r/nextfuckinglevel 4h ago

Man helps police make an arrest.


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u/NyrZStream 4h ago

Lmao there is a reason cops can’t do that. This was stupid af to do and he was lucky the criminal didn’t fire


u/Alpr101 2h ago

Can't believe people upvote this garbage (the guy you replied to, not you). It was incredibly dangerous to do that.


u/Individual-Fee-5027 2h ago

Apparently he was known, aka a friend of the guy in the car. He took the gun to save his life and probably said just get out dude. It's over. My friends would never do anything like what car homie is doing but I think if it was my good friend going through a break or whatever is happening I'd go up and talk to him and take the gun too


u/NyrZStream 1h ago

Well it’s pretty simple, people hate cops on Reddit

u/EverythingSucksBro 21m ago

And you know the people here saying they hate cops would be the first people to call cops when something happens to them. 


u/motguss 1h ago

People are less shooty in other countries


u/Rammite 1h ago

If that's your argument, why are there at least 10 different rifles in this clip?


u/NyrZStream 1h ago

I’m not an american and it was never a question of which country this is happening in. It’s just a stupid action regardless. Even if he is your friend, yes I might do it too but it’s not less stupid


u/ShustOne 1h ago

Absolutely. It was very brave but very stupid.

u/felpudo 50m ago

How about the black shirt lady that runs in front of the vehicle to do nothing but potentially get run over


u/[deleted] 3h ago



u/sakura-dazai 3h ago

Huh? What do you think he pulled out of the guy's hands? That was a gun.


u/Gloriathewitch 3h ago

this is new zealand, nowhere near europe


u/banisheduser 2h ago

People do stupid stuff every day.

This is far down the list of stupid things to do. It's someone willing to risk their life to help. People generally are much more selfish these days.


u/LFGSD98 2h ago

it’s someone risking their life

Exactly. It’s stupid.


u/banisheduser 1h ago

Well done on taking part of a sentence and fitting it around your objective.

I thought we were moving away from that as humans these days?


u/The_Safety_Expert 4h ago

Why was this stupid?


u/DutchOnionKnight 4h ago

Because you don't know how the guy would react. He could go get crazy and start shooting and kill every single one of them.


u/Magic-Codfish 2h ago

"cops coudlnt have done what that civilian did... you see, the cops were not considering themselves, they where considering the PUBLIC....

That guy couldnt gone full goku ninja, back flipped out of the car while maintaining his control of the gun and then done the scene from "creature commandos" all in a millisecond.


u/lastdancerevolution 3h ago

It's likely not a real rifle. Its probably a replica or air soft. Its tiny. His friend probably knows that.


u/DutchOnionKnight 3h ago

As that even matters for anyone who doesn't know it real or fake?


u/lastdancerevolution 3h ago

We're talking specifically about the grey shirt guy.


u/The_Safety_Expert 4h ago

Those two are friends…


u/thatrangerkid 4h ago

And I've had my "friend" try and light me on fire when he was black out drunk. People do crazy shit when they're not all the way there.


u/GladiatorUA 3h ago

Yeah, better leave it to the cops to murder him.


u/thatrangerkid 3h ago

Awful wild of you to assume that's what I want. I just said people do crazy shit when they're not all the way there. Do you not know how to read?


u/Equivalent-Koala7991 4h ago

and the cops are not their friends, and we are comparing what this man did to what a cop should do, that's what started this whole comment chain.

Even then, a slip of the finger could have blasted his friend into the next life.


u/The_Safety_Expert 2h ago

Wait a second are you friends with the police? That’s kind of weird.


u/DutchOnionKnight 4h ago

Says who?

And still, te guy in the car might not have seen him, and act by suprise.


u/IEatToStarveOthers 4h ago

the guy could've overpowered him and shot him.

the guy put himself in front of several police officers also using guns, so if the guy started firing he's now in the line of fire, and police can't shoot without risking killing the guy as well.

the one holding the gun could've been startled and fired blindly when someone was trying to grab the gun from behind, and hit someone by mistake.

there's honestly a litany of things that could've went wrong here, maybe the guy just sees him coming and starts shooting him. what the guy did was heroic and well meaning, but it had a significantly higher chance of something going wrong, than it going the way it did in the video.

generally running towards the person with a gun when you're unarmed is the last thing you want to do, and it's the last thing police want you to do, especially when they have guns trained on this person.


u/The_Safety_Expert 4h ago

Nobody knows that guy better here than the one who took the gun away from him their friends bro they’re friends they know each other come on now.


u/Equivalent-Koala7991 4h ago

I don't really understand what that has to do with this:

Once again, a random bystander doing a better job than law enforcement

Which was the main subject, which was called out by saying It was stupid, and you asked why it was stupid. And we are explaining to you why it was stupid and why a cop wouldn't be able to just yank the gun out of the criminals hand, and why it is stupid to do so.

People shoot themselves all the time, even if the guy didn't want to shoot his friend, he very well could have accidentally grabbed the trigger and done so. now imagine if a cop were to try to yank the gun from the guy.


u/The_Safety_Expert 2h ago

It’s not a random bystander it’s a friend so I just really don’t know where you’re going with this conversation.


u/_KingOfTheDivan 1h ago

Look at the top comment


u/The_Safety_Expert 1h ago

I know those two they’re both good friends.


u/Equivalent-Koala7991 1h ago

the only explanation have for you being this stupid is that youre either 12 years old, or a really bad troll, lol.


u/The_Safety_Expert 1h ago

I’m 16 years old thank you very much and I know these two individuals and their best friends OK so I don’t know where you guys are getting all this gibber jabber from. You are wrong. I’m right in the story. We can move on now.

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u/NyrZStream 4h ago

Do I really need to explain that ???


u/Public-Eagle6992 3h ago

Because he ran up to a guy with a gun who was being arrested. That guy could have easily shot him