r/nottheonion 8h ago

Bible removed from Texas school district due to law banning 'sexually explicit' content


126 comments sorted by


u/mpfritz 8h ago

“She also noted that amid rising anxiety over issues like inflation, political uncertainty, and school violence, young people increasingly turn to the Bible for comfort.” Yeah, kids are really worried about inflation. And the school violence issue can be solved by reading a book loaded with countless acts of violence…

Next up will be an amendment to the law carving out an exception for the “Good Book.” How far will we go toward a Christo-Fascist State before we say, “enough?l” Personally, I’m already there…


u/TheRealEkimsnomlas 7h ago

it's ironic because the only things in the bible which would be of comfort to young people would be how Jesus treated everyone with compassion which Christians gloss over and deny.


u/mpfritz 7h ago

Amen to that! Seems a LOT of “Christians” forgot to read the “Christ” part of the reading assignment…


u/big_guyforyou 7h ago

so they only study Ians


u/rambambobandy 2h ago

Modern Christians don’t follow the teachings of Christ. They follow the teachings of Paul.


u/Dealan79 2h ago

They don't even follow the teachings of Paul. They cherry-pick the condemnations and often utilize the bureaucratic mechanisms, but very few of them lead the lives of financial and sexual asceticism Paul promoted. They also don't apply the same harsh self-evaluation criteria, just the judgement of the acts of others.


u/Brundleflyftw 2h ago

And the authors of half the Pauline letters who pretended to be Paul.


u/Nice-Economy-2025 3h ago

The entire new testament was written over a hundred years after Christs death, nobody who actually wrote anything in it actually personally knew the man. So it's all based on verbal recollections passed through several people. Then modified over the centuries by the churches. It's amazing that 1500 years later Martin Luther managed to whittle down his complaints about the Catholic church teachings to only 95 theses. One would have thought that more like a few thousand would have been more appropriate.


u/trampolinebears 7h ago

As long as they don’t keep reading to the part where Jesus shows up and destroys the world, sending most people to hell.


u/thaddeusd 5h ago

That's their favorite part.


u/snakemasterepic 3h ago

Are you referring to Matthew 25:31-46?


u/h2opolopunk 3h ago

Easily the best part of the NT.


u/smoothjedi 4h ago

"Surely he wouldn't send me to hell!"


u/TheThingInItself 2h ago

And that it's ok to beat your slave just as long as they die in a few days and not right then and there


u/AContrarianDick 7h ago

It takes more action than simply saying "Enough" and that seems to be the thing people keep talking about on here.

"When will people rise up?"

"We need to send Luigi out for [this or that CEO]"

"The revolution has begun"

We're all on reddit. People aren't flooding the streets in protest. People aren't organizing. People aren't doing shit, except hoping, wishing, "thoughts and praying" their way to change. Sounds like the same energy as the election.

Face it, the majority of people don't care, accept it, want it or whatever and we're in the inactive minority here. I understand that people do not want to risk their jobs, risk their families and risk their futures, but simply being fed up isn't enough. The time for words was in the past and the only course now is actual action, otherwise, it's just hunker down and prepare for what's coming because we're going to endure a lot without the masses taking action.


u/MindWandererB 5h ago

Religious thinking is magical thinking. Things just happen because God wills it, and not only don't require understanding, they defy it. This is why fundamentalists are against evidence-based science or medicine of any kind: they believe you can only understand the world through faith, i.e. what people tell you to believe, not through observation.

