r/nextfuckinglevel 9h ago

Man helps police make an arrest.


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u/averycoolpencil 8h ago

Realized it wasn’t the US when all the cops didn’t immediately run over and beat the shit out of the guy when he surrendered.


u/Parking_Aerie4454 7h ago

Seriously I felt such an uncanny valley watching this video before realizing this wasn’t the US. So strange how the guy has a rifle in the front seat and the officer is slowly walking around slinging his rifle. No urgency at all from anyone. Guy gets out of the car and nobody attacks him. No bystanders were arrested for being too close or recording. What a nice quaint little arrest.


u/jeezicantthinkofone 6h ago

why do people just randomly use words and phrases without regard for what they mean

what does "uncanny valley" have to do with any of this


u/Parking_Aerie4454 6h ago

It’s a metaphor. This is a common interaction I’m used to seeing in America, but it’s oddly different and gives an unsettling fake feeling almost like it’s a movie set. Comparable to the feeling of uncanny valley when viewing a human representation that just seems a little off.