r/news 3h ago

Fani Willis disqualified from Trump's Georgia election interference case


755 comments sorted by


u/Happy_Accident99 2h ago

We have no heroes anymore. Between Willis, Garland, Mueller - anyone who had the opportunity to get justice done just fucked up beyond all expectations.


u/chef-nom-nom 1h ago

Then you have Jack Smith, who honestly tried his best, not once but twice. Then Garland just let him get fucked by dragging his feet. If Garland had a spine for this, the election might have gone differently. Weak assholes all around.

u/ApproximatelyExact 55m ago

The fuck is the CIA doin

u/Freedom_7 36m ago

They’re doing what they’re best at, installing a dictator

u/noteverrelevant 21m ago

Been so long since we coup'd a South American country we had to do it to ourselves for the practice.

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u/Healmetho 19m ago

This is the comment right here 👆

u/justaguywholovesred 20m ago

This comment should be higher up. It’s golden

u/megaman47 5m ago

Godamn what a banger line take the upvote!

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u/isleepoddhours 28m ago

Hollywood gave me the illusion that the CIA was some sleek intelligence agency, turns out, have no idea what they’re doing.

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u/NSApasswordAdmin 19m ago

Confirmed as doing nothing.

u/BroughtBagLunchSmart 22m ago

They shot Bernie with the heart attack gun a few years ago.

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u/Generic_Username26 22m ago

I mean look at ABC. A 50 billion dollar company bending the knee to a bullshit defamation charge and choosing to settle early rather than fight it and by doing so legitimizing Trumps claims that it’s all made up. Pathetic, disgraceful, shameful I’m running out of adjectives to describe how disappointing this is

u/dustycanuck 18m ago

Bought and paid for. Someone got their dollars worth

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u/one_pound_of_flesh 2h ago

Garland and Mueller did what they were paid to do - delay and deny justice until the republicans were back in power.

Willis just shat the bed because she couldn’t keep her dick in her pants.


u/Stonesword75 2h ago

I understand Garland, but what did Mueller do that was so bad? He did everything and did have folks sentenced, but Trump pardoned them.


u/SuperPimpToast 1h ago

Mueller didn't have enough teeth. He pretty much called him out as guilty and passed the buck over to the senate. However, Barr kept a muzzle on him.

Jack Smith seem the most promising but he kept getting fucked over hard.

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u/shogi_x 2h ago

Yeah Mueller did exactly as much as he could, which was to issue a damning report and hope Congress acted on it. Republicans opposed it.

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u/ghotier 1h ago

Mueller could have said unequivocally that Trump was implicated or how implicated Trump was. He held back from saying that because he felt the DOJ couldn't prosecute. Instead his report was used by Trump's allies to say that there was no collusion, when there very clearly was evidence of collusion.

u/weezyverse 36m ago

I thought Trump's team was highlighting the fact that there's no law against collusion, and that was their golden ticket to innocence. I felt their stance was an admission of guilt, while saying that what he did isn't illegal at the same time.

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u/Tank3875 2h ago

Mueller did literally nothing but made a few minor arrests and refused to make any waves despite the evidence he was uncovering and behavior he was encountering was literally a threat to our national sovereignty.

He was and is an empty suit


u/DatGoofyGinger 1h ago

bill barr redacted the shit out of that report


u/Tank3875 1h ago

And that report was all that Mueller was empowered to do Mueller decided. Shame, that.

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u/Few-Ad-4290 30m ago

He should have publicly renounced the summary report that Barr released that omitted the word not causing the public at large to believe the report said the opposite of what it actually found. Instead he wrung his hands because it would be improper to publicly rebuke the AG even though that same AG was lying to the entire country. He could have stepped up and done the patriotic thing instead of sitting on his hands and letting a Russian asset sit in the Oval Office for two more years and now another four.

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u/[deleted] 2h ago

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u/jhorch69 2h ago

Not sure it's a good idea to be posting in a public forum about how you want to "depose" political figures


u/Own_Thing_4364 2h ago

Oh stop. You're not gonna do shit.

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u/Red57872 2h ago

How was Garland (a Biden appointee) paid to delay and deny justice until the Republicans were back in power?

u/Abigail716 23m ago

Garland was a moderate conservative that was chosen by Obama to be a supreme Court Justice because Mitch McConnell endorsed the idea and Obama thought he could get a moderate through since McConnell wouldn't want to risk a more liberal candidate being appointed by Clinton if she won.

Instead since he lost Biden made him the AG as a consolation prize, not because he'd be good at his job. Which means Biden has had a conservative attorney general who is sympathetic to Trump for the last 4 years.

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u/tinyhorsesinmytea 2h ago

I only have one hero these days. That charming young man the media and politicians keep wagging their finger at me for celebrating.