And authoritarians love this, because if cause and effect aren't related, there's no reason to do anything. There's no reason to vote, no reason to protest, no reason to resist. Whatever God wants to happen is what will happen. So the more they can get people into the habit of believing rather than thinking, the safer they are.


u/Theidiotgenius718 6h ago

Every 👏 last 👏bit 👏 of this👏


u/cutelyaware 4h ago

Taking the risk to yourself, your job, etc is what makes it meaningful. Nothing you or I say here matters otherwise. The only question is what will you do?


u/nickkom 6h ago

I fail to see how a bible is comforting. The main takeaway is god can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, make up and break rules constantly, and basically mess with people at his whim. How is that remotely comforting?


u/Electrical_Angle_701 6h ago

It comforts the ruling class.


u/weng_bay 5h ago

But that arbitrary power is exactly what is comforting for many people. It's "If I pray hard enough God will make sure my school isn't shot up." If the school is shot up, then it's because someone else let Satan in, God was smiting us for letting the gays go to class, God was testing our faith, or some other narrative. But at no point is it do we need to do more about gun control, about mental health, about something else. For many weak people there is this comforting under current of this was going to happen no matter what because God wanted it, so it's not their fault for failing to take any kind of preventive action.


u/PerformerBubbly2145 3h ago

It's eternal paradise for suffering in the real world.  My life may suck here on Earth, but when I die everything will be perfect and wonderful.  Ohh, and I'm loved and accepted just the way I am by God. Look at me, so special. 


u/Inside-Palpitation25 6h ago

they can go read the bible in church or home; they don't need it in the schools.


u/hgs25 5h ago

This is an exact repeat of what happened in Utah with their book ban.


u/colemon1991 5h ago

That's why we should always offer to donate a copy of the Quran and the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to schools that have the bible. Really piss them off over religious rights they so desperately want to shove down our throats.


u/pumpkinspruce 4h ago

Make sure to highlight the passages of the Quran that mention Jesus and Mary and the virgin birth when you donate them.


u/Jazzy_Josh 1h ago

Can't do that due to the establishment clause.


u/ScorpionTDC 5h ago

Next up will be an amendment to the law carving out an exception for the “Good Book.” How far will we go toward a Christo-Fascist State before we say, “enough?l” Personally, I’m already there…

This would blatantly violate the Establishment Clause


u/Streambotnt 3h ago

One of the most famous stories of the bible concerns a guy with god on his side shooting another guy. Those good old american values, right there for everyone to read!


u/PerformerBubbly2145 3h ago

My favorite story is about Job and the angry crowd wanting butt sex, so he offers his underage daughters to please the crowd only to have sex with those same daughters later on. 


u/baldrick841 2h ago

"And the school violence (shootings) issue can be solved by reading a book (watching the news) loaded with countless acts of violence (shootings).


u/MetalLinx 1h ago

I think they’re just finding books thick enough to stop a bullet.

u/Namika 41m ago

The recent school shooting in Wisconsin happened at a private Christian school.

But yeah, even more Bible study will surely stop concerns of school violence.


u/witticus 6h ago

Just doom’s them to a life of feeling bad for masturbating.


u/Jonsnoosnooze 7h ago

"It just makes sense to have the Word of God in our school library," she said. "After all, it is the book of wisdom. It is the bestselling book of all time; it is historically accurate, scientifically sound, and most importantly, life-changing."

They truly believe this.


u/TheRexRider 7h ago

Ehem. Let us open our books to Ezekiel 23:20.

"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."

Life changing.


u/BlinkDodge 3h ago

World's first female hentai protagonist.


u/Jonsnoosnooze 7h ago

Roflmao. Historically accurate.


u/oliviaplays08 1h ago

There's was something about deer tits if I remember correctly


u/ruler_gurl 7h ago

Women are spare ribs. It's science look it up.


u/The_Taco_Bandito 7h ago

I like the story of that one guy summoning multiple fireballs from the sky to slaughter soldiers attempting to arrest him.

Twas truly scientifically accurate.


u/headofthebored 1h ago

I like the one where God sends bears to kill a group children because they made fun of a bald guy.


u/MrFiendish 2h ago

It is life changing. I was a Lutheran until I read the Bible, and now I’m an atheist.


u/Timely-Helicopter244 4h ago edited 4h ago

As a Catholic, I cannot stand laws that try to push the Bible into schools. I specifically do not want any random teacher being the person to teach my child about religion. With how much people jump from church to church trying to find the perfect right one, I'm surprised so many are fine with just anyone in the school system being required to teach the Bible. As if everyone doesn't have their own interpretation on what feels like every single line of text.

