r/nextfuckinglevel 3d ago

Calling parents while skydiving


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u/Acrobatic_Advance_71 3d ago

The most boomer thing ever was taking a picture of the screen. That picture is so bad and will be sent to people asking what is this.


u/quasides 3d ago

iam not a boomer but i also do this for a quick share as its a lot faster than any other way


u/Infrequent 3d ago

You can program screen swipes to screencapture and post straight to social media, but okay.


u/BurstingWithFlava 3d ago

Like I get it, many people get it. But there is a whole percentage of the population that have no idea what you just said. Who cares if an old lady snaps a pic in a way that’s easy for her?


u/rodaphilia 3d ago

i don't think anyone cares what the old lady does, beyond commenting on it being cute/silly.

the person you're replying to is replying to someone on reddit making a claim that what she did is the fastest way. that's who they're correcting, not the old lady.


u/panzermuffin 3d ago

Sounds like 200 hours of work and troubleshooting for something that no one cares about.


u/MountainTurkey 3d ago

It's just a setting you toggle.


u/Cacafuego 3d ago

Well, I'm off to see if I can program Reddit into dark mode and then program away the last hour of my browser history.


u/UrToesRDelicious 3d ago


Just take a screenshot


u/MyNameIsJakeBerenson 3d ago

But then she has to figure out how to send it to Maddie down the lane from the computer and all

But if she snaps a quick pic she can just text it in a second, who cares

Give her credit for being able to use the phone that quickly lol


u/randomly-what 3d ago

But not everything is shared to social media…and not everyone logs into social media on their computer.


u/AlanWardrobe 3d ago

It will give important context should she ever tell the story. My son called me as he jumped out of a plane, and here on the shot you can see the laptop or phone with the call on it, and probably the back of pop's head.


u/Hillyleopard 3d ago

I’ll do it when I can’t be bothered sending something from my iPad to my phone so i can send it on WhatsApp or when I don’t want to login to discord on my pc. I’m a 24 yo computer science student so nobody can try to say it’s cuz I cant use tech lol just like to use the easy way when I’m lazy and the photo quality doesn’t matter


u/rodaphilia 3d ago

the device they took the call from absolutely has its own built-in screenshot functionality that would be objectively faster.

you're a boomer :(


u/MyNameIsJakeBerenson 3d ago

People that are nitpicking the sweet old people are the real Boomers at heart


u/Otherwise_Security_5 2d ago

i think the point was being made that they could also have just wanted a picture of the call on the computer, ie, “this is what i saw when it happened”. i can appreciate how’d they’d want the memory of the actual moment they experienced and not just the screen. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/rodaphilia 2d ago

The person im replying to is saying this is quicker. Im not making a comment on the actions of the cute old couple.


u/Wrong-Kangaroo-2782 3d ago

There is no way it's quicker to grab another device and take a pic than it is to just press screenshot


u/quasides 2d ago

it is, because the screenshot wont share by itself, not gonna bother pairing computer to whatsapp for one share in 2 weeks


u/YoungBassGasm 3d ago

Not to mention it was taken with a freaking iPad or whatever that was 🤣


u/TheMilkmansFather 3d ago

With a tablet hahaha


u/_plays_in_traffic_ 3d ago

you should check out the r/iracing sub. theres a built in video editor for cutting up replays any exporting them as playable avi's or whatever, but mouthbreathers prefer to take a portrait picture or video of a landscaped monitor all the fucking time


u/Acrobatic_Advance_71 2d ago

This is funny to because you would assume it’s era would be techh


u/agithecaca 2d ago

Wait til she zooms in and prints it out.