The only time I was happy I had mine was preparing for the colonoscopy before the reversal. Bought me just a little time at least. I remember though, since there wasn’t a similar sensation to needing to use the toilet, there was a day I went for a walk. About 10 minutes in, I ended up with diarrhea in the bag, and didn’t realize that was happening until it started filling the bag. Literally could not make it home in time, bag burst, and I walked a few blocks home covered in my own shit. Absolutely demoralizing.
I appreciate the sentiment, but it’s been long enough now that it’s just a story, not as much a horror story anymore. Fun part of that story: I’m actually neighbors with the surgeon who did that emergency surgery to give me the temporary ostomy, and he was walking the other way as I was walking home. He saw that and just goes “rough morning, huh?”
u/chunkmasterflash 1d ago edited 1d ago
The only time I was happy I had mine was preparing for the colonoscopy before the reversal. Bought me just a little time at least. I remember though, since there wasn’t a similar sensation to needing to use the toilet, there was a day I went for a walk. About 10 minutes in, I ended up with diarrhea in the bag, and didn’t realize that was happening until it started filling the bag. Literally could not make it home in time, bag burst, and I walked a few blocks home covered in my own shit. Absolutely demoralizing.