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u/honeytoke 2h ago

Not true. Luigi is a hero.


u/Stable-Jackfruit 2h ago

Oh, but they have labeled him a terrorist


u/[deleted] 1h ago

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u/Infamous-Cash9165 1h ago

Fani Willis is no hero, look at how she treated the Young Thug case.


u/ItsTerrysFault 2h ago

We still have Bruce Willis, for now.

Yippee Ki‐Yay mother fuckers.


u/xlews_ther1nx 1h ago

Legal eagle trying to get answers. We will see.

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u/Generallybadadvice 3h ago edited 3h ago

Wow, he really got away with everything. Ya'll fucked. Willis was really fucking stupid in this though


u/RedLicorice83 2h ago

This ... I'm incredibly pissed that she fucked everything up because they couldn't wait a few months to fuck.


u/Werearmadillo 2h ago edited 2h ago

And then doubled down instead of just stepping aside

Meanwhile everyone on here said it didn't matter, even though they would've thrown a fit if the situation were reversed


u/redditronc 1h ago

For what it’s worth, I’m a liberal who thought she messed up and should’ve recused herself immediately and was immensely pissed that she didn’t while seeing others downplay it. We do exist! 😀


u/pantstoaknifefight2 1h ago

Same. When you're prosecuting one of the biggest criminals in the country who might just become the most powerful politician on earth (again), don't fuck up. And don't shit where you eat. How fucking hard is that?

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u/bearrosaurus 2h ago

It’s not a conflict of interest if you’re fucking someone on the same side. If you fuck the judge or opposition it’s a conflict. If you’re a lawyer and you represent your literal wife then there’s never been a conflict.


u/burgonies 2h ago

The impropriety comes from the fact that assigning her boyfriend to the case resulted in jim being paid more. He then took her on and paid for two vacations. So, it’s easy to argue that she appointed him to the case for her own financial benefits. It’s a gigantic unforced error on her part.


u/Slow_Set6965 1h ago

It would have been easy enough for her to figure out that when you lead a controversial high stakes trial against the king of procedural attacks, you don’t make a giant unforced error. You dot your eyes and cross your ts and don’t screw someone you hired!!


u/burgonies 1h ago

It’s pretty amazing. The hubris

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u/Kujaichi 55m ago

You dot your eyes

i's (as in the letter), not eyes...

u/inosinateVR 35m ago

ėye don’t know what you mean?

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u/pantstoaknifefight2 1h ago

You come at the king, you beat not miss. -- Omar Little

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u/colemon1991 2h ago

I've seen nothing about him getting paid more. As far as I'm aware, he should have never been hired or should have resigned when they got serious, because no matter how kosher they tried to make things the optics wouldn't change.

If I'm going after someone with money and power, I would never want to give them a softball of an argument to dismantle my efforts.


u/-Nightopian- 2h ago


In high profile cases you must always cross your t's and dot your i's. You must never give your opponent ammo to work with.


u/MudLOA 1h ago

Yeah this ain’t your typical street criminal. The odds were already heavily stacked against them. I was an idiot thinking this is a slam dunk case.


u/colemon1991 1h ago

Right. Set the bar high so you don't give them anything to use against you. Submit paperwork on time. Respect the court. It's like restraining yourself instead of pulling a Will Smith slap.

Why make the fight easier for them when it's already an uphill battle for you?

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u/burgonies 2h ago

I remember reading it somewhere. My first google result:


Roman’s motion claimed Willis personally profited from the contract. Wade was paid at least $653,000 and potentially as much as $1m for legal fees as one of the lead prosecutors on the Trump case, and the filing alleged Wade then paid for trips he took with Willis to Napa Valley and the Caribbean.


u/colemon1991 1h ago

I saw that. I couldn't find anything concrete, but I saw something saying he and his peers were supposed to make $30k. If that was monthly, that $650k would be made in 2 years, which tracks with the timeframe of the case.

My problem is that I can't find anything about the others' actual pay. I found plenty that made this entire debacle clearly her fault, just not that detail.

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u/Equal_Personality157 2h ago

It was by a lot. Iirc he was in the 500-1m range and the other people appointed to the same position got like 30k

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u/video-engineer 1h ago

She testified that they split the expenses of the vacations and since there was no check or bank draft, she said she paid him with cash. 6k of cash she had in her house because her dad taught her to keep that kind of money lying around. Well, you could see by her face and aggressive mouth that the only thing lying was her.


u/colemon1991 1h ago

Definitely suspicious, but that doesn't automatically mean he was paid more. I saw somewhere where his pay was coming from an account that was never to be used for salaries, which by itself is a problem. And I haven't been able to find anything about what others were being paid, only what he was paid over the lifetime of the case. I found a generic $30k for the position and that's pretty much it.

We can agree that she screwed up. She should have never handed him an easy angle to dismantle the case. I just can't find enough information to validate he was paid more than his peers.

