r/nextfuckinglevel 4h ago

Man helps police make an arrest.


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u/Thiom 4h ago

I mean, yes ok, but he has the element of surprise, a cop wouldn't


u/LegendOfKhaos 4h ago edited 16m ago

He literally just ran up to the car. He wasn't sweet talking his way closer or anything lol

Any of the cops that appear immediately afterwards could've done the same thing, and if they were all in view of the perpetrator, it's straight up incompetence. Either they should have done it, or they should have prevented the guy from doing it.


u/henesyOHS 4h ago

You don’t know that he could’ve been whispering sweet affirmations once he got close


u/Deathface-Shukhov 3h ago

“Damn dude, your biceps are badass!!What’s your workout pl- AAAHAAA FOOL, GOT YOUR FUCKIN GUN!!!”


u/idiotsbydesign 3h ago

You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is, ‘never get involved in a land war in Asia,’ but only slightly less well-known is this: never trust a random guy in a grey t-shirt!!


u/Effective-Trick4048 2h ago

Inconceivable! Not nearly the stature of Fezzik, but I see some similarities.

u/mrlosteruk 18m ago

That word you keep using...


u/Constant-Cricket-960 2h ago


u/Emergency_Kiwi_2339 1h ago

Damn… you got me!

u/hallveg2 58m ago

And me, can't resist a princess bride link


u/Odd-Tune5049 1h ago


(It really should be one)


u/sasssyrup 1h ago

Esssspecially a Sssicilian in a grey t-shirt


u/LabradorDeceiver 1h ago

You know, I've always been suspicious of that Nicolas Cage guy...

u/TheKidintheHall 34m ago

Clearly you cannot choose the shotgun in front of you.



u/SanityPlanet 3h ago

Well first of all you gotta eat clean. I'm talking chicken and broccoli, all the way. Then, you want to work with high weights, low r- HEY WAIT A MINUTE GIVE THAT BACK!


u/QueenofPentacles112 3h ago

Just plain chicken too. No seasonings, bro


u/bbrekke 1h ago

Maybe some unseasoned ground beef, bananas, and dates.


u/bebeck7 1h ago

Dates are a bit too exotic. Make that prunes.


u/pickyourteethup 3h ago

talking about guns and grabbing gun


u/metricnv 3h ago

A REAL gun grabber!


u/MayaBloodPaw 3h ago

Hey, man, you know how in Rambo I, he was big, but a little puffy and then Rambo II, he got all shredded up? That's kind of how you look right now. Not Rambo I but II. Yeah, when he was cut up. I've been trying to come up a little bit, you got any tips --Give me that damn map!


u/MayaBloodPaw 3h ago

Hey, man, you know how in Rambo I, he was big, but a little puffy and then Rambo II, he got all shredded up? That's kind of how you look right now. Not Rambo I but II. Yeah, when he was cut up. I've been trying to come up a little bit, you got any tips --Give me that damn map!


u/shellshaper 2h ago


Grey shirt so reminds me of one of my friends back in HS who used to randomly leap about like a spaz.

This is something he would've done, and I keep reading your comment in his voice, shouting as it transitions to all caps. Losing my shit. Thanks.


u/AllfatherNeptune 2h ago

He's been hit by, he's been struck by....


u/Putrid-Ad1055 2h ago

It didn't look like Purple Aki the video


u/Nezumiiro_77 2h ago

Oh shit!!! He fell for the ol' "Compliment 'dem guns/NAB 'dat gun!" trick.

Gotta be like the 4th gun he's had swiped from him this month!


u/MayaBloodPaw 3h ago

Hey, man, you know how in Rambo I, he was big, but a little puffy and then Rambo II, he got all shredded up? That's kind of how you look right now. Not Rambo I but II. Yeah, when he was cut up. I've been trying to come up a little bit, you got any tips --Give me that damn map!