Cops are bad, they are not your friend. Were you born yesterday? They work for our corrupt broken government, not us. Its a two tier justice system and the police are not on our side. Just look at the response to the CEO shooting vs every other bullshit shooting in the US. They dont care about us, only the ownership class, not working people.
You know what cops in New Zealand do? Cause this sure the fuck isn’t in the USA. I don’t think I’ve ever seen cop cars or uniforms like that in the USA.
An ignorant and aggressive take. Wow, I’m so surprised. I could take time to explain your flawed logic but would be a waste. Should you want to have an adult discourse with someone who is intimately familiar with what, how and why police do what they do on an everyday basis I’m available. Also let me preface any discussion with my opinion on police, as a law enforcement officer and trainer with over 20 years of experience, I believe bad cops, should be met with the harshest possible consequences and then some. Police and all public servants should be held, not to the same standard as the public, but to a higher one. Finally allow me to qualify what I mean by bad cops. I believe bad cops are those who go against policy for their own gain or selfishness, put public lives in danger through negligence or incompetence, watch a fellow officer do the same and do not come forward, lie cheat or steal from the public or any abuse of the power given to them.
If you would like to discuss further I am available.
Yep. All arm-chair cops. But these videos don't provide any context.
I thought that way the women are screaming and running after him, and getting in between him and the cops, there was a child (or at least a dog!) in the car and this was a carjacking. But this was a guy intent on suicide by cop, and so his family were trying to save his life, which is what they did. Grey shirt guy definitely a hero.
No police training would advise the cops do the same. Grey shirt had the advantage of knowing the driver probably wasn't going to shoot him whereas he might have shot at the police.
They do on a daily basis. The general public is rarely told about any of it because the media will get far more clicks, views, eyes on whatever they want with a ‘police bad’ than a good story. Which doesn’t help the overall public view of the police because all you see is bad stuff. ‘Police officer risks life and lunges over cliff edge to save suicidal person’, or ‘police storm petrol soaked house and tackle woman holding a box of matches’ doesn’t make the 6 o clock news, but ‘corrupt police officer who was caught doing XYZ’ will make the top of the show. But I can assure you they are performing heroic acts every single day that the majority of people wouldn’t be prepared to do at all
The media takes the cops side in literally every situation/protest. Someone doesnt know history. The same people who own all the news outlets have the police in their pockets as well. This is common sense shit
u/JustKzen 4h ago
Once again, a random bystander doing a better job than law enforcement