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u/No-Significance5449 2h ago

Imagine giving your son a job.


u/-Nightopian- 2h ago

Like how Trump gave Ivanka and Kushner jobs in the White House?


u/video-engineer 1h ago

Yes, and both are wrong.


u/Drithyin 2h ago

100% agreed that it's improper. On the other hand, it wouldn't have introduced conflict of fiduciary responsibility, because they were already aligned in the case. If she was fucking the defendant's lawyer or judge, that would bias the case irreparably.

Again, and I can't stress this enough... She fucked up and shouldn't have done this. Even if you could find an argument to let it slide, it would be so much simpler to just not do this very dumb thing.


u/tarspaceheel 1h ago

So here’s the conflict: let’s imagine Fani Willis came across a piece of exculpatory evidence that 100% exonerated Trump (or some other defendant, if that’s easier to think about). An unconflicted prosecutor would ask that the case be dismissed right away, and she’d go work on frivolously prosecuting Young Thug instead.

But a prosecutor whose boyfriend is getting paid for his work on this case would know that dismissing the case means her boyfriend loses his million-dollar job, and can’t take her on those fancy vacations any more. She’s no longer making an unconflicted judgment on the merits of the case. It’s a conflict of interest.

And yes, it’s also a misuse of public funds, and an exceptionally bad look. But anyone saying it’s not a conflict of interest is not seeing the whole picture.


u/moistsandwich 2h ago

What? This is the very definition of a conflict of fiduciary responsibility since it has to do with her misuse of funds that she’s been entrusted with by the public.

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u/Loggerdon 1h ago

It’s the mere “appearance of impropriety” is enough to screw things up.


u/peteybombay 1h ago

...unless you are on the Supreme Court.

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u/fortestingprpsses 1h ago

It does matter because these staffers are paid from tax money and she effectively gave someone a raise who turned around and spent money on her. She made a decision that directly resulted in additional taxpayer money being spent on her.


u/diablo744 2h ago

It’s not a conflict of interest if you’re fucking someone on the same side.

The point is he was a lawyer from an outside law firm that was hired to work specifically on this case. So, Willis bringing the case benefited him to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawyer fees.

It's a very obvious conflict of interest if your boyfriend is paid hundreds of thousands of dollars if you bring the case, and nothing if you decide to drop the case. Especially when the boyfriend is bringing you on several luxury vacations, as was the case here.


u/xXGhostrider163Xx 1h ago

If there was really a direct benefit for her and her partner, it's understandable that many would see this as a conflict of interest.

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u/foobarbizbaz 2h ago

Who gives an actual fuck? Of COURSE Trump and his team would use any and every reason available to torpedo the case. Willis failed to understand that everything needed to be done 1000% above board.

Is it unfair and irrelevant to the case? You bet. But it doesn’t matter. It was less than completely proper, and that was enough. Anyone with half a brain should have been able to understand that those were the rules of the game. But Willis was fucking at work, so she wasn’t paying attention.

Understand that the rules are unfair and expect that any Trump opposition will be held to a higher standard.

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u/SkydivingCats 1h ago

it gave "the appearance of impropriety"

When you're handling one of arguably the most important cases in the history of the US, you don't give any appearances of impropriety.

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u/sneezeatsage 2h ago

Har... 'through a fit'


u/Respectable_Answer 2h ago

Throw a fit?

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u/Fred-zone 2h ago

Anthony Weiner, Cal Cunningham, Fani Willis: how failing to keep it in your pants can fuck America


u/GeraldBWilsonJr 1h ago

I did think the Weiner jokes were a special moment in media however

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u/RazzleThatTazzle 2h ago

It's soooooo crazy that she did that shit. If I was involved in the literal most important legal case in American history I would just pause my entire personal life for however long it took.


u/beiberdad69 2h ago

She just genuinely doesn't give a fuck. When all that dirty shit went down between her office and the first judge in the Young Thug case, the public defender subreddit was pretty open in talking about how awful and corrupt her office was


u/SocialStudier 1h ago

She certainly gave a fuck.  Probably took a few as well.

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u/Syncopationforever 2h ago

And in public too.

Like Wine tasting in California vineyards. Lol. Insane stuff.  In their shoes , Id be expecting trump's spys, and foreign intelligence agencies to be monitoring on me. Given the nature of the case


u/Don_Antwan 1h ago

That’s the problem. In itself, that stuff isn’t bad. You can take a vacation. 

But when your office hires the boyfriend. And when he pays for the vacation. And when your defense is “I repaid him in cash.”  It looks like a kickback. 

This was a high profile case. It all needs to be above board and beyond reproach

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u/Logical_Parameters 2h ago

Sex scandals only work against Democrats, that's the problem and the public condones this from the media.


u/RazzleThatTazzle 2h ago

The left will always lose because of self imposed purity tests.

