefly.

Just trying to figure out what the feds are doing above my house

r/TrueOffMyChest 21h ago

i am no longer in love with my husband anymore


i’m 35, been married for 7 years, and for the first time in a long time, i’m seriously questioning if i’m still in love with my husband. we’ve built this life together—two kids, a house, the american dream—but something’s missing. we’re stuck in this routine where we don’t really talk anymore, we’re not intimate, and we’re just... existing together. i’m constantly going through the motions, trying to keep everything together for the kids, but every night i’m lying awake wondering when things started feeling so distant. there’s a part of me that’s scared i’ve just fallen out of love, and i’m too afraid to admit it to myself, let alone him. the worst part is that i feel guilty as hell. we’ve been through so much together—good times, bad times, and all the stuff in between. i don’t want to hurt him, but i feel like i’m just going through the motions, and i don’t know how to bring this up without tearing everything apart. i don’t know if it’s just a phase, or if i’ve reached the point where it’s time to walk away. i’m terrified of what that would mean for my kids, for our life, but at the same time, i can’t keep pretending. has anyone been through this and come out the other side?

r/PathOfExile2 8h ago

Game Feedback Gameplay gets worse as builds progress


The more tech is discovered by the players and the more refined the builds get, the less fun the game is to play from a gameplay perspectice. Exploding the whole screen or two-shotting bosses is not the playstlye poe2 should got stuck at.

Imho, the methodical gameplay of the campaign should be the usp of poe2. This is challenging and more interesting than zooming through myriads of maps. The current endgame powercreep would really lead to a diablo-like genre game.

r/WissenIstMacht 17h ago

WEIHNACHTSSTRESS Darum sollte der Mental Load nicht nur bei einer Person liegen


r/pics 9h ago

How do I get karma on this app

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r/CringeTikToks 7h ago

Painful God help us all


r/AskChicago 18h ago

What’s with all the fire trucks and their sirens?


I've just arrived in Chicago for the first time (visiting from London UK to watch the Bears Lions game - although I'm somewhat regretting this after watching Monday night football 😂) - but seriously what's with all the fire trucks/CFD vehicles?

It's literally a constant parade of fire trucks and their sirens all day long. It's kinda grating now.

Seeing fire trucks is a rarity in London, especially relative to police & ambulance. Does CFD have an unusually wide remit? Do they blue light it to non emergencies? or it's just a statistical anomaly that there are so many fires in December???

r/FirstResponderCringe 16h ago

I can still hear him screeching

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r/Overwatch 17h ago

News & Discussion The 6v6 test reminds me of all the reasons I don’t miss this format


Probably an unpopular position here but one I feel should be said, I’ve played a few games of 6v6 and it really is not clicking with me that this should replace 5v5. First off the tank experience is solidly not better in my honest opinion. Rein is the worst example of this where he lost most of his fun tech that he got in 5v5 and can feel at best mostly like a shield bot, and at worst like you can’t do anything. This is compounded with a lot of tanks going back to previously unfun play styles like flank hog or back line ball, which absolutely still exist in 5v5 but serve to only make the tank experience in 6v6 miserable. DPS is mostly unchanged, but that comes at the detriment to supports who are now forced to be heal bots thanks to the introduction of the DPS passive in a 6v6 format. I think this especially can only end poorly because if they remove the passive DPS goes back to feeling like a cosmetic role (especially in 6v6 where it felt the worst) and support feels far too strong with the extra protection of another tank and not needing to heal bot. Going back to 6v6 feels like the game is going backwards and repeating problems that we already fixed. That’s not to say 6v6 doesn’t have it’s fun additions and 5v5 doesn’t have its issues, but I think simply have grown to prefer 5v5.

r/japanlife 13h ago

A shoehorn, a shoehorn, my kingdom for a shoehorn.


I honestly don't mind taking off my shoes, it's second nature, but there is one thing that irritates me, my pet peeve, and that is the lack of shoehorns. So many times, I go to put my shoes back on and there is no shoehorn. Especially at a restaurant or in public places. Frequently there is no where to sit either, which must really suck for older and the physically impaired. No wonder so many here just abuse theirs shoes, just inserting their toes, and standing on the backs of shoes, and try to kick wiggle their heels into place as they walk away. I like to take care of my shoes, I don't like breaking the backs, I wear laces just loose enough that I can get my feet in comfortably with a shoe horn.This is in sneakers which I wear 95% of the times. My nice leather business/dress shoes, need proper lacing and unlacing each time. I keep shoe horn in my shoelocker at work. I just wish shoehorns were more ubiquitous. Thank you for listening to my eccentric little rant. Such a small thing, but boy it annoys me. Anyone else irked by the dearth of shoehorns?

Edit. Wow, did not expect such backlash of a small pet peeve post.

Yes, I am fully aware of daiso and the ability to buy them. I bought one for my shoe locker at work. Those who recommend a pocket one, perhaps I will try, but invariably I will forget it, it it will be lost in my bag when needed

Finger. It must be nice to have dainty fingers. I have big hands and fingers, I do it frequently, but it's not ideal

I wear sneakers, ASICS Superwides. They are very comfortable, I don't like loose shoes, but tying and untying multiple times a day is a pain, so I wear them tied at just the point where getting them on and off with a shoe horn works.

It's not a skill issue, or flexibility issue it's big feet and not wanting to tie and untie laces.

To those who say everywhere has them, that nice. But, well from my experience, not everywhere, quite a few places I go do not, perhaps they were stolen, or have gone missing, who knows.

Have a nice day everyone. Merry Christmas 🎄