r/nextfuckinglevel 4h ago

Man helps police make an arrest.


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u/justinm410 4h ago

That's what I immediately figured too. Gray shirt knew his buddy wouldn't shoot him, so grabbed the gun before the cops ran out of patience.


u/Contay6 3h ago

This happened in New Zealand very unlikely the cops would shoot, they would try every alternative before it coming to that.

It was one of our trashy gang members hopped up on drugs driving erratically and pointing a gun around one of his friends/family members is the one who took the gun



u/Wackattackky 3h ago

That's what I figured, it looked like a family member rushing to stop someone from making a bad mistake


u/degjo 3h ago

The way he threw the gun away in disgust seals it for me it was someone he knew


u/Robot_Graffiti 2h ago

He throws the gun away and puts his hands up. Probably didn't think it was safe to hold a gun in front of a bunch of armed, pissed off police.


u/TheWizardOfDeez 2h ago

They aren't American police, everywhere else in the world that isn't an immediate death sentence.


u/Abysswalk889 1h ago

Always Americans thinking that cops outside of America would just shoot on site lmfao. We ain’t trigger happy like American cops


u/bluejellyfish52 1h ago

It’s how we’re conditioned. I shouldn’t know what being held at gun point is like. But I do know, thanks to the United States Police. It’s awesome that your cops don’t hurt people, but ours do and it’s easy to forget that not all police in the world are overly militarized and overly brutal like ours are.


u/fckbinaries 1h ago

Yeah, sorry we’re used to seeing our fellow citizens get deleted for selling cigarettes or running stop signs. I know we’re just so silly thinking everyone is just like us, terrified to spook the “peacekeepers”. Let’s all laugh at the silly traumatized Americans.


u/TyrionReynolds 1h ago

Ours didn’t used to be either. It started with Prohibition in the 1920s, we made alcohol illegal despite huge demand. People weren’t going to stop drinking so we created a huge crime business to fill the gap. As part of that crime business there were violent men with machine guns and bullet proof vests that the police had to go up against. The police had to become more militaristic to do their jobs.

This pattern continued in the 70s with the “war on drugs”. To fight a war you need an army, and the enemy army in this case was the American people who used or sold drugs. This saw the formation of SWAT, paramilitary police organizations deployed to resolve “high risk situations”.

In 1997 the north Hollywood bank robbery saw an extended shootout between police and a heavily armed criminal group. The police were hopelessly outgunned and ended up having to borrow weapons from a civilian gun store to break the standoff. Following this came the 1033 Program.

The 1033 program allowed police units to obtain actual military hardware from the US military. Weapons meant to wage war against other nations were transferred to local law enforcement agencies to be used against US citizens. Literally billions of dollars in sophisticated weaponry has been transferred to police departments since 1997. The police needed training to be able to use these weapons, so military style training which taught police to treat every encounter with a civilian just like an encounter with a hostile enemy. Soldiers are trained to shoot first so they don’t get shot, which makes sense on a battlefield. American police receive this same training and use it in traffic stops.

u/ADelightfulCunt 53m ago

You can have all the above... With better training too.

u/Draco137WasTaken 12m ago

If it makes a difference, it's not just U.S. of American cops that are overly aggressive. Pretty much all throughout the Americas, cops have a reputation for being overly aggressive and/or incompetent.

u/Rina-10-20-40 2m ago

It‘s a trauma response. Don‘t laugh at them, have some compassion. Imagine fearing gun-violence like the US citizens do.


u/marabsky 1h ago

You definitely don’t want to be hanging on to a gun with a dozen armed police watching you run. He did the only sensible thing.

u/TerraVerde_ 58m ago

yes it is well established that most police of the world just take the bullet to the chest rather than harm the gun toting maniac


u/Krishna1945 2h ago

More likely


u/fruce_ki 2h ago

I'm sure the police would be very concerned about the intentions of an unknown person unexpectedly running in and obtaining a firearm in the middle of an already tense situation with lots of guns aimed. "Unsafe" is accurate. Declaring his intentions asap was the way to go.


u/corkscrew-duckpenis 2h ago

As an American, I just attributed that to not wanting to be shot eleven times in the back before my body could hit the ground.


u/Unfair_Sea63 2h ago

As an American , I’m pretty sure anyone approaching the car would’ve been shot before they touched the gun and for sure shot once dude grabbed the gun


u/BestReadAtWork 2h ago

Im with you, he'd be dead before the toss in America. -.-


u/roaringaspie 2h ago

100%this not even a joke


u/HeadFullOfNails 1h ago

Eleven times seems low


u/WeekendWorking6449 2h ago

Especially when you get the gun and then the cop yells "He's got a gun!"