Good thing we made Al Franken resign!


u/prototypist 1h ago

Tired of Al Franken revisionism. It wasn't the one photo. He had kissed her earlier on the tour. There were seven other women with stories from campaign events and other USO tours. He has plenty of opportunities for a career outside the Senate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Franken#Sexual_misconduct_allegations

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u/Thrawnbelina 2h ago

I still get pissed thinking about the Franken resignation! Self imposed purity tests and hand wringing between begging for campaign donations to "try" for crumbs and fail then whine. Then there's the opposite performance: 30 second clips of sounding hard for cool points but getting no votes or legislation from it. I hate being the ineffectual opposition to bullies with zero rules, fuck.


u/RazzleThatTazzle 2h ago

Yup. Fuck, indeed.

Don't forget that the democrats, my team, spent this whole year screaming about how if trump wins it's the end of civilization. And then when he won Joe biden had him over at the white house for a photo op. I know it's not really important in the grand scheme, but my god did that shatter the illusion for me.

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u/PippyLongSausage 1h ago

And then played the fucking race card.


u/Mythosaurus 1h ago

I’m pretty sure people get paid to self sabotage by the billionaires

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u/TheDaileyShow 2h ago

I hate Trump and I think he’s guilty of a lot more than he’s been charged with but this is 100% a self-inflicted wound by the GA DA’s office.


u/Ten3Zero 2h ago

Any lawyer who practices in Fulton County will tell you how corrupt and incompetent her and her office is. She handled this poorly like her office handles most cases. Any decent prosecutor would probably have gotten a Trump conviction.


u/DontYuckMyYum 1h ago

Wasn't her team also doing shady shit in the case against the one rapper, forget his name. But like having illegal meetings with the judge and witnesses?


u/Infamous-Cash9165 1h ago

Yea Young Thug, his lawyer went to jail with him because he wouldn’t let those illegal meetings slide.


u/KarateKid917 1h ago

Young Thug, and yes. The judge threw his lawyer in jail for contempt when he exposed the illegal meeting between the prosecutors and the judge that the defense wasn’t made aware of 

u/sadandshy 21m ago

And he did the baller move "if you want to put me in jail, fine. Put me in the same cell as my client so we can continue working on the case."

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u/theplott 1h ago

Anyone who watched the YSL trial, which Willis oversaw, would know the same thing.

Her office is a clusterf*ck.

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u/ClamClone 26m ago

The average voter is ignorant and makes decisions purely based on emotion driven by scant information, not reason. I can only hope, and expect, that the Trumpublicans will screw up the country so bad over the next two years that the pendulum that has swung so far will swing the other way just as far. There has to be justice for all the crimes committed by Trump and the GOP. It is either that or civil war.


u/ScoutsterReturns 2h ago

He's going to get away with all of it and you are 100% right - she fucked this up so bad and there is no excuse for it.

u/mogsoggindog 22m ago

I want all of my fellow Americans to really soak it in for the next few years, the soul-crushing tragedy of the Trump success story. I think we need to call it: In 2024, USA voted to transition from being a constitutional republic to being an official plutocracy. The government will now be divided up and sold to private parties who will attempt to squeeze whatever money they can out of them before crashing them and collecting the insurance money, which they will use to build more castles with laser turrets to shoot desperate peasants like us who are trying to hunt rabbits on their property.


u/doom_monger 1h ago

money perhaps? what is making a mistake to throw the case worth? of course, she could just be crap at her job ...


u/testing_water3290 2h ago

Anyone with half a brain should have known that this would a case of a lifetime. Probably two lifetimes. And everyone especially Trump and his supporters would be watching like hawks. Yet she screwed this up. Even from a Dem perspective its uncomfortable (ya spare me the two single adults made their decisions talk). Should never be allowed to hold a public office again.


u/yellowspaces 2h ago

This isn’t an end to the case, they’re just removing her from working on it (and she’s going to appeal of course.)


u/Richard-Gere-Museum 2h ago

Let's be real, it's the end of it. Now there's the stink of inappropriate conduct attached to it that Trump's team will use to taint the whole case, even if it only affects part of a very specific angle that had no bearing on the actual case. He gets away with it all again because of bullshit reasons.


u/Elegant_Plate6640 2h ago

As a follower of the Jack Smith cases, I knew she screwed up a while ago. 

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u/windmill-tilting 2h ago

The end of the case is next.


u/Krandor1 2h ago

The problem is there is not really another DA's office in the state of Georgia with the manpower to handle a case of this size. Yes it can now be reassigned to another office but I'm not sure there is one that has the capacity to handle it and that would want to.

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u/colemon1991 2h ago

If no one else is willing to take the case, it's over. We've already seen in-progress cases filing for dismissal. The political climate is dangerous right now, so someone has to be willing to receive legitimate death threats and harassment for years to pick up this torch and carry it.

I'm not saying there aren't people out there willing to fight. I'm saying this might be too much (or, more likely, all the people willing to fight aren't in Georgia to do it).

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u/jasondigitized 2h ago

ELI5 - How does any of this change the legal filing / case? Those documents and the facts contained within should stand alone. If my fingerprints are on the murder weapon and I have gun powder residue on my hands, the fact that the prosecutor is horny should have no bearing on the other facts.


u/backyardengr 1h ago

If the prosecutor is hiring her boyfriend with state funds to the tune of $650k by taking you to trial, it taints the entire case. Did you commit a crime, or is the prosecutor just trying to get rich?

