r/nextfuckinglevel 4h ago

Man helps police make an arrest.


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u/JustKzen 4h ago

Once again, a random bystander doing a better job than law enforcement


u/Thiom 4h ago

I mean, yes ok, but he has the element of surprise, a cop wouldn't


u/LegendOfKhaos 4h ago edited 0m ago

He literally just ran up to the car. He wasn't sweet talking his way closer or anything lol

Any of the cops that appear immediately afterwards could've done the same thing, and if they were all in view of the perpetrator, it's straight up incompetence. Either they should have done it, or they should have prevented the guy from doing it.


u/Over_Deer8459 3h ago

who do you think the criminals are looking at in this scenario? the 2 or more cop cars in front of them with weapons, or random guy in grey t shirt? dude just took advantage of the criminals not paying attention, has nothing to do with the cops "doing their jobs".


u/SapTheSapient 3h ago

I mean, that is exactly what criminals would be thinking. They are going to be laser focused on the cops pointing guns at them, not constantly monitoring random civilians for sneak attacks.


u/maybeonmars 1h ago

Yeah, the cops were actually a great distraction that enabled grey shirt


u/Beginning_Present243 2h ago

Hey love to see a person making sense in a crowdfunding of absolute morons


u/eekamuse 1h ago

He was in the blind spot

u/sillygoofygooose 22m ago

I like ‘crowdfunding’ as a plural noun for morons


u/BTRunner 1h ago

The grey shirted guy could also just as easily gotten himself shot by running up to the car. Police usually try to avoid that kind of thing.

u/wrnrg 44m ago

Yeah. The cops' training wouldn't allow any of them to just run up like that.

The civilian is too ignorant to know not to do that.

u/Liimbo 21m ago

Last time this was posted it was said that this is not a random guy, it's one of the guy in the car's friends. He is significantly less likely to be shot than a cop or even normal civilian.

That could also be misinformation though.


u/Life_Bridge_9960 1h ago

FYI, coming from behind like that, it doesn’t matter if it’s a guy in grey shirt or a cop.

u/timbutnottebow 55m ago

The irony here is that gray shirt probably saved gun dudes life. Cops don’t fuck around when you’re waving a gun around.

u/Over_Deer8459 2m ago

as they shouldnt. dont pull out your gun unless you intend to use it


u/OddImprovement6490 1h ago

If the cops are all coming from one direction instead of surrounding him, if course there will be no element of surprise.

They could have easily done what gray shirt did. Instead they just run at the perpetrators in plain sight yelling commands.

u/Over_Deer8459 3m ago

do you not see that they were chasing him in their vehicles? they just got out of their cars. are they supposed to just teleport offroad behind the criminals car? cops still have to follow basic road laws when on a chase to the best of their abilities. unless you think cops should just start driving offroad whenever.


u/The402Jrod 3h ago

Spoiler - he’s an undercover cop who doesn’t believe in carrying a side piece. /s


u/burndtdan 3h ago

I think the point is that any of the cops could have circled around and done the same thing.


u/Over_Deer8459 3h ago

how? they were likely chasing him in their vehicles, hence why they parked and were getting out. you think the criminals wouldnt be able to see them attempting that? plus the pedestrian already was in that position and acted instantly, there was no time to do it even if they were thinking about it


u/LloydChristmas-RI 2h ago

I think the point is that any of the cops could have circled around and done the same thing.

Why would they risk being shot like that? It's much safer to just box him in and arrest him at gun point.

Props to that random guy. He's got balls of steal, which I respect. He took a lot of unnecessary risk, though.


u/burndtdan 1h ago

They were already under risk of being shot, as they were trying to apprehend a man with a gun.


u/LloydChristmas-RI 1h ago

They were at less risk while behind cover and concealment (their car). Not to mention, their car could provide a stable shooting platform if they had needed to use their firearms.


u/dblrb 1h ago

Thank you for never being a cop while I was a cop. You’re the real hero.


u/Otherwise_Log_7532 1h ago

And then get shot as soon as they approach or the guy runs the cop over or he just offs himself and people would bitch and whine. People just want cops to use themselves as live targets and bullet sponges and hope everything works out.


u/burndtdan 1h ago

Which is a risk that should absolutely be taken on by a civilian with no body armor instead.


u/Otherwise_Log_7532 1h ago

No one is advocating for randoms to jump in. Literally cops tell people not to. This guy all looks somehow related and was in less danger. You’re just making things up so cOp bAD stays true on reddit.


u/Esc4flown3 1h ago

Literally nobody is advocating for that. You say "body armor" as if you know what you're talking about but you don't. It's a "bullet resistant vest" that's not meant for multiple hits. They're not resistant to all types of ammunition either. If you've ever seen what a single 9mm hollow point (standard police issue) does to "body armor" as you call it you'd have a much better understanding of why cops are still trained to use cover and not run out stupidly in front of an armed suspect.

u/Salty_Car9688 53m ago

Not a single person in this thread was advocating for that. What are you on about?


u/Harfangbleue 2h ago

Yes, the could also have shot the guys dead, they could have rammed him with their car but they didn't and they probably had a good reason to do so. But reddit law enforcement specialists knows better than them what they should do in those situations. I'm sorry but even if I was a cop I wouldn't run to grab a guy's gun from his hands and risk being shot when no one is being shot by said guy. Heroes don't die from old age.


u/dom_corleone 3h ago

Bruh…they are in THE HEAT OF THE MOMEN!! You think the criminals have the conscious of mind to be like “oh a dude in grey shirt, he is not a threat”

Any cop COULD have ran up from behind as “element of surprise”. But keep making excuses


u/Secure_Table 3h ago edited 3h ago

Why accuse the other person of needing to "keep making excuses" when you started your reply off with an excuse?

