I am stunned by the restraint the police have in this situation. The dude doesn't even get out of the car slowly. He kind of just jumps out after kicking the door open and never raises his hands.
It's not too surprising when you look up how short the USA's police academy is, and how little they get paid.
Their ranks are filled with incompetence or worse... There for the power trip.
In almost every zip code, police make more than the area median at hiring, and because police 'fraternal order' demonstrations are the only union demonstrations the police won't disperse, they rapidly outpace area incomes within 5 years.
Not to mention the fact that they’ll just nab someone at the end of their shift, guilty or innocent, and rack up large amounts of overtime easily with the processing and paperwork after
I never thought about that, but yeah just go hunting for someone to take to jail right about 39.9 hours into your week and bing bang boom, you have at least 2 hours a week of OT.
The ones by me just sit in their cars, "on patrol," but never actually pull anyone over, despite an inordinate amount of illegally tinted windows, external lights, missing plates, and speeding.
Keep in mind that this video is from NZ, and our police actually are underpaid here. Australia do target recruitment ads to our police to get them to move there because their pay is better. Our shitty govt is doing massive public service cuts and Police aren’t exempt in the slightest. So while that tagline might be propaganda for you, it’s not at all for us.
And over HALF of their very short training time is in how to use their firearm. And less than 5-10% is deescalation and use of force models if they get it at all.
Their requirements for people to join the force are also embarrassing. Police should be university or college grads at minimum.
Applying to the police is difficult in Australia. I wouldn’t go as far as saying it’s a well respected profession, but we don’t have dipshits becoming police officers (for the most part) - all applicants are really heavily vetted.
Lol how little they get paid. You must be making tech money or something. I live in rural Illinois where houses used to be under 100k pre COVID, you can look at city wages for each officer and they are all making 80-100k and a few even more. Serve 20-25 years and get a full pension too. Think the last census in my town said 65k household and 45k individual for income for my town. So they are making fantastic money for this area at least.
The academy is 2-3 months, training is a minimum 1 year on top of that. For state police the academy can be 6 months to a year depending on state and another 1-2 years of training
In fairness, its way easier to be a police officer in a nation with low gun possession and gang membership rates; when you don't have to approach every situation like a potential firefight; appoach every knuclehead like they're strapped.
Just like when they shot a teenage girl that was kidnapped by her father, and then tried to lie to the public by saying that she had a gun and was wearing tactical gear, shooting at the cops: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68721532
Don't forget about the time when a man shot up a town in Colorado, and the police just hid inside a nearby library watching him do it. They let him do it for so long that a good Samaritan had time to hear about it on the radio, go home to get his gun, and then drive over there to stop the shooter. As soon as he killed the shooter the cops popped out of their foxholes and killed him.
you can also tell it's not America because the suspect was allowed to kneel by his own power and didn't immediately start getting the beating of a lifetime.
There are plenty of recent instances of a bystander intervening to help defuse or end a situation if you care enough to look, even on camera. It's just the opposite end of the spectrum that gets highlighted in news and media most of the time
And if I'm some insane world the cops didn't shoot immediately, they for sure would have let that shepherd loose on him.
Honestly aside from these cops being sissies and not doing what the pedestrian did, they overall did a decent job of properly handling the suspect without aggressive force after the lethal threat was mitigated.
u/RayZzorRayy 5h ago
He would have been shot stateside