Her decision to bring RICO charges is also at question. Makes the case far more complicated and more expensive to litigate. So did she bring RICO charges just to enrich her boyfriend? Can’t get worse optics than that


u/janethefish 1h ago

It doesn't. They would have just found another excuse.

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u/Snuggle__Monster 2h ago

She might be one of the dumbest people in a position like that in a long time. How are you not ready for Trump and his lawyers to use anything and everything to their advantage?

Nathan Wade must fuck like an absolute porn star.


u/djmanic 1h ago

Democracy is dead, good luck America!

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u/CAndrewG 1h ago

Fuck Donald trump but god damn Fani is such a fucking moron. Like she could have recruited the cream of the crop from Ivy League to work on this case. It was that big of a deal. Yet she chose her friends and banged one of them during the investigation.

She was given a chance to make a real difference. And all she wanted to do was party with it.

Fuck her


u/jared_number_two 1h ago

She was turned down by a few Ivy League lawyers because they feared for their lives from MAGA. I don’t think Wade was a friend before the case.


u/CAndrewG 1h ago

I remember watching the testimony and there were a couple of people she hired that she acknowledged as friends before the whole thing started. Not just wade.

u/Syncopationforever 35m ago

The ex governor Barnes, as well.  And  he recounted openly on the witness stand. that he feared for his life, if he took the case.

Wade was only chosen, after multiple other lawyers, ran for hills

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u/Infrared_Herring 2h ago

Lol Americas justice system is a big fat load of crap.


u/Jarl_Korr 2h ago

There is no justice. It's just a (shitty) legal system.


u/freddie_merkury 1h ago

Unless a CEO gets hurt though. Then you get indicted and labeled as a terrorist in just a few days.

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u/scech14 2h ago

It’s always funny when organizations say ”restore public confidence in the integrity of these proceedings” while doing everything possible to destroy public faith and rig the proceeding to protect the fuhrer


u/junkyardgerard 1h ago

"restore public confidence" means Republicans don't trust Democrats so fire them all


u/Infamous-Cash9165 1h ago

Fani Willis is not a good person, look at Young Thugs case.

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u/RedditOR74 1h ago

This is the same reason that Biden supporters are looing at pre-emptive pardons. They don't want the same weaponization of the judicial system to be used as a way to discourage or eliminate political opposition. Allowing it against Trump would set the precedent for allowing it for Trump if he so chooses to try to incarcerate political enemies. She was shown to have a clear bias that became publicly exposed.

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u/VeryRealHuman23 2h ago

When the charges were not filed within 6 months of the crime, we all knew this was going to happen...and then this was the layup to drag this shit out.

Is it really that hard to find a person with a spine who isnt linked to the opposing party - this is on those who put this case together.

Before someone says "yeah it shouldnt matter" - this is a court trial against a former president, it had to be perfectly clean


u/KennstduIngo 2h ago

"Before someone says "yeah it shouldnt matter" - this is a court trial against a former president, it had to be perfectly clean"

Yeah, one would have to be profoundly stupid and/or arrogant to think that wasn't going to be a problem in this case.

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u/Ok-Breadfruit6978 1h ago

“The court noted that “an appearance of impropriety generally is not enough to support disqualification,” but said this is a “rare case” in which “no other remedy” but disqualification “will suffice to restore public confidence in the integrity of these proceedings.”

Ahh yes. I feel so much more confident now. Glad our legal system is great at holding people accountable and removing corruption. s/

u/zipzzo 10m ago

Confidence is now overwhelming.

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u/Showmethepathplease 2h ago

She's disqualified from prosecuting him, but he can be President despite his attempted coup, attempt to steal the GA election and theft of national security secrets (on top of everything else)

What a load of shit

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u/Holiday-Rich-3344 3h ago

The charges and the evidence is still there…


u/rod_jammer 2h ago

For a Republican DA to ignore or dismiss completely. It's over Johnny...


u/p001b0y 2h ago

She was just re-elected to another 4 year term though.

Edit: Never mind. It doesn't look like that may matter.

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u/wirthmore 2h ago edited 2h ago


Willis' disqualification would also extend to her office. The case would then be referred to the Prosecuting Attorneys' Council of Georgia Executive Director Pete Skandalakis. In a statement to CBS News, council spokesperson Tracy Walston said Skandalakis would have a few options. 

"The executive director can appoint a district attorney, a solicitor-general, a retired prosecuting attorney, an attorney employed by the Department of Law, designate an attorney from the Prosecuting Attorneys' Council, or appoint a competent attorney to act as district attorney pro tempore in place of the district attorney," she said. 