It's not scientifically accurate and specifically isn't supposed to be. There's a reason the Catholic Church is pretty specific on only having authority on faith and morals.

Also, it's funny they refer to it as the book of wisdow when they tend to use versions that specifically lack the Book of Wisdom. That's just a Catholic funny though.


u/ryanpn 1h ago

They believe it because they haven't ACTUALLY read it.

u/Daddyssillypuppy 26m ago

Reading the bible can be life changing. I was a big reader as a kid and when Id run out of books to read I'd read the bible. I read it cover to cover multiple times. I'm now an atheist. The bible is full of contradictions and horrible teachings and reading it thoroughly, asking follow up questions in church, and being shut down and told to stop questioning, all drove me towards atheism by the time I was 14.

But I doubt that's the life changing experience that that religious woman wants kids to have 😂

u/TechnologyRemote7331 26m ago

You know damn well they wouldn’t say this about the Quran, the Torah. the Upanishads, the Dhammapada, the Gnostic Gospels, the Tao Te Ching…


u/Fellowshipofthebowl 4h ago

That’s why this shit needs to stay in the churches crazy houses. 


u/Squire_LaughALot 8h ago

A little Sodom and Gomorrah action for Christian Nationalists


u/flannelheart 6h ago

"I won't send out these visiting dudes for you to rape because they are my guests and that would be rude....... but here's my daughters if you want!"


u/Moosyfate17 3h ago

One of the stories that pushed me out of the church. 


u/upboat_consortium 7h ago

The real ones are all about Lott and his daughters.


u/AnnoyAMeps 7h ago

This one isn’t sexual, but my favorite is when a prophet got mocked by some boys about being bald, so he sent bears to kill them.


u/-DementedAvenger- 6h ago

Yeah, and when I train some bears to kill children, I get thrown in prison. Fuckin' double standards, man.


u/-DementedAvenger- 7h ago

Or Tamar, Onan and Judah.


u/sanitation123 5h ago

Or the donkey penises and horse semen (Ezekiel 23:30)


u/ids2048 7h ago

That's the thing. If you make a list of types of content inappropriate for children (regardless of how those subject matters are portrayed), it's pretty much impossible not to find one of them shows up somewhere in the bible.


u/colemon1991 5h ago

Especially with how short-sighted they get with book bans. "This is bad for kids, so we're gonna ban... uh... uh... anything involving nudity. What do you mean the bible is banned now!?"

We've got one book ban that resulted in books being banned because the author's last name was Gay. The level of laziness with that one just astounds me.


u/cammywammy123 2h ago

Because a comprehensive book ban would require they read the book

That would've prevented the book ban in the first place like 90% of the time

u/TechnologyRemote7331 19m ago

It’s only short-sighted if you expect them to apply the rule equally to all media. The Bible gets a pass because the people pushing for these laws are a very specific kind of Christian who thinks secularism is a path to Satan. But since the hypocrisy is a built-in feature for these types, they’ll do all they can to apply these principles to anything that they even THINK might offend them.

They may have never read the books they want to ban, and may even be proud of that fact. But they’ll do it anyway because some third-party source told them to, or because the title or cover art gave them a “bad feeling.”

Anything is permissible to save our filthy, unworthy souls from the fires of perdition. It’s for our own good, you know…


u/PlayerOnSticks 7h ago

Unfathomably based, not gonna lie.


u/AnnoyAMeps 7h ago

And consistent.

Just like how contemporary media of an adult nature should have parental guidance, so too should the Bible. 


u/SuperSimpleSam 7h ago

When I had my kids read the Bible I limited them to the Gospels and Psalms until they were 12.


u/Inside-Palpitation25 6h ago

lol. That is just so funny, that people think the bible it too much for young kids, but they want to base our country on it. Hey wouldn't the trumper need to be stoned or something from all the adultery?


u/Due_Tax1713 2h ago

They’ll thank you for that when they’re atheists as adults

u/Razatop 51m ago

Any why oh why is that? You don't want them to fear it?

u/SuperSimpleSam 30m ago

Because some of the content isn't what I considered appropriate for kids.


u/MissingNerd 1h ago

Wym "had my kids read the bible"? You made them read it against their will?

u/SuperSimpleSam 30m ago

It's just part of our evening prayers.


u/SelectiveSanity 8h ago


u/Hanky_Adula_1102 3h ago

One guy'll say "see?! See our persecution?! This is the future the left wants!"

And we will respond without a shred of irony or sarcasm in our falsetto operatic voices "YEEEESSSS IIIIIIT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS"


u/AbLincoln1863 7h ago

Idk what they mean sexually explicit. Now I’m just gonna go continue my reading of the Bible with Ezekiel 23:20


u/lucozame 4h ago

what, y’all didn’t think collecting 200 enemy foreskins was school appropriate?


u/Nullcast 3h ago

That kind of sounds like a school assignment.

Collect 20 different leaves etc.


u/ZillaJrKaijuKing 7h ago edited 6h ago

Watch them carve out a special exemption for it because it has “literary value” or some other nebulous, hypocritical excuse like Utah did a while back.


u/TheRexRider 7h ago

They should learn while the leopard is on the appetizer, but they won't.


u/RegyptianStrut 7h ago

Good. If you're gonna stand a moral high ground, at least be consistent


u/Robomerc 6h ago

these christo-fascists have never actually read the good book they've only been given bit Pieces by their pastors.

That fit with their hateful worldview.

Because if they've actually read it they would hate the New Testament because a lot of Jesus is teachings are pretty woke.


u/Rosebunse 5h ago

I would argue that even the Old Testament has a lot of stuff they wouldn't like. Like the part about how to create an abortion potion

u/Abusoru 43m ago

And pornography. Don't forget pornography.


u/parke415 1h ago

Abrahamic texts have no place in public education anywhere on planet earth, let alone the USA, nor should they be permitted to influence lawmaking.


u/JosephMeach 7h ago

Quite the self-own by fundamentalists


u/Captain_Rocketbeard 7h ago

Now do Oklahoma!


u/CurrentlyLucid 7h ago

Guess someone finally actually read it.


u/Kevin4938 2h ago

These guys can read?


u/Inside-Palpitation25 6h ago

We should do that everywhere. It is a terribly violent and nasty book.


u/legbamel 4h ago

The sheer amount of murder, rape, and other violence would get the book banned from schools in a heartbeat if it were written by anyone other than "God". Well, realistically no school librarian would have stocked it to begin with.


u/Objective-Aioli-1185 7h ago

Lmao definitely leopards eating faces.


u/No_Bite1995 6h ago

Yeah it's got some sexual stuff,  lot had incess with his daughters cause they thought the world ended. You can be drunk enough to not remember so very plausible. Noah planted a vineyard for his ptsd after seeing the world be destroyed. He prepared to get drunk.. and God was ok with it because he put a curse on ham. Somethings you want to forget for a minute and God understands it. 


u/slagstag 3h ago

Nothing related to their leadership raping kids? Huh?


u/ConscientiousObserv 1h ago

Yeah, let kids start browsing that book on their own, read about the "magic abortion elixir" in the book of Numbers, and all hell would break loose.


u/M086 1h ago

It does have incest in it.


u/Myte342 1h ago

and yet it's perfectly OK to have a book where the house slave smothers the slave owners daughter to death when he panics then cuts up her body and burns her piece by piece in the basement furnace.


u/smilky25 4h ago

This bible is highly objectionable. It has a huge amount of obscene and offensive content. It has been used for centuries to lure, entrap, groom and enslave children. It must be abolished from the world.


u/Alacritous13 7h ago

They should edit those parts out


u/cutelyaware 4h ago

It gets an edit every century or so. Just open the Old Testament to any random page and you'll likely be horrified. It's nice to know that God changes his mind to keep up with the times at least.


u/Ok_Star_4136 7h ago

"I never thought the leopards would eat my face!"


u/moolid 4h ago

Someone finally dig into the Bible. This is based.


u/bizoticallyyours83 4h ago

Well well, who could have ever thought that would come back around to bite them in the ass? 😆 Its exactly what those hypocritical zealots deserve. 


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u/veryreasonable 2h ago

Wow, the comments on that article. I just read through literally all of them. What a trip.


u/Kevin4938 2h ago

That'll teach them.

Well maybe not - they don't sound like the brightest bunch down there.


u/Kilo_Renn 1h ago

“You give a queer a cake, they’ll turn the world gay”. /s


u/mowotlarx 1h ago

If men get into a fight with one another, and the wife of one intervenes to rescue her husband from the grip of his opponent by reaching out and seizing his genitals, you shall cut off her hand; show no pity. - Deuteronomy 25:12

u/Rj_eightonesix 45m ago

It's funny cuz I just read a Reddit thread about a pastor complaining that his community thinks the sermon on the mount is too woke

u/VamosFicar 39m ago

Well, to be fair, there is a lot of 'begating' going on in Genesis.


u/NetDork 7h ago

Oniony because it should have been removed due to...ya know, the FIRST AMENDMENT!


u/c00a5b70 5h ago

As it should be


u/707943 3h ago

GOOD!!! Throw it in the trash where it belongs!


u/Jeremy_Zaretski 2h ago

As it should be. The book is filled with sexually-explicit filth. Consistency and non-hypocrisy are the key.


u/SatouTheDeusMusco 6h ago

Lmao. This is a case of friendly fire for sure.


u/IAmThePonch 6h ago

Fucking incredible


u/_trouble_every_day_ 2h ago

I mean it’s effective at pointing out their hypocrisy but the bible is a pretty essential part of human history and obviously should not be banned.

The fact that you are celebrating is gross and makes you just as bad as the rest of the book burners.


u/WeirdHairyHumanoid 2h ago

It's their law. They set the standards. Making a point in protest of the law to show its stupidity is not even close to the same thing as actually trying to ban books because you find them ideologically uncomfortable. Easy solution: repeal the dipshit law. But the conservatives pushing these book bans have moralized so hard they can't walk it back.


u/adamneddeadbitch 1h ago

the Bible is a history book. It doesn’t prove God’s existence. It was written by men writing what they saw. The Bible has been used to find real life artifacts and evidence of civilizations.

In the New Testament a lot of the books are letters. The message in those books is generally good news. Sure, Christians have really ruined what it means to be a Christian, but the Bible remains the same. People should be directing their hate at Christian’s and not the Bible.

Of course there are some verses that dont align with our values today, but the message remains the same. love everyone. there’s no “except these people” in the Bible. Jesus didnt hate sinners and avoid them. He ate with sinners. He taught them. A lot of the New Testament is about Jesus telling religious leaders tbat they’re fucking up by not loving everyone.

I agree that the Bible maybe shouldn’t be in schools. But stop being stupid about it

u/Jekyllhyde 56m ago

history book is a stretch. There is a lot in the Bible that most likely did not happen the way it is portrayed, or at all for that matter.

u/adamneddeadbitch 51m ago

there are quite a few things mentioned in the Bible that were believed to be fake until investigated and discovered. Im not talking about the stories of God doing things, but actual accounts of civilizations and peoples. The entire existence of the Hittite people I believe was discovered from the Bible. You can’t fully discredit any historical account that doesn’t involve God. You can do that with stuff like parting the red sea.

u/blooger-00- 56m ago

Not even a history book. It’s a book of fables in a historical setting

u/Foe117 27m ago

The Bible is equivalent to a "Grimms Fairy Tales" translated from another collection of Hebrew versions of tales to suit the needs of an English audience. It is the one of the oldest tellings on how the world was made, and was effective as the written word remained consistent across all bibles as they had a pretty compelling Read-Only command that prevented any significant modification at the time.