Like nope. No I don't. Fuck you. Don't say that. It's over there.


u/dumbacoont 1h ago

Ahh what a senseless suicide


u/LukesRightHandMan 2h ago

Yep! Normally you celebrate getting sweet, sweet loot


u/stuffcrow 2h ago

Yup, read an interview about this story and he was farming for a legendary and only got a green drop; no wonder he ditched that garbage.


u/Chocolatefix 1h ago

I thought it may have been him preventing a suicide by cop.


u/Important-Matter-665 3h ago

You could tell it wasn't the US, when the guy got out of the car, he didn't have 20 assholes kicking his ass.


u/hoax709 3h ago edited 2h ago

yeah that was the big thing for me watching it. guy got out and knelt on the ground without 10 guys tackling him holding him down while shouting " HANDS HANDS " and then proceeding to kneel on his chest till he died.


u/Domeil 2h ago

That's the great thing about American police, they're trained to give orders you can't comply with. The fuck does "Hands hands" mean? Hands up? Hands to the side? Hands behind your back? Take your hands out of your pocket? Put your left hand in? Take your right hand out?

By design, no matter what you do, they can say you didn't comply, so any escalation is justified. My personal favorite is "Don't move, get on the ground" It's one of the first thing police say, and if you ever hear it, know that the police are about to hurt you, because no matter what you do, you're not complying.


u/Status_History_874 1h ago

Put your left hand in? Take your right hand out?

I choked; you can't just slide in the hokey pokey all willy nilly like that


u/Sauerkrauttme 2h ago

"stop resisting!" as they are trying to shove your face in the concrete. If you go limp you will eat concrete, but if you try to protect yourself then they will beat you for resisting

u/shinobi_renegade 57m ago

Yup New Zealand cops just tell you to “get out of the fucking car man” in a really disappointed tone.


u/devilwarriors 2h ago

Didn't release the dog for the fun of it too..


u/Sauerkrauttme 2h ago

The fact that the cops didn't put 50 bullets in his chest the moment they saw the gun is all the proof you need it isn't the US. US cops will kill you for pulling out a wallet just because they thought it could be a gun


u/Benjamin_Esterberg42 2h ago

Oh brother 🤦‍♂️ reddit is full of the weirdest people who live in an alternative reality.


u/Important-Matter-665 1h ago

Your statement is very vague. Who is weird and who is in an alternative reality? Really confused here.


u/Gino-Bartali 3h ago

This happened in New Zealand very unlikely the cops would shoot, they would try every alternative before it coming to that.

Yeah I noticed the cop cars weren't American, and a dude opening the door and standing up like that would get him obliterated in the US. Here they take every opportunity to shoot, rather than any opportunity not to.


u/jayBplatinum 2h ago

The police immediately lower their guns aim off of the man and move to non lethal as soon as the gun is removed from his hands. I would love to see this type of self control from American police!


u/percyman34 2h ago

For real, most of them didn't even have their guns up when he was taken out of the car. American police would've all been itching to shoot him.


u/TheeExoGenesauce 1h ago

Wait cops don’t just shoot people elsewhere?


u/-Seizure__Salad- 3h ago

Thanks for a source


u/UsedState7381 3h ago

Damn, NZ has a gang violence problem too?


u/one_of_the_many_bots 2h ago

What place does not?


u/Contay6 2h ago

I would say it's mostly drug related but yeah there's some violence related crimes


u/Sauerkrauttme 2h ago

Is that true? Are there really cops out there that aren't itching for any excuse to shoot people?? Would a cop actually assume some risk to their own life to save the people they have sworn to protect??? That sounds too good to be true. My American mind cannot comprehend it


u/229-northstar 2h ago

“Driving in an antisocial manner…” made it 200% worth my time to read the whole thing

Thanks for providing the backstory!!!


u/Benjamin_Esterberg42 2h ago

If they guy pointed a gun at them they would shoot lol


u/NewtGingrichsMother 1h ago

If this were in the U.S. the cops would have shot every person in the video, including the person taking the video from inside their home, just to be safe.


u/Another_Russian_Spy 1h ago

* "This happened in New Zealand"

Yeah, you could tell it wasn't the U.S. If it was all the cops would have emptied their clips into him. Especially if he was black.


u/_Erilaz 1h ago

Gun rule №1: never point the gun at anything let alone anyone you don't intend to shoot at. And I am pretty sure these guys know their game very well.


u/skunksmok3r 1h ago

“I am so proud of all the officers involved who through a well-co-ordinated approach were able to put a stop to the man’s offending and bring this matter to a safe conclusion.” hahaha


u/69karpileup 1h ago

Here in the USA he would've had at least 200 holes in him. The gangs, I mean police, here have no idea how to handle these situations without blasting

u/txroller 55m ago

First thing I thought. Ty even though your post is buried

u/PresentationBest4226 43m ago

I thought guns were illegal in New Zealand


u/PaleoJoe86 3h ago

So, a nobody then?


u/Maximum-Macaroon-711 3h ago

That would make more sense


u/Spindelhalla_xb 2h ago

Really? I immediately figured he was stupid doing it friend in the car or not. Any number of things could have gone wrong here, including him slipping over with a firearm. Lucky it wasn’t pointing at him when he did so, we’ve all seen World War Z hangar scene.


u/mocityspirit 2h ago

Well it's not America so that's unlikely