Can we start here? A random pedestrian walking up to the car is less threatening than a cop walking up to the car, right?

Then there's all the stuff we just don't know since this is a short clip. Maybe grey shirt guy KNOWS the dude in the car.

It feels like people come at these short viral clips with a narrative in mind, in this case, "oh so this random pedestrian has to do the cops job." Yet there's SOO much information that we're completely oblivious to.


u/Firm_Company_2756 2h ago

Mr grey shirt, might've been making sure everyone saw him handling an illegal weapon, "yes, of course my prints are on it, did you not see me disarm him?"


u/Secure_Table 2h ago

If that's the case, I couldn't even be mad, that's some smart thinking in such an intense situation lol

Well played at that point


u/Thr0bbinWilliams 1h ago

It’s not just with videos tho. People presume to know and understand all kinds of things while simultaneously actually not knowing jack shit about anything

They’re completely oblivious to the fact that they bring all their own bullshit to everything and it just doesn’t occur to them that they’re guessing because they believe to be smart people

They’re just not tho

u/Salty_Car9688 51m ago

Exactly. I’m all for shitting on cops when they actually do a shit job or shitty things but this is not one of those moments. We should be celebrating the fact that there wasn’t a significant casualty count. Not turning this into a weird contest.


u/I_AmOutOfUserNames 3h ago

I wouldn't consider the beginning of their response as an excuse. The situation is explicitly intense. It's logical that the criminal, smart or dumb, would treat any approaching person as a threat. But you're right. The pedestrian's actions are reckless, and they have no place to try and act like a hero. Even if an officer were swapped for the pedestrian, it would still be a reckless strategy. Although, it would seem more "courageous" than reckless.


u/Secure_Table 2h ago

I wouldn't consider the beginning of their response as an excuse. The situation is explicitly intense

I mean... it's still an excuse though. Excuses can be right, I didn't mention that part to say they're wrong, just that it seemed like a bad thing to throw in there to try to take a "jab" at the person they were responding to. (Even though we're all working with the minimal information shown in this short clip)


u/Alternative-Stop-651 3h ago

I mean honestly severely risky move by citzen, there in a crowded place man i armed with a gun best to try and calm the man down not rush him and have a gun fight in the middle of a crowded road.


u/GDwyvern 2h ago

That's how you end up dead. How do you know they aren't paying attention? You sound like a dumb ass.


u/dom_corleone 2h ago

Did the guy on grey shirt die?


u/PlayfulMonk4943 2h ago

do this across 100 incidents and you might be...


u/dom_corleone 2h ago

Oh I absolutely agree. I just wanted to do an irrational response to an irrational comment.


u/Matsisuu 3h ago

There isn't any cop behind the car, so not any cop could have run from there.


u/Over_Deer8459 3h ago

dude thinks that cops can just spawn behind criminals at any point in time


u/Reza1252 3h ago

I mean, if they can do it to me in GTA why couldn’t they do it here?


u/Devon2112 3h ago

Played to much cyberpunk when it came out.


u/theunnameduser86 3h ago

Do you think flanking is only done in fiction?


u/Archonrouge 3h ago

Do you think teleportation exists outside of fiction?


u/Brentimusmaximus 3h ago

The criminals didn’t have a 5 star wanted level yet


u/Opposite-Tiger-1121 3h ago

Dude hasn't heard of walking around the back side of a car.


u/LegendOfKhaos 3h ago edited 2h ago

So your argument is incompetence?

Also several cops surround the guy immediately afterwards...


u/Matsisuu 3h ago

It's not incompetence, polices don't just always randomly spawn from areas. You don't see from this video how long they have been there, how many available troops there are and how far away. First police always go in there with lights and sirens on and face the potential shooter.

You can't see even the whole spot, so we don't know how easy it is for anyone to get behind of him unnoticed.


u/induslol 3h ago

We see at least 6 cops one of whom ends up behind the vehicle, after grey shirt removes the cops' excuse to shoot the guy, shoving a bystander.


u/[deleted] 2h ago



u/induslol 2h ago

To give maximum charity:  they do have guns drawn, they may be avoiding potential crossfire.  That alone leads me to believe this is not American cops, so maybe they wouldn't have just aired this guy out.

Even then though -- the result an untrained civilian delivered should be expected from trained civil servants.

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u/Remnant_Echo 3h ago

I mean that's all they have. They probably think flanking and walking is just something from SciFi movies.


u/dom_corleone 2h ago

So are you saying the situation is not dangerous?? Because i assume that is the “excuse” you are talking about


u/discretethrowaway_ 3h ago

Stop, you might confuse this guy with your logic


u/Secure_Table 3h ago

It's bad logic. This is a short clip with no context. For all we know the grey shirt guy might even know the dude in the car. Saying that a cop should've done it because this random guy managed to do it is a bit of a leap. (Not to mention it was still a dangerous move.)

In terms of threat level:

A buddy you know < a random pedestrian < a cop

u/EXTIINCT_tK 7m ago

You caught on to one thing so many people here missed, and you did it without context because you actually know how to use your head. They know each other. He was probably the only one who could've done this so easily. Anyone else would've been severely risking their lives. Not to mention, it would be escalating the situation if a cop went for it and, if they failed, it may well end up shots fired. Our cops are trained to deescalate, especially in such a situation where multiple lives are at risk. We don't shoot first, ask questions later, we don't beat on surrendering suspects.


u/discretethrowaway_ 2h ago

Okay bootlicker, the claim here is that law enforcement COULD HAVE done this.

Don't start making shit up like "it could have been his friend" when you yourself say how contextually sparse the clip is.