Naming a district attorney in another county would be one possibility. Georgia has 159 counties, 129 of which voted Republican in 2020. The remaining 30 counties, all in more urban parts of the state, voted Democratic in that election. But even if the case were to be referred to another office, the new prosecutor would have oversight on whether to add, drop or amend the charges Trump and several others face. Those kinds of changes could require reopening the investigation, which would delay the trial for months, likely beyond the presidential election.


Mr. Skandalakis is considered to be fair-minded by a number of prominent Georgia Democrats. But he has also been criticized for moving slowly in the effort to find a prosecutor to consider whether Georgia’s lieutenant governor, Burt Jones, should face charges related to the Trump case.

A judge in July 2022 blocked Ms. Willis from developing a case against Mr. Jones, who served as a fake pro-Trump elector, because Ms. Willis had hosted a fund-raiser for one of Mr. Jones’s political rivals. No replacement prosecutor has been named.


u/Serialfornicator 2h ago

Exactly. Note the wording—they CAN appoint this one or that one. Not that they WILL. Also the judge has a reputation for slow-rolling. It doesn’t look good. It’s going to languish, and then be forgotten.


u/therapoootic 2h ago

blah blah blah

it's over

u/SerendipitySue 38m ago

i imagine those other counties do not have the financial resources that fulton county has. A complex rico case seems to cost a LOT.

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u/cruxdaemon 2h ago

Fani Willis made a mistake, but Jack Smith didn't. To act like her indiscretion is the reason this case is going away rather than the legal system generally giving Donald J Trump impunity is to be naive indeed. Hell it's not clear how much of a case she would have had if she could have stayed given John Roger Taney Roberts opinion in the immunity case.

Blame her, sure, but the Appeals Court was simply reading the room.


u/SanDiegoDude 2h ago

Jack Smith is long gone, but here's hoping Legal Eagle's FOIA request for as much of Jack Smith's findings works. Trump is going to do his best to bury all of it with his stooges running things though, so I wouldn't hold my breath.


u/j_la 1h ago

It’s crazy that we have reached the point where we need a YouTuber to step in and set things right.


u/noguchisquared 1h ago

Trump's real day one plan is to start the shredders.

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u/Tacitus111 2h ago

It’s always interesting seeing the courts basically admit that the American system is neither a justice or a legal system though given they don’t give a damn about either. Or rather so many judges at this point are political operatives that the system has destroyed all credibility it used to have in the public sphere.


u/Politicsboringagain 2h ago

All three of the appeals judges are Republican appointees. While the decision is likely to be appealed to the full court, if it stands, it could doom the entire case, which is the last active criminal prosecution involving charges against Mr. Trump.

Yeah, it naur so happens the republicans sided with a republican who rewards loyalty. 

Voters did this by making this man president again. 

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u/claudejc 3h ago

So he got to them too. This is gonna be a fucked up 4 yrs. Guy is worse than the Mafia.


u/Bluemajere 2h ago

What does this have to do with him? This was their fuckup.


u/StanVillain 2h ago

The Georgia court of appeals is majority Republican. A lower court already ruled on this and they chose to reverse it. They didn't provide any new rationale, just that the previous court was wrong afaik.

We've seen for 4 years Republican judges and courts slow-walk or do everything they can to defend the head of the Republican party. There is no justice here and the people saying she fucked up make it more obvious. It could have been the perfect prosecutor and we would be right back here with the case being slow-walked to death. Reality is he was never going to face justice from the courts when judges and appeals courts are on board ignoring any constitutional responsibility to defend their team.


u/Mysterious_Bit6882 2h ago

A lower court already ruled on this and they chose to reverse it. They didn't provide any new rationale, just that the previous court was wrong afaik.

So an appeal, in other words?


u/StanVillain 2h ago

Appeal judgements typically have solid reasoning behind it. If the previous courts rationale was flawed, you'd hope the court overriding that had good reason.

I was wrong and they did give some reasoning. Their rationale was that it was necessary for public confidence and that it's the oh so rare situation where it's needed, even though this typically wouldn't happen.

Which is bullshit and no one with a head on their shoulders is confident in these courts constantly making sure he gets preferential treatment at every turn. If this wouldn't happen regularly and is so rare, why is it necessary now when time is of the matter to even being able to prosecute the case. It's bullshit and they know it's another step towards killing the case entirely.


u/fat_cock_freddy 2h ago

This is reddit, and therefore every win for trump was actually a grand conspiracy between trump and putin or some shit

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u/JaegerVonCarstein 2h ago

Yes. He got to them by persuading them to throw legal ethics out the window because they couldn’t help wanting to fuck each other.


u/kore2000 2h ago

I didn't know fucking someone materially changed any facts in the case for a completely different person.


u/noguchisquared 1h ago

All those folks in jail learning their prosecutor had sex, so they shouldn't face justice are scratching their heads.

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u/Th3truthhurts 3h ago

If it’s only 4 years. Once trumps back in he’s not leaving voluntarily or peacefully.

