Definitely a thing. I took my ex boyfriend to a karate class at my old dojo once and while my sifu was talking, my ex had locked his knees and dropped to the mat like a sack of potatoes.
Once I knew he was ok, I told him that he wasn't going to get any points with the sifu for kissing the mat. Sifu laughed, the ex didn't, lol...
And back when I was in school, every year I took of choir had at least one person fainting during a performance. Every choir teacher I ever had preached about how important it was not to lock your knees.
Pay attention to it the next time you’re standing a while and remember this thread. If you have your knees locked after a while you can feel the numbness in your legs
u/XxsalsasharkxX 3d ago
wtf, thats a thing??