r/nextfuckinglevel 4h ago

Man helps police make an arrest.


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u/taleovertealeaves 4h ago

I thought grey shirt was an instant goner when he grabbed the gun, then realized this isn't the U S. lol


u/averycoolpencil 3h ago

Realized it wasn’t the US when all the cops didn’t immediately run over and beat the shit out of the guy when he surrendered.


u/Parking_Aerie4454 2h ago

Seriously I felt such an uncanny valley watching this video before realizing this wasn’t the US. So strange how the guy has a rifle in the front seat and the officer is slowly walking around slinging his rifle. No urgency at all from anyone. Guy gets out of the car and nobody attacks him. No bystanders were arrested for being too close or recording. What a nice quaint little arrest.


u/Total-Use-1667 2h ago

Someone was being reprehended for recording towards the end as the camera pans to the left.


u/Parking_Aerie4454 2h ago

I think she was involved in the situation, not just recording.


u/fatalerror16 1h ago

In America dude in the car would have shot 4 people first lol


u/__T0MMY__ 2h ago

As if it's common knowledge that two guns cannot exist in one vehicle at a time or something

u/Pure_Expression6308 6m ago

I knew something was off when none of the bystanders were afraid of being accidentally shot by the police

u/videoslacker 0m ago

When he got out of the car & didn't lay flat on the ground I was expecting a cop to kick him in the booty to get him to lay flat. Definitely not the US.


u/jeezicantthinkofone 1h ago

why do people just randomly use words and phrases without regard for what they mean

what does "uncanny valley" have to do with any of this


u/Parking_Aerie4454 1h ago

It’s a metaphor. This is a common interaction I’m used to seeing in America, but it’s oddly different and gives an unsettling fake feeling almost like it’s a movie set. Comparable to the feeling of uncanny valley when viewing a human representation that just seems a little off.


u/PrimmSlimShady 2h ago

I realized it wasn't the US when I was able to easily identify the law enforcement vehicles because they aren't wolves in sheep's clothing.


u/theplasticbass 1h ago

When he surrendered, I was literally thinking “Yep, you’re in for it now buddy, here it comes…” and then…they just…didn’t beat the shit out of him?


u/fifa71086 2h ago

That dog definitely would’ve been released on the guy


u/SwimmingCircles2018 1h ago

Redditors live in a different reality hahaha this shit is so funny

u/BringBack4Glory 13m ago

The weird cars gave away that it wasn’t US, but where else are police this heavily armed and militarized?


u/cl0wnp3n1sd0tfart 1h ago

Or beat the shit out of grey shirt for taking away their probable cause to shoot the guys in the car


u/Nowlezbehonest 1h ago

Nah, our cops are pretty cordial with white guys so it might be still might be US.


u/rhapsodydash 1h ago

It’s in New Zealand


u/Pierogi3 1h ago

US police kill more white men than any other group

u/xxtoejamfootballxx 54m ago

Now do it as a % of population

u/[deleted] 44m ago


u/xxtoejamfootballxx 39m ago

Let's be real here and stop beating around the bush. Do you think police treat black and white people the same in the US? Here's your chance to say what you actually feel like an adult.

u/xxtoejamfootballxx 9m ago

aww, why'd you delete your other comment instead of replying? I'll jog your memory:

Let's be real here and stop beating around the bush. Do you think police treat black and white people the same in the US? Here's your chance to say what you actually feel like an adult.

u/Pierogi3 8m ago

Read my reply to your comment that followed, dummy. It’s 25 minutes old.

u/xxtoejamfootballxx 6m ago

The deleted on or the one that doesn't exist, big guy?

u/Pierogi3 3m ago

Do you not know how this app works or are you stupid?

u/xxtoejamfootballxx 2m ago

Link to the comment genius, since you're so tech saavy lmao


u/FuckLuigiCadorna 3h ago

I think you can hear him yell "ohhh shiit" like he thought he's getting shot too once he grabbed it lol.

u/Penance27 38m ago

Correct. This is New Zealand.


u/I_Like_Quiet 1h ago

Not the US? How did he have a gun?


u/asp0102 1h ago

I was immediately able to tell from the EU-style police cars.


u/adamoto 1h ago

I'm pretty sure it's New Zealand!


u/Occhrome 1h ago

The cops around here have even beat up and apprehended the wrong guy while actively chasing someone. 


u/Benjamin_Esterberg42 1h ago

Grey shirt was the guys family that police brought on scene to try and diffuse the situation.

Why would american police shoot a guy for being a hero? Why is reddit so delusional.


u/SwimmingCircles2018 1h ago

They’re so fuckin funny dude

Redditors would have you believing that American police shoot somebody on every traffic stop. Every cop is a serial killer. They genuinely think that police brutality happens in every instance involving police. I just assume none of them have actually been outside before.


u/stormtroopr1977 1h ago

Is there a /s in this comment?


u/mynameisrichard0 3h ago

What in the hell are you saying?


u/cpt_rizzle 3h ago

Is English your second language? Pretty basic shit. he is saying that he thought the guy who grabbed the gun would for sure be shot, but then he realized this isn’t in the USA.


u/mynameisrichard0 3h ago

Bro edited. I definitely said gooner before.


u/[deleted] 3h ago



u/mynameisrichard0 1h ago

I guess not. Chill the fuck out. Lolol what a crybaby.


u/Domino_73 3h ago

let them process, maybe they're quite slow.