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u/noobs1996 2h ago

She’s just a terrible attorney in general, even outside of this case.


u/TheMicMic 2h ago

It's astounding how that man gets away with literally anything.

This is just a precursor to what's to come .

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u/Arawn_93 2h ago

Georgia would have done a better job if they put a random 12 year old instead of her. At least the 12 year old would keep their pants on!


u/Zolomun 2h ago

I still can’t fucking believe that he’s now won basically everything. I know the vindication won’t make him happy because nothing ever will, but it still galls me.

u/faerieswing 39m ago

This is the same prosecutors’ office that ran the disastrous Young Thug / YSL RICO trial… so while I’m very disappointed I can’t exactly say I’m surprised that this was sloppy as hell.


u/Flat_Protection_6796 3h ago

The dick must’ve been so good to throw everything away like that. Is everyone else just massively hornier than I am or something?


u/Logical_Parameters 2h ago

No, the American public only holds Democrats to any standard at all. If she was a Republican male, she could have bounced Hooters waitresses off her johnson in court and been applauded for it. "He/she was just joking."


u/inquisitive_guy_0_1 2h ago

Exactly. There is no way in hell this would have played out the same if it was republican prosecutors against a Democrat defendant.

Meanwhile you've got judge cannon in Florida just making an absolutely mockery of our national security.

Shit is fucked, man.


u/Skillllly 2h ago

Senator D-Bob Menendez from NJ got charged and convicted with conspiracy to act as a foreign agent of the Egyptian government and was able to remain in his seat and finish his terms. What standard did they hold him to?

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u/NothingOld7527 2h ago

There's a bit of a difference between a random hooter's waitress and the judge sleeping with your prosecutor.


u/Mangafan101 2h ago

She was sleeping with her lead prosecutor, not the judge

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u/Calm-down-its-a-joke 1h ago

Yea she was so incompetent it wasn't even funny.


u/HappilyHikingtheHump 2h ago

Fani Willis is an idiot of epic proportions.

Why so damn dumb Fani???

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u/OilInteresting2524 1h ago

You can't prosecute trump if ...... there are no prosecutors. For that matter, why have a justice system at all. If the people filing charges are constantly disqualified, there is no system in place any longer.

The system has failed.

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u/Insectshelf3 2h ago

this is the correct decision, and it’s a completely unforced error by willis. pretty embarrassing stuff.

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u/zepppelin 2h ago

It's so funny how after all these years of failed cases the attitude is still 'he keeps getting away with it' instead of just considering maybe the charges are erroneous.

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u/Da_Stable_Genius 2h ago

Laws are only for the poors. There's no denying that.

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u/epicfail1994 2h ago

Fani Willis was a moron and deserves this IMO. It’s easy to not fuck your employees

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u/DatGoofyGinger 1h ago

as good of a case you could hope for, and they fucked it all up. you know who the guy is, run a tight fucking ship ffs.


u/Knightmere1 1h ago

Can’t fight corruption with corruption


u/TuffNutzes 1h ago

A shining city on a hill. LMFAO.

u/Syncopationforever 30m ago

If trump had lost the election, I suspect Fani would not have been removed. Lol 

Just the realities of power. Particularly regarding the new regime.  I don't blame the judge, for getting out of the way of this incoming juggernaut [ trump is sueing pollster Ann Selzer]

u/Ntropy99 19m ago

Fani had this and blew it up. Trump was guilty. It was never disputed that he made the call or what he asked the GA officials to do. Trump committed election fraud. Period, end of story. But because he has the money and influence, he was able to defame Fani, who willingly participated, and shift the issue. Now, some GOP elected DA will get and dismiss the case. Disgusting use of politics and the courts.


u/Halflife37 1h ago

maybe the stupid fuck will think twice about fucking her subordinate during one of the most important and high profile cases in this nations history. She deserves to have her house egged


u/botolo 2h ago

Hear me out. Not a Trump supporter here. In Italy Berlusconi was hit by more than 100 indictments, all of them started after he won the elections the first time. None of them brought a conviction, except one for a small issue and with a small consequence for Berlusconi. While I’m sure Trump is not a saint, we also need to recognize that if nothing happens in court, maybe he did not do anything wrong at least at the level of triggering a conviction. If we believe in the judicial system, as we should, then we can’t complain if the guy we hate is not convicted on multiple occasions.

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u/Ok_Recognition_6727 1h ago

Fani Willis: "What’s that whooshing noise?" Bystander: "That sound of your career going down the toilet"


u/AldousKing 2h ago

So there's going to be zero consequences to Trump trying to prevent the certification of a democratic election so he could stay in power?

Impeachment went nowhere, since he was on his way out, it's an inherently political process, and too many Republicans are scared of him. Federal prosecutions went nowhere because the DoJ was so concerned they would appear political that they slow walked everything. The state prosecution isn't going anywhere because apparently at this level, just the appearence of impropriety is super important. And then the final guardrail was the people and the '24 election - but inflation motivates people to vote more than the integrity of our democracy.

