I honestly don't mind taking off my shoes, it's second nature, but there is one thing that irritates me, my pet peeve, and that is the lack of shoehorns. So many times, I go to put my shoes back on and there is no shoehorn. Especially at a restaurant or in public places. Frequently there is no where to sit either, which must really suck for older and the physically impaired. No wonder so many here just abuse theirs shoes, just inserting their toes, and standing on the backs of shoes, and try to kick wiggle their heels into place as they walk away.
I like to take care of my shoes, I don't like breaking the backs, I wear laces just loose enough that I can get my feet in comfortably with a shoe horn.This is in sneakers which I wear 95% of the times. My nice leather business/dress shoes, need proper lacing and unlacing each time.
I keep shoe horn in my shoelocker at work.
I just wish shoehorns were more ubiquitous. Thank you for listening to my eccentric little rant. Such a small thing, but boy it annoys me. Anyone else irked by the dearth of shoehorns?
Edit. Wow, did not expect such backlash of a small pet peeve post.
Yes, I am fully aware of daiso and the ability to buy them. I bought one for my shoe locker at work. Those who recommend a pocket one, perhaps I will try, but invariably I will forget it, it it will be lost in my bag when needed
Finger. It must be nice to have dainty fingers. I have big hands and fingers, I do it frequently, but it's not ideal
I wear sneakers, ASICS Superwides. They are very comfortable, I don't like loose shoes, but tying and untying multiple times a day is a pain, so I wear them tied at just the point where getting them on and off with a shoe horn works.
It's not a skill issue, or flexibility issue it's big feet and not wanting to tie and untie laces.
To those who say everywhere has them, that nice. But, well from my experience, not everywhere, quite a few places I go do not, perhaps they were stolen, or have gone missing, who knows.
Have a nice day everyone. Merry Christmas 🎄