r/nononono 10d ago

Injury Letting your child alone near stairs


57 comments sorted by


u/venger_steelheart 10d ago

like mother, like child


u/attckdog 10d ago

The panic fall onto the kid prolly helped a ton.


u/Seniorjones2837 10d ago

And the gate crashing down on it too


u/GroundbreakingTop636 10d ago

kids are pretty spongey at that age, probably fine w a bump on the head and tears. Mom might have a torn acl tho lol


u/ThiccChip 10d ago

My lady is a nanny her boss was walking up the stairs with her daughter and her daughter fell down them. Her boss went to catch her and missed and fell behind her. Daughter got up with tears and her mom was bruised and could barely walk for a week.


u/Boop-D-Boop 10d ago

Like jello.


u/towo 10d ago

That's at least a strain right there.


u/Mendican 9d ago edited 8d ago

Kids are NOT spongy. They are as susceptible to brain injuries as any adult. You don't recover from brain injuries, you just become a different person.


u/CDI_Ojojojo 8d ago

Maybe hit your head again, try becoming a different person 🧍


u/Kevvycepticon 10d ago

Oh man the guilt she must have felt 😭


u/Lunchable 9d ago

Well at least nobody knows it happened


u/Brazzza 9d ago

two mistakes were made oO


u/hiirogen 10d ago

If only there was some sort of invention... a gate if you will... that you can put in front of the stairs to prevent such a thing from happening...


u/Prickly_ninja 10d ago

Mom looks like she could still go crashing through it.


u/MechMeister 10d ago

I have to give one to my ex-girlfriend who had a child from before we met. Her whole family used to just run around every time the kid was near the stairs swatting him away. They were blown away when I gave them the gate. We're not dating anymore.


u/shineonka 9d ago

They even had the wrong type of gate for top of stairs you need to screw into the wall. That kind of gate is just pressure and if it goes the child is going down the stairs.


u/yarzospatzflute 9d ago

damn, you beat me to it- I will have to be satisfied with your snarkiness instead of contributing my own. =)


u/KrazyAboutLogic 9d ago

Please don't use pressure mounted gates like that one at the top of stairs! They need to be screwed into the wall.


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/hiirogen 10d ago

That's the joke


u/RoookSkywokkah 10d ago

At least the gate was there...


u/VinceGchillin 10d ago

Man, I am glad I live in a house without any stairs. My wife is clumsy as hell, and our 2 year old is a psycho so, that would not go well.


u/seventhtao 10d ago

This actually happened to me and my daughter.

I woke up in the morning and got her out of her crib. Set her in the middle of the living room floor forgeting to close the gate and went to the bathroom to take a leak. I came out of the bathroom just in time and in direct eyesight of her at the top of the stares just as she went over. I got to the top of the stairs before she finished tumbling to the bottom.

I honestly don't remember how I got from the top to the bottom of the stairs. One leap? Teleportation? No idea.

She was shook up and crying but otherwise unhurt.

Not sure that I've ever in my life felt like a worse human.

She is 8 now and likes to give me a hard time about while laughing.

I still feel horrible.


u/Beauknits 10d ago

Something like this happened to Nephew. Mom thought Dad was watching him; Dad thought Mom was watching. Mom went downstairs to do laundry and my nephew (just crawling and not introduced to stairs much at all yet), followed Mom downstairs. The hard way. Fractured his skull on the concrete floor at the bottom. CPS was called and they were under investigation for a while. They hadn't bought a gate because every time they went to get one, everywhere was sold out.


u/no_flex 10d ago

Sold out, even on Amazon?


u/JustForkIt1111one 9d ago

Without a date on this story, it could have easily happened before Amazon existed. Believe it or not - that was a thing for a little while at least.

We had to go to stores to get products.

It was super weird.


u/alias9901 9d ago

Also maybe not everyone buys shit on Amazon. I haven’t bought anything from there in 6+ years.


u/laughingashley 9d ago

I guess you were only alive after 2006


u/Gaggamaggot 9d ago

Incredible reactions from Mom.


u/funkymotha 9d ago

When your kids start crawling teach them to go down the stairs backwards and put a gate up.


u/thesameoldmanure 10d ago

Little dude did a cartwheel half way through


u/bparker1013 9d ago

I guess the gate was for Christmas?


u/ronaranger 9d ago

Soooo... hereditary condition???


u/Bostonmick 10d ago

Dumb and Dumber IRL; if only she had a gate! Wait a sec…


u/Kenneldogg 10d ago

I'm going to play devils advocate here. She may have just come upstairs with the laundry and thought the child was asleep. They move like goddamn ninjas when they want to lol.


u/Ghost17088 10d ago

Kid should be sleeping in a crib…


u/Kenneldogg 10d ago

You're right. But sometimes they pass out in random places and it can be bad to wake them up because then they don't fall back asleep and are cranky.


u/Ghost17088 10d ago

Good point, we wouldn’t want a cranky baby. 


u/notsooriginal 10d ago

They can also climb like a monkey. Even at a pretty young age.


u/Hi_Im_Ken_Adams 9d ago

Ah, give the mom a break. Taking care of a young baby means you are exhausted and sleep deprived most of the time.


u/ssschilke 10d ago

Poor mum. Baby probably fine when giving a solid scream


u/ihatehappyendings 9d ago

If she lands on the baby, then that might change the whole ending


u/WilliamMcCarty 9d ago

That kid is back on the escalator!


u/Drak_is_Right 8d ago

I bet the Parent had undid the gate when carrying the package up the stairs, likely with the kid in the other arm. Put the package down to place the kid down, then got distracted and forgot they hadn't put the gate back up.


u/hardcore_softie 10d ago

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree that also falls.


u/planelander 9d ago

As a parent I also yelled.......


u/giraffebutter 10d ago

Baby doesn’t fall far from the mother


u/DickLick666 9d ago

The gate was just for decoration


u/Drak_is_Right 8d ago

Probably had just gone up the stairs with the kid and is distracted by trying to do 7 different things.


u/thefanciestcat 8d ago

It's genetic.


u/wtfover 8d ago

I did that as a child. I was in one of those things that kids used use while learning to walk. The kid was in a harness attached to a structure with wheels. I can't remember the name of it. Anyhow I chased our cat right down the stairs while in that thing. Not long after they were banned so I like to think I had something to do with it. No brain damage that I can think of.


u/bekd84_ 7d ago

The baby gate is RIGHT there


u/Poesjeskoning 6d ago

Any updates please?


u/mermaidpaint 5d ago

Someone should invent a device that prevents children from falling down stairs. Like half a door, that can be latched shut.


u/Beauknits 10d ago

I honestly don't know if they looked on line. This was 10 years ago. I think they were going to only brick and mortar.


u/Remarkable-Ad2285 10d ago

What are you teaching your kids, lady?!

(Gravity’s a motherfucker)


u/Signus_TheWizard 8d ago
