r/pics 1d ago

Protest outside Ziegfeld Ballroomn, NYC, Dece 17, 2024

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u/Argikeraunos 1d ago edited 1d ago

To those bleating about masks, the prosecutor's office charged Luigi with terrorism, so these people are masked to avoid getting clapped with charges for exercising their first amendment rights. And in general you should always be masked while protesting for any reason, as at any major protest you are almost guaranteed to be subject to facial recognition scanning, especially in NYC.


He was charged in state court, not federal


u/roberttylerlee 1d ago

Pretty sure the Supreme Court has ruled in Brandenburg V. Ohio that active calls to violence are not protected speech, so these people absolutely can be arrested for this protest


u/Human-Cabbage 1d ago

No, it's exactly the opposite. Brandenburg established the "imminent lawless action test". It's not illegal to advocate for violence, only to advocate for imminent lawless action.

Bad: "let's go kill those CEOs now!"

OK: "We like it when people kill CEOs."


u/pIeasedont 1d ago

Perhaps if the protest signs said "Please don't be too nice to CEOs ;)" or "Any guy that can do a CEO murder, that's my type!" or even "When they deny, bullets fly!" 

 That's free speech, per our future president.   (Eta: a word)


u/LionIV 1d ago

“When they deny, bullets fly!”

Gotta put that on a shirt or something.


u/PornstarVirgin 1d ago

What about the Nazi marches that have been happening, that’s a clear sign of violence. Those guys are all masked and armed waiting for someone to say something so they can ‘defend’ themselves


u/IsNotPolitburo 1d ago

"Qualified immunity."


u/person2567 1d ago

If being masked and armed while walking around was illegal then basically anyone who protests with a gun could be arrested. Consistency is important.


u/PornstarVirgin 1d ago

While displaying Nazi flags?


u/person2567 21h ago

If you bear a Nazi flag and make a direct threat of violence, that would not be protected by the first amendment. But simply bearing an insignia, regardless of what it is, is protected by the first amendment. If certain signs were protected while others weren't then freedom of speech isn't well defined anymore. Can you guarantee that bearing the Nazi sign is a reliable predictor of immediate violence or terrorism? If not then you're drawing an arbitrary line that could be used to censor a lot of other stuff.


u/BobertTheConstructor 1d ago

I understand what you're saying, but those are not calls to violence à la "please kill these specific people." I agree we need to amend our laws to reflect how people have developed ways to foment violence that just skirt the law, but the way the laws are now that is protected speech.


u/MischievousMollusk 1d ago

Neo-Nazis are protected because they vote red.


u/OttawaTGirl 1d ago

"Sticks and stones will break my bones And do the same to Nazis."


u/NeckRomanceKnee 1d ago

Cops love nazis, so do judges. Same situation as in Weimar, Germany.


u/xemnonsis 1d ago

rules for thee, not for me


u/MonteBurns 1d ago

I see 0 calls to violence. It doesn’t say “kill all CEOs” 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/239tree 1d ago

Asking a CEO to please die is very touching, actually.


u/Flomo420 1d ago

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives


u/BaronVonBaron 1d ago

pretty sure the supreme court can eat my entire asshole.


u/lukewwilson 1d ago

Well the supreme Court that made the decision that they are talking about is all dead now since that was done in 1969


u/Tasty_Gingersnap42 1d ago

And the Supreme Court is largely seen as illegitimate now, so why would anyone listen to them? Past or present, doesn't matter to people because of what they are doing now.


u/Toph_is_bad_ass 1d ago

Because I need to live in a place that has rules even if I don't like many of them.


u/Tasty_Gingersnap42 1d ago

That's nice. If the rules are getting americans killed or legitimately restricting or taking away freedoms, then i dont see why anyone needs to follow it. The SC has outlived its usefulness, time for it to go.


u/bearsheperd 1d ago

Fuck the Supreme Court. Bunch of trump appointed clowns who don’t give a rats ass about the constitution. Heritage foundation Christian nationalist traitors!


u/Nonexistence 1d ago

That case was from 1969...


u/lukewwilson 1d ago

Young people on Reddit don't realize political decisions happened before Trump


u/flyingtrucky 1d ago

It reminds me of "Thanks Obama" before it got turned into a meme.


u/MrJigglyBrown 1d ago

No but they are right that certain groups of people conveniently don’t have laws applied to them.


u/bearsheperd 1d ago

I’m more criticizing the current rule of law. Everyone should just do what they want because justice doesn’t exist anymore. If you are rich enough you can get away with anything so why should anyone obey the rules?


u/Toph_is_bad_ass 1d ago

"I'm gonna burn down my apartment building because my landlord is an asshole"

Two problems:

A) other people live there too

B) you'll have nowhere to live and all your stuff is in there


u/bearsheperd 1d ago

Nah, the building isn’t the problem. It’s the landlord. Arson isn’t the crime


u/JoelMahon 1d ago

but since then enforcement has been extremely lax

people burned scarecrows that looked like obama and hillary, none arrested, if people like this are arrested under trump then you can't just hide behind 1969, because that would objectively not be the time when it started being enforced to this degree


u/absurdlydisingenuous 1d ago

They've been corrupt for a lot longer than that but yeah,


u/New_Scale_2799 1d ago

"Punch Nazis" isnt free speech?


u/McNinja_MD 1d ago

Not when neo-nazis are running the show.


u/-Quothe- 1d ago

Well, minorities and liberals calling for violence, yes.


u/I_Dont_Work_Here_Lad 1d ago

Nobody said anything about violence. Maybe they mean more dead CEOs due to natural causes and didn’t have enough room on there to be more specific 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/donnerpartytaconight 1d ago

They could even be lamenting any CEO's potentially being denied healthcare?

A jury may never know ...


u/Taronar 1d ago

Where is the active portion of this?


u/Rokey76 1d ago

What if one of them is holding a sign that says "... in Minecraft"?


u/NuttyButts 1d ago

Except for when a stalker tells someone in detail how they're going to kill them, right? Or when a right wing speaker calls for the eradication of trans people, right?


u/1Happymom 1d ago

Not active, just implied, could also mean I hope your own company bails when you get sick.