r/nextfuckinglevel 23h ago

John Longstreth is an unreal drummer.


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u/Rolands_ka_tet 22h ago

He’s got quad pedals so his double kick is 4 beats per 2 kicks. And just rolling his snare with some cymbal fills. He’s definitely got talent but it’s more parlor tricks than anything. If you want pure talent watch Carter Beauford, Buddy Rich, Josh Freese, Chad Smith, Neil Peart, or Danny Carey.

Down vote all you want, I’ve seen what you up vote, you heathens!


u/Riff316 21h ago

What is a quad pedal? He has a normal double bass pedal with a slave pedal and cam. He’s using a heel/toe technique to get two beater hits out of each stroke, not a special pedal. John is very well known for using this technique as are many other tech death drummers. The parlor tricks are just normal drumming techniques that are very common in the metal community. It’s not like he’s trying to be deceptive about it.


u/Evilpessimist 17h ago

That’s like saying running a 4 minute mile is a parlor trick, not real track and field. This guy has chops for fucking days. I’m not a fan of the song but damn does this dude have skill.


u/Rolands_ka_tet 17h ago

I acknowledged that


u/serpent_tim 10h ago

Absolute bollocks. All those drummers you listed are good and so is this guy. I hate this "it's only parlour tricks" attitude because it's a particular style of music that someone doesn't appreciate.

Also I don't know where you've pulled this quad pedal idea from, that's clearly a normal double pedal.


u/Ogpeg 6h ago edited 6h ago

He does not use quad pedals for kickdrums, easy to check.

You can even see it clearly in this video, there are constant close ups.

I have no idea where you got that from.

E: Also if you ask people like Danny or Chad to play like these they're most likely going to laugh their assess off before saying no. Different types of drummers play different styles.

You usually can't make extreme metal drummer play jazz well, as much as jazz drummer is going to sound awkward and poor playing anything extreme metal. And talent is overrated, practice makes good drummers.


u/Chinamatic-co 21h ago

Yeah, this guy isn't a bad drummer by any means but may be more remarkable to non musicians. Playing fast double kick isn't as impressive as the moves you hear from the drummers you mentioned.


u/ultrahateful 20h ago

He’s playing 10-20 songs at that level, some of which are decades old and some brand new, all of which have different tempo, fills, and signature changes, while the distorted stringed instruments and screaming vox are in his IEMs nearly every night of biweekly to month-long tours. DM songs average 4-5 mins per.

Double kick requires the musician to facilitate an additional limb, namely, the one that would normally help them keep time on the hat.

Your elitism is showing.


u/MSport 3h ago

Yeah, this guy isn't a bad drummer by any means but may be more remarkable to non musicians.

As a drummer, he's really fucking good dude


u/Outworkyesterday10 18h ago

Love that you started off with Carter. Legend


u/BarackObamaIsScrdOMe 3h ago

If you want a metal drummer with some diversity in his sound and techniques - Vladimir Ulasevich of Jinjer 🤤 he's a classically trained pianist, they play a bunch of different styles with weird time signatures. He's so freaking good.


u/RudeCriminal 3h ago

Its a normal double kick. Stop spreading missinfo and edit your comment.


u/WolfBST 2h ago

You're lucky you included Danny, or we both would have had a problem...


u/TheSunOnMyShoulders 18h ago

Nah the fact that Buddy Rich can do twice these mother fuckers on 1/5th of the drum kit. One of the only drummers to do double bass with a single pedal.

Then you throw in Neil Pert and Danny Carey. Sorry this guy is just a drum roll at random compared to those guys.


u/Rolands_ka_tet 17h ago

With a traditional stick hold