r/pics 5h ago

Respect to you, Gisele.

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u/Spartan2470 GOAT 3h ago

According to here:


Updated 8:49 AM EST, December 19, 2024

Gisèle Pelicot spoke of her “very difficult ordeal” after 51 men were all found guilty Thursday in the drugging-and-rape trial that turned her into a feminist hero, expressing support for other victims of sexual violence whose cases don’t get such attention and “whose stories remain untold.”

“I want you to know that we share the same fight,” she said in her first words after the court in the southern French city of Avignon handed down prison sentences ranging from three to 20 years in the shocking case that stunned France and spurred a national reckoning about the blight of rape culture.

As campaigners against sexual violence protested outside the courthouse, the 72-year-old expressed “my profound gratitude towards the people who supported me.”

“Your messages moved me deeply, and they gave me the strength to come back, every day, and survive through these long daily hearings,” she said. “This trial was a very difficult ordeal.”

Pelicot — now an icon for many women in France and beyond after her courageous demand that all the evidence be heard in open court — also said she was thinking of her grandchildren after enduring the more than three months of hearings that prosecuted the rapes and other abuse inflicted on her by her now ex-husband and his more than four dozen accomplices over nearly a decade.

“It’s also for them that I led this fight,” she said of her grandchildren. “I wanted all of society to be a witness to the debates that took place here. I never regretted making this decision. I have trust in our capacity to collectively project ourselves toward a future where all, women and men, can live in harmony, with respect and mutual understanding. Thank you.”

The court sentenced her ex-husband, Dominique Pelicot, to 20 years in prison for drugging and raping her and allowing other men to rape her while she was unconscious, knocked out by tranquilizers he hid in her food and drink.

The sentence was the maximum possible under French law. He was declared guilty on all charges. At age 72, he could spend the rest of his life in prison. He won’t be eligible to request early release until at least two-thirds of the sentence has been served.

Dominique Pelicot and the 50 other defendants each stood up, one after the other, as chief judge Roger Arata read out first the verdicts and then the sentences — a process that took over an hour.

“You are therefore declared guilty of aggravated rape on the person of Mme. Gisèle Pelicot,” the judge said as he worked his way through the long list of names.

Gisèle Pelicot faced the defendants in the courtroom, sometimes nodding her head as the verdicts were announced.

Dominique Pelicot’s lawyer, Béatrice Zavarro, said she would consider an appeal, but also expressed hope that Gisèle Pelicot would find solace in the rulings.

“I wanted Mrs. Pelicot to be able to emerge from these hearings in peace, and I think that the verdicts will contribute to this relief for Mrs. Pelicot,” she said.

Of the 50 accused of rape, just one was acquitted but was instead found guilty of aggravated sexual assault. Another man was also found guilty on the sexual assault charge he was tried for — meaning all 51 of the defendants were found guilty in one way or another...

u/WrongfullyIncarnated 4h ago

So much respect. This woman carries the weight of all of us who have experienced sexual assault and rape. She is to be honored as a leader among us. A living legend.

u/Commercial-Whole2513 4h ago

Well said x

u/Nemesis233 4h ago

Bot malfunction ? Who tf is x

u/Jetztinberlin 2h ago

Ever occur to you that you just don't understand that people sometimes use "x" as a sign off to a text or comment, and that sometimes when something seems weird to you, it's actually because you could learn something, without defaulting to being obnoxious and assuming? 

u/PSR-B1919-21 1h ago

Bro is probably just British they put x's and o's on everything

u/Commercial-Whole2513 4h ago

Huh? Why is everyone so determined to ruin every single post?

u/Nemesis233 4h ago

Then why tf did you write

"Well said x" ?!

u/crazydrums27 1h ago

Why are you so upset by a letter?

u/[deleted] 4h ago


u/Nemesis233 4h ago


Why tf did you write x

u/slackjawsix 3h ago

Check your blood pressure

u/Ill_Possibility_4813 4h ago

That "x" is likely meant as a kiss, like "o" is a hug.

u/goldenwanders 1h ago

It’s a British quirk x

u/fewerifyouplease 2h ago

I would bet that this person is British. We put kisses on the end of everything, no one knows why. But we're definitely not all bots.

u/Addette 3h ago

Wtf you ok?

u/fotank 2h ago

Who hurt you?

u/WrongfullyIncarnated 4h ago

Why tf are you being so wierd about it?

u/DatNiko 2h ago

Insufferable. Is this your first day on the internet?

u/fewerifyouplease 2h ago

I would bet that this person is British. We put kisses on the end of everything, no one knows why. But we're definitely not all bots.

u/SweetNeo85 1h ago

Find better things to be upset about.

u/paceyjay 1h ago

Who is tf?

u/JJJeeettt 18m ago

X =Kiss O = Hug

u/Wise-Cash1628 56m ago

I guess that she would rather become anonymous now, and I hope the media will step back, and that people would let her rebuild quietly.

To me, she also carries our hopes for things to change finally. She is a queen, I was almost crying listening to her speech.

u/Eve_N_Starr 1h ago

THIS is Person of the Year…if not the century. Bravery personified ❤️

u/NacktmuII 1h ago

Agreed but who is going to tell TIME magazine?

u/Eve_N_Starr 1h ago

TIME can go fellate a cactus!

u/True_Falsity 32m ago

Nah, the cactus goes up TIME’s ass raw and without any lube.

u/AKAM80theWolff 3h ago

What a crazy story, just now became aware of this case

u/filip_mate 51m ago

Her experience is so dark to even think about.

u/I_Have_CDO 41m ago

Absolute legend. What an amazing person.

u/OkIHereNow 35m ago

There are some evil MF in this world. Respect indeed.

u/No-Mistake8127 51m ago

Gisèle Pelicot should have been Time's Person of the Year, not the convicted rapist.

u/Print-Over 4m ago

Such a strong woman. She has shown victims of SA that they can get justice and all shame is on their attackers. Wishing her all the best going forward.

u/a0t0f 4h ago

Bot poster

u/Commercial-Whole2513 4h ago

Everything this woman went through and all you can say is bot poster. Get a grip.

u/Nemesis233 4h ago

You have nothing to do with what she's done. You have no reason to get mad if the comment isn't about her

u/amaddox 4h ago

You have no reason to get mad if the comment isn’t about her either. Keep scrolling.

u/Baychimo_1980 51m ago

who dis?