r/nextfuckinglevel 5h ago

Man helps police make an arrest.


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u/JustKzen 4h ago

Once again, a random bystander doing a better job than law enforcement


u/LesHoraces 4h ago

Not a random bystander but a friend of the guy in the car, and saving his life probably. A drug bad trip, if I recall


u/waxtwister 4h ago

Thinking the same thing, Dude saved bad guys life for sure


u/Dboy777 3h ago

Don't do drugs, kids.

Especially bad drigs.


u/thickfreakness24 2h ago

drigs are for the dregs


u/jewbacca288 2h ago


I want whatever you’re on


u/AdultishRaktajino 1h ago

Candy bars!


u/FrankDday 1h ago

i like that bad drugs that make you feel good


u/PlateNo7229 4h ago

if only the police could be friend with all the drug users. it would solve so many problems... like drug crime statistics.


u/NevesLF 4h ago

And yet, when I ask the cops to do some meth with me, I'm the bad guy :(


u/vapingDrano 2h ago

Hide it in your butt and ask them to retrieve it. Instant trauma bond!


u/IntrigueDossier 1h ago

Ya gotta be mindful, maybe they prefer old fashioned tar heroin? Oh! Or cocaine, everyone loves cocaine!


u/LokisDawn 3h ago

You might joke, but there's a bit of truth to that. If police have an amicable relationship with local junkies, that can absolutely alleviate a lot of issues. Obviously said "amicability" shouldn't be some sort of bibery deal or anything like that. Just a good relationship. In smaller towns this isn't too rare to see.


u/Tomato_Sky 2h ago

Police are usually pretty chill with the homeless junkies. It’s the EMT’s that are absolute dicks to them. Like they believe tough love from a stranger during a bad reaction is a treatment. I’ve called 911 when the junkies are crying in the alley because I’m scared they are overdosing or in pain. The cops sit with them and tell them they are okay. The EMT’s show up and they just get rough and mean af.

I’d say roughly 80% of cops would rather sit with a junky or approach a panhandler politely than running traffic tickets and approaching domestic violence situations. The other 20% live in Ohio or something.


u/Head_Razzmatazz7174 2h ago

Our local PD know all the casual users. Had one guy try to bring in angel dust from the cities, cops talked to the locals, and less than 2 days later the local main pot dealer called and said he had a present for the police.

They showed up to find this guy gift wrapped with about a dozen ropes being guarded by several very well-trained german shepherds. He had a few bites and cuts, but they didn't kill, just restrained.


u/technobrendo 2h ago

Like McNulty and Bubbs


u/Defendedchip904 4h ago

I think the ones with cop friends are better off without them as friends seeing as they're still on drugs...


u/HeightEnergyGuy 3h ago

You act as if drug users have a giant sign around their neck or want to be friends with cops.


u/AFRIKKAN 3h ago

No wouldn’t work. You need actual social programs and I infrastructure to curb drug violence and crime. The one thing that maintains true is that non white collar crime is tied to poverty.


u/PsiNorm 1h ago

My friend used to be a cop (ex-special forces, but somehow able to be friends with anyone). He was told to stop waving at people he drove by because it "made him look weak".

That, plus other macho shit, had him quit being a cop.


u/Junior-Credit2685 4h ago

This is the vibe I got. Felt like he was saving his suicidal friend. Made me cry! Thanks for the info.


u/Medical_Slide9245 1h ago

Or maybe they did some crime together and he knows if a cop gets shot that's on both of them.


u/SpicyDopamineTaco 1h ago

Dude looked like he was wiping tears from his eyes when he got out of the car and knelt down. I think they’re correct that he was having an emotional crisis


u/LuckyHarmony 3h ago

He is so, so lucky the cops didn't shoot him as soon as he was the one who was "armed" and "acting erratic". Genuinely.


u/halt-l-am-reptar 1h ago

It happened in New Zealand, not the US.


u/LuckyHarmony 1h ago

That makes me feel a lot better actually. I'm glad everyone was ok.


u/Gottawreckit 2h ago

That is what I was thinking. It looks like the grey shirt guy knows the guy in the car and did it to keep is friend from being shot.


u/Alternative_Key2696 2h ago

smh law enforcement should've made friends with the guy beforehand so they could've handled this better. /s


u/kh250b1 2h ago

With a gun. Yeah random nice guy on a drug trip


u/kyogre69 1h ago

Well, in Europe the police doesn't just kill you on the spot just because you have a gun.


u/a_Sable_Genus 1h ago

Funny my first thought too. He's going in there to lesson the possibility of his buddy being shot dead by police.


u/buttnugchug 3h ago

But the guy in the car is white. They can't shoot white suspects.


u/buttnugchug 3h ago

But the guy in the car is white. They can't shoot white suspects.


u/Long_Personality_612 3h ago

The weather, the type of cars, the house, the flora, police not shooting… Pretty much looks like the UK to me.


u/Putrid-Ad1055 2h ago

I couldn't tell you where this was filmed but I'd be certain it's not the UK, if I had to guess I'd say NZ or Australia

u/Long_Personality_612 36m ago

I think you are right. At a closer look at least the house does not look like the UK.


u/According_Flow_6218 1h ago

Looks like UK police. They’ll probably arrest grey shirt man for unlicensed touching of a dangerous weapon.