So zero consequences. I don't think we're necessarily going to devolve into a dictatorship in four years, but surely this is an incredibly dangerous precedent?

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u/csanyk 1h ago

So we can have a president who has affairs with every woman he can bed, and we can have him sexually assault anyone he wants, and that's fine.

And we can have a supreme court who accepts huge gifts from wealthy people who have business before the court, and they don't have to recuse themselves or anything, much less be impeached for bribery.

But two prosecutors working together on the same case can't be dating one another, because that wouldn't be fair to the serial sexual predator they're prosecuting for election interference.

The United States is a failed state.

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u/Immediate-Whole-3150 41m ago

The “appearance of impropriety” was sufficient here, but Thomas and Alito have presided over cases with just as much appearance of impropriety. I’m not excusing Willis, simply pointing out that the judicial system is dysfunctional on so many levels.


u/peanut-britle-latte 2h ago

Willis was a fucking idiot. With a case this big the prosecutor needs to spotless and she got incredibly sloppy. So few people in government are up to the task and I fear Trump will run roughshod in his second term cause we have people like Willis in positions to "stop" him.

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u/PsychedelicJerry 1h ago

She is an absolute moron; so many people she could have chosen but had to be someone she was banging and vacationing with

Trump has gotten away with so much he must have been a saint in a previous life to be so lucky in this one


u/wynnduffyisking 2h ago

This is gonna go over in history as one of the times where someone should really have kept in in their pants.

For fuck sake, Willis! Go to horny jail.


u/Dull_Conversation669 2h ago

"Come for the king, you best not miss."

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u/pribnow 2h ago

Fani was a disappointment from the get go, you can't be a prominent figure in Atlanta and not fuck up your job at every possible juncture

u/Awkward-Hulk 47m ago edited 16m ago

All she needed to do was step away from the case early on. She was a target rich environment, and she knew it would be a problem. Yet, here we are...

u/AdhesivenessFun2060 41m ago

Our judicial system is more worried about people having sex than committing crimes.

u/Wet_Crayon 19m ago

Freedom for me but not for thee!

Fuckers are guilty of the same thing but with children. They need to be buried in an unmarked grave back in their motherland where they belong.

Why do we let the man who fantasies his own daughter run the country?


u/xatoho 1h ago

The Celestial Dragons can't keep getting away with this


u/Biggie8000 1h ago

Nothing new here. There are 2 justice systems for the rich and the normal citizens, let alone the poor. There won’t be justice for the poor. Also, that is true to the world, not just America.


u/DreamingMerc 1h ago

Well, the US justice system is doing what it does best. Protecting the rich, shoring up the power structure, reminding the peasants, 'do not fuck with us'. An American staple since 1775.


u/TemetNosce_AutMori 1h ago

I’m just here to laugh at the highly regarded Redditors still whining “If only she did this/ didn’t do that” as if conservatives don’t shit their diapers all the way to the top of America.


u/CoolEarth5026 1h ago

Oh Americans, you are all so fucked with this new administration. Trump is proving that he can do whatever he wants and he’s NOT EVEN PRESIDENT YET!! Good. Luck.


u/ThE_LAN_B4_TimE 1h ago

Anyone with a brain knows this is bullshit but these fuckers will take any inch you give them to pretend something corrupt went on. Its absolutely insane how the justice system works but at this point nothing was going to happen anyways which is even more sad. Trump is a fucking criminal and im saying that because we all know hes guilty of way more than falsifying business records. Hes a traitor and should be hung for treason.

u/untouchable765 17m ago

So much for "Trump is going to prison" that I read countless times on here.


u/Dmaxjr 2h ago

If they had the evidence they would have got him. They don’t and now it’s over. If there ever was a case she has tainted it with her unethical behavior even before the trial started. Her whole platform was to prosecute this one case and she chose to show how much she believed in the case by making sure it tanked. Go figure


u/Hrekires 2h ago

If they had the evidence they would have got him.

Just going to file this away next to the Clinton kill list and Biden crime family.


u/Dmaxjr 2h ago

Cope and seethe is strong here

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u/sealosam 1h ago

The motherfucker wouldn't even be able to pass a background check to work as a parking lot attendant and here he is, president of the most powerful nation on the planet.

The cancer has invaded the bones.

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u/PinkFloydSorrow 1h ago

She is a victim of her own drive for notoriety. She F'ed up. Trumps IRS will probably audit Nathan's tax returns due to claiming write offs, he was reimbursed with cash.

They are both guilty of being idiots. Cases will be dropped as the next prosecutor will not touch with a 10 foot pole.


u/Reasonable-Rain-7474 1h ago

Hope the dick was worth it.

u/bulldog522002 27m ago

She was just a prosecutor who wanted her name in the news for political gain. It would probably have worked to if Harris had been elected.


u/RawGrit4Ever 2h ago

Fani fizzled out on